The Political 1% – by TL Davis

Most Americans are aware of the economic 1%, the wealthiest people in America and on the planet. They have the ability to exert undue influence on the economy. Wherever they go, they distort the market. They can create investment crazes by simply buying or selling, taking the rest of the public with them, and when they make mistakes (the electric car/EV market, for example), it can bankrupt the much smaller players, while the losses of the 1 percenters are simply write-offs on their larger, more successful moves. It costs billions in losses to shake them out of their false beliefs, like DEI. For the little guy, however, these bad buys are catastrophic.

Most Americans, however, are unaware of the political 1%; the most powerful and often wealthiest people in the world (since we opened our politics to the world). They distort the political landscape wherever they go. When they make mistakes, they are just as immense and damaging to the population. It is therefore ironic that the people who cry out most loudly for democracy have no interest in it at all. What is the point of being a 1% if they subordinate their wishes and desires to the average working class? Or worse, the poor and homeless? That is what a republic demands and it is anathema to them. The 1% wants to use the mantle of democracy to destroy opposition to some of the most hideous and ridiculous proposals, such as eating insects while eating steak; public transportation while flying around in jets; marginal and intermittent electricity supply while making side deals with nuclear power plants for a constant stream of reliable electricity to play AI. AI is important so they can generate fake supporters for deadlier proposals. Virtually everyone understands the propaganda that accompanies their ploys, but no major media outlet or even cable network has called them out on it. The one percenters pretend to care about something, as long as that position somehow hurts their political opposition or benefits them or their allies.

The political 1% may not be who you think. Some of them are the think tankers, the big donors, and rarely anyone who actually serves in government. They are Barack Obama types, behind the scenes, who blame everyone else for their stupid policies and practices. Although I don’t think Obama himself is a one percenter in that sense. He is simply rich, but not rich in their sense of the word. That and the political clout that once might have elevated him to 1% status has waned considerably. His presence on the campaign trail is often a death knell for all those he curses with it. Merrick Garland is not a one percenter, he is a cog, a supporting player in a drama that will see him in prison or dead, because that is what happens to officials who do the work of the smarter, richer people who have escape plans. Merrick Garland will only find this out when the dirty work is done and his distraction tactics are no longer useful. It is that strange moment that reveals the true plan, when the doors of the luxury bunkers close and people like Garland, assured of participation, finally find it denied. As the mafiosos often remark, when death is certain, “this is the life we ​​have chosen.”

The larger point, not that all of the above is not true, but because it is true, is that to simply accept it is a capitulation. One cannot describe, except in the vaguest terms, the fact that the political world is run by a finite group, unknown, undisclosed, uncontrolled, and unacknowledged, that this is not only not the United States of America, it is not Britain, France, Italy, or any other Western democracy. They are nothing at all, but police functions over a free-roaming people. In this case, protecting the privileged illegals and enforcing the laws over the legal citizens, the conquerors over the conquered.

What’s the bigger picture? Is it to replace a population they’ve killed or sterilized? Is it that they’re importing, weaponizing and protect the foreign armies and send them out to kill as many natives as possible and then try to subdue the foreign armies? Good luck with that. I don’t think any of their plans will actually work, none of them have yet. The process of failure will be the extermination of the current citizens of these western countries.

We are already in World War III; we are already in Civil War II, and all that is missing so far are massive American casualties. Or, more accurately, the massive American casualties that are occurring are not attributed to these wars but to some vague criminal activity that rises like a mist from the depths. It is as if no one knows where the casualties come from or what causes them, but both values ​​are known. Part of the information war is to make that undeniable.

The civil war is certainly ongoing. It is kinetic and producing American casualties en masse. Cloaking it in criminality is the distraction, the denial of the obvious. What is needed is a response. When the Venezuelan gang (government proxies) took over apartment buildings in major American cities, Americans got the wrong message from the supposed response of the Hells Angels and the Chicago criminal gangs. It was not to sit back and trust those organizations to save the day, but a demonstration of what is needed from the citizens themselves.

Another fact of war is this: if you rise up against the enemy, you will suffer the dead, the wounded, and the prisoners. This is no different. I do not blame anyone for not recognizing the moment for what it is, or for thinking it is better to wait a little longer, to be sure of the validity of their target, but I will tell you that it becomes more difficult and risky with every second. I also believe that there will come a moment when it will become clear to most. That moment may be now. But whenever it comes, that will be the moment to choose for your family or yourself.


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