Candace Owens Destroys Rabbi Shmuley in Epic Fact-Focused Debate

Conservative commentator Candace Owens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach went head-to-head with Pierce Morgan in an uncensored debate on Wednesday night, causing a stir on social media.

In the debate, two years in the making, Owens and Boteach discussed the war between Israel and Hamas, along with the black community and anti-Semitism. Boteach hurled insults at Owens, saying she is known as “Klandace” and “Candace Ovens,” and calling her the most anti-black and anti-Semitic person in the country.

In his opening statement, Boteach criticized Owens’ statement that she is a Christian, stating that if that were true, he was “the second coming of Christ.”

In her response, Owens gave what many social media users called an epic response. She attacked Boteach’s mentor Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who preached Jewish supremacy, and used facts to back up her statements. She also said that Boteach was “mentally unwell.”

“One of the things that credibly unites people of all faiths — Muslims, Jews, Christians — is that we all recognize that Rabbi Shmuley is insane. He’s just mentally, in my opinion, not right. And I don’t say that as an attack; I just say that as a reality. Because I’ve never seen anyone just make up things out of thin air that were never said and try to present them as a defense of black people.”

“The black people will never accept Rabbi Shmuley after Michael Jackson put him on a list of people he felt were ruining his life. So you can stop your pleas to Black America; they won’t work.”

At one point during the debate, Owens told Boteach that “as a Christian” she was uncomfortable with the number of bombs dropped on Gaza and the 18,000 Palestinian children who had been killed.

In another move that is being called epic by social media, she quoted Revelation 3:9.

“Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, but they are not and lie… and I am speaking directly to you, Rabbi Shmuley,” she said.

During the debate, Boteach did not answer questions about the war between Israel and Hamas, so Morgan reminded him to stay on topic.

After the debate, Boteach posted several messages on X criticizing both Owens and Morgan. He said Owens had cheated because she “illegally” had her laptop to reference and that Morgan had “tipped the balance in her favor” and undermined his “credibility as a journalist.”

He said she could answer all his questions by using Google and called the move “misleading.”

“I’ve done thousands of debates in my life and this is the first time I’ve seen such a betrayal. The producers allowed it and never informed me, making the debate a farce, and I still crushed her,” he wrote in one of his posts.

In July, Owens criticized Boteach on X for an article he wrote about why God hates Jews. Earlier this year, she called him “unholy” for promoting his daughter’s sex toy line. As a result, he claimed she was anti-Semitic.

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