The OpenAI Mafia Races for Bigger AI Supercomputers

Close-up of Elon Musk's face as he speaks, background is solid black

Hello everyone,

This week saw some crucial AI news that could shape the next decade. I don’t say this lightly, and hear me out.

The OpenAI Mafia is exerting its influence at SSI, Anthropic, and xAI in ways few saw coming. The term “OpenAI Mafia” refers to a group of former OpenAI employees who left the company to start their own businessesoften in the field of artificial intelligence.

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OpenAI whatever it becomesis an incredible generator of new companies and a breeding ground for builders with a knack for funding. Many of those in AI will come to prominence in the mid to late 2020s. OAI Mafia companies like Anthropic, xAI, and SSI could overtake the likes of Google, Microsoft, and Meta in influencing the future of AI in the 2030s.

However, to stay ahead in the LLM field, these outsiders need access to the largest AI supercomputers. Feel the AGIis actually about scale.


AI Supercomputers are becoming so important that some engineers compare it to a kind of reverence for what AI could become.

Colossus is the name xAI gives to its AI supercomputer that is not yet fully connected, but which can boast a larger cluster than even OpenAI has access to.

AI supercomputers or Gigacenters of computer technology will become so much more massive, so much more energy intensive, and the AI ​​chips Nvidia produces will become so much better in the period from 2025 to 2030, not to mention the AI ​​capex required by BigTech will reach previously unimaginable heights. This will either be the most foolish gamble in the history of technology or the real race to AI supremacy of the next decadeOnly a select number of companies, or even countries, will participate.

  • This week’s AI news is a demonstration of the intangible and surprising evolution of the computer scale In the coming years, this could lead to unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences for the future of AI.

  • A holistic, macro-economic insight into these trends is therefore necessary to be able to adapt to the developments that are to come.

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