Boko Haram terrorists attack village, kill over 81 people in Yobe

Boko Haram terrorists killed more than 81 people in a village in Nigeria’s northeastern Yobe state on Sunday. The terrorist group attacked the village on Sunday. The attack was carried out in retaliation after the villagers refused Boko Haram’s demand to extort money, according to reports. However, Al Jazeera reported that the villagers had previously killed two of Boko Haram’s cadres, so the terrorist group may have taken ‘revenge’ on the village.

Shops and houses were set on fire as the terrorists went on a shooting rampage in the village. As reported by Al Jazeera, a local official named Bulama Jalaluddeen said the attack killed 81 people. “It has been established that at least 81 people were killed in the attack,” Jalaluddeen said.

However, Mafa resident Modu Mohammed said more residents were still missing and put the death toll at more than 100. He said bodies were still in the bushes.

According to locals, more than 150 Boko Haram terrorists armed with various weapons attacked the village in Mafa area.

“About 150 suspected Boko Haram terrorists armed with guns and RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) attacked Mafa area on more than 50 motorcycles,” said Dungus Abdulkarim, a police spokesman in Yobe State, where the town is located.

“They killed many people and burned down many shops and houses. We have yet to determine how many people were actually killed in the attack,” Abdulkarim added, according to Al Jazeera.

According to Abdulkarim, the attack on the Mafa neighborhood appeared to be a revenge attack by Boko Haram against local vigilantes who had previously killed two suspected fighters from the group.

“Fifteen bodies had already been buried by their relatives when the soldiers reached Mafa for the evacuation of the bodies. In addition, a number of unidentified dead from nearby villages involved in the attack were taken and buried by their relatives before the soldiers arrived. Many people are still missing and their whereabouts are unknown,” local official Jalaluddeen was quoted as saying by Al Jazeera.

Yobe province has been plagued by Boko Haram insurgency for more than 15 years. Over the years, Boko Haram terrorists have formed alliances with local criminal gangs or ‘bandits’ who loot, kidnap and kill people for money.

(With input from ANI)

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