Citizens urged to help keep criminals off the streets

The government has called on South Africans to continue to cooperate with law enforcement agencies by reporting illegal acts to keep criminals off the streets.

“The fight against crime is a shared responsibility and government will continue to support all initiatives that mobilise all people in society to work together for a better and safer South Africa,” Acting Minister of the Presidency Maropene Ramokgopa said at a press conference after the cabinet meeting on Thursday.

Citizens can report criminal activities to the police by calling 10111.

In line with the commitments made by President Ramaphosa during his opening address of Parliament on 18 July 2024 to create a safer country, Ramokgopa said South Africa’s law enforcement agencies have stepped up the fight against crime.

Some of the successes of law enforcement include the arrest of 673 suspects by the Hawks. Of the 573 arrested, 506 were convicted and 77 warrants were granted for the seizure of assets related to criminal activities.
Police also arrested 14,422 suspects for various crimes during Operation Shanela from August 19 to 25, 2024.

“A multi-agency raid by police, metro police, correctional services, Home Affairs and other law enforcement agencies on six hijacked buildings in Durban led to the discovery of R4 million in counterfeit US dollars, the seizure of drugs, 117 rounds of ammunition and liquor, and the arrest of more than 150 suspected undocumented foreigners.

“These successes follow significant progress made in dismantling a transnational crime syndicate in the country since the beginning of the year. The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) has uncovered 10 secret drug laboratories and arrested 34 individuals for producing, trafficking and possessing illicit drugs,” Ramokgopa stressed.

Incidents of extortion

Ramokgopa also noted that South Africa is learning from international best practices to develop strategies to address extortion incidents effectively.

She said a whole-of-society approach and a joint effort from government, law enforcement, businesses and communities are needed to present a united front in the fight against this crime.

“Extortion doesn’t just harm individuals; it undermines our entire economy. By tackling this crime, we protect jobs, encourage investment and promote economic growth. We give communities the power to stand up to extortion through education, support networks and confidential reporting systems. We make it safer for people to say no to criminals.”

“The SAPS will be equipped with the latest tools and techniques to combat extortion, including advanced intelligence gathering and specialised task forces, to stay ahead of criminal tactics. Extortion often thrives where there is a lack of economic opportunity,” Ramokgopa said.

The minister added that the government is addressing the root causes by investing in education, job creation and community development, in addition to law enforcement efforts.

“The government works closely with international partners to share intelligence, track criminal networks and bring offenders to justice. Our efforts are particularly focused on protecting vulnerable individuals and businesses who are often the primary targets of extortion.

“No one should have to live in fear in their own community. Government is committed to a sustained, long-term effort to eradicate this crime and create lasting safety and security for all South Africans,” Ramokgopa said. –

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