Hungary promises Romania full Schengen accession during EU presidency


Romania’s full accession to the Schengen area is in Hungary’s interest and will finally take place during Hungary’s EU presidency, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has promised.

He made the promise after talks with Romanian Interior Minister Cătălin Predoiu in Bucharest on Wednesday.

The minister said lifting road controls between Romania and Hungary would reduce traffic jams, which can stretch for kilometres during busy periods, and free up ten road links that are currently only available to motorists on Saturdays. Village house reported.

If Romania becomes a full member of the Schengen area, there would be 22 land border crossings, making communication between the Hungarian communities on both sides of the border “simpler and easier”, he said.

Romania and neighbouring Bulgaria partially joined Schengen at the end of March via air and sea border crossings, but are still awaiting full accession.

Romania is one of Hungary’s most important export markets, according to the Hungarian Foreign Minister.“We can only win” from our neighbour’s accession to Schengen. “That is why we are doing everything we can to ensure that Romania can enter the Schengen area during the Hungarian EU presidency.”

Mr Szijjártó said he hopes that Western European countries will also support Romania’s accession.

The two ministers signed an agreement on cross-border law enforcement cooperation to combat illegal migrants, smugglers and criminal gangs during Wednesday’s visit

EU member states voted on the accession of Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area in 2022, but at that time only Croatia was admitted.

Austria and refused to support the accession of Romania and Bulgaria, citing illegal migration and porous borders. Romania said the criticism was unfounded. The Netherlands also opposed Bulgaria’s accession.

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