‘We are a soft touch!’

Last night, a heated row broke out on GB News between presenters Adam Brooks and Nina Myskow over the worsening migrant crisis.

This came after the French Interior Minister suggested that Britain was an easily approachable country, a major reason why asylum seekers continue to row across the Channel in droves.

Brooks argued that the minister was right in his claim, while Myskow fought back, saying that many European countries face the same problem as Britain.

“I’ve been talking about this for 10 years, we have a huge problem with illegal immigration in this country and it’s only getting worse,” he said.

Adam Brooks and Nina Myskow

The couple clashed on GB News


“We now have a Labour government that is softer than the Conservatives. We have people coming here as economic migrants.

“You have to be very naive to believe that these people don’t just come to this country for what they can get. They get free housing, free food, free medical treatment, free travel in some cases.


“Why didn’t they settle in some of the different countries they traveled through to get here? A lot of them call us ‘El Dorado’, they think they’re going to get rich. They work for these delivery apps or taxi services.

“That’s without the danger to our society, we don’t know who they are or what they’ve done. These are people who stab and shoot people. Enough is enough.”

Myskow shook her head, calling his comments “inflammatory” and saying Brooks “cannot substantiate” his remarks.

She added: “Nobody cares. What I don’t stand for is you exaggerating and making blind assumptions about people.

Migrants continue to cross the ChannelMigrants continue to cross the Channel GETTY

“You say they stab and shoot people. You act as if all these people are criminals. They come from Syria and Eritrea and are fleeing the war.

“You’re suggesting that it’s all men who come to attack our women.”

GB News presenter Martin Daubney defended Brooks, saying: “I don’t think he said that,” while adding that “the facts are on the table” when it comes to the bleak picture of migrants crossing the border.

“Germany has exactly the same advantages as the UK. They don’t just come here for the advantages,” she said.

Mark Littlewood, Adam Brooks and Nina Myskow

The French interior minister’s comments sparked a heated debate on GB News


“Germany takes in more asylum seekers than France and Spain combined, and they both take in more than we do.”

The Channel crossing of migrants went ahead yesterday despite 12 people dying when they tried to take the same route the day before.

A pregnant woman and six children were among those killed in what has been described as the deadliest Channel crossing tragedy so far this year when their boat was “torn apart” and sank off the northern French coast of Cap Gris-Nez on Tuesday.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin is said to have called for a migration treaty between the UK and the EU to limit the number of border crossings following the tragedy.

But Downing Street rejected this, with a spokesman saying: “We have no plans to be part of an EU asylum programme, but we will continue to work with European partners to close smuggling routes and destroy those criminal gangs.”

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