Democrats Politicize Georgia School Shooting, But Trump Kept Us Safer

Democrats wasted no time in exploiting the tragic deaths of two students and two teachers in a Georgia school shooting. Almost everything they spout is wrong, absurd or downright offensive.

It’s like they’re sitting at their computers with pre-written, Mad Libs-style statements, waiting to type in the name of the latest school. As soon as there’s news of a shooting, they jump on it. They don’t wait for any real details because all they care about is that there was a gun involved.

Meanwhile, pundits on radio, TV and in print are exercising their predictable and strangely selective outrage. Where is that passion when grandmothers in Seattle are murdered in carjackings, children in Chicago are gunned down in the streets or illegal immigrants commit horrific rapes and murders? Apparently, those tragedies aren’t politically useful enough to merit left-wing outrage.

“We can’t continue like this. Congress must take action,” Squad Grandmother and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Seattle) immediately tweeted, without telling us what action she was taking, though she meant gun bans.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) weighed in on X and immediately blamed Republicans for the shooting: “It’s simply not too much to ask that Republicans work with Democrats to pass sensible gun safety laws.”

What common sense gun laws could have prevented this shooting? She won’t say, because what she hopes for isn’t common sense.

But the most repugnant comments came from the senator from Connecticut.

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Are Democrats Lying About Gun Violence Statistics After Georgia School Shooting?

Easily the most egregious and dishonest statement came from Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT). These statements always come from Murphy, a creep who has never experienced a school shooting that he didn’t want to shamelessly use to get on TV.

“It’s not that we don’t know what to do,” Murphy said on MSNBC. “We know what to do. It’s just that states like Georgia are run by Republicans, run by Donald Trump-supporting Republicans, who choose to do nothing because they care more about the gun industry than they care about the health of our children.”

Because he is a very dishonest man who plays on fear, he falsely claimed that “the AR-15 is literally designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.”

Of course, he also used this tragedy to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Mass shootings are actually down this year compared to last year,” he said. “I know it doesn’t feel like it, but it’s true because we passed a law two years ago with Kamala Harris’ support that makes it a little bit harder for bad people to get guns. Donald Trump says he’s going back to a time when we had less protection for our children. So it’s a choice. If you want to stop these mass shootings, you have Kamala Harris saying she’s going to make this a priority, you have Donald Trump saying he’s going to put the profits of the industry first.”

As always, he argues in bad faith.

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There were fewer mass shootings under Donald Trump than under Kamala Harris

Consider the absurdity of Chris Murphy’s argument: If you want fewer mass shootings like the one in Georgia this week, vote for Kamala Harris — who is already in office, who is leading the current wave of violence.

Democrats and the Harris campaign have been going out of their way to distance themselves from their own administration because their policies are so incredibly unpopular, but that’s a strange claim. Meanwhile, Murphy is hoping you won’t check the statistics. He’s counting on no one to notice the glaring inconsistency in their push for reelection when their record on violence is a complete disaster.

There were fewer mass shootings (as defined by four or more victims killed or injured in a single shooting) under former President Donald Trump than under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Under Trump, the number of mass shootings was 1,706. So far, the number under Biden and Harris is 2,349. If the radical left had not implemented their so-called “criminal justice reforms,” Trump’s numbers would be even lower.

These statistics even use a misleading definition from the left-wing Gun Violence Archive, designed to inflate the number of mass shootings so we can pass more gun controls. Ironically, it is Democrats who are now suffering from the misleading data because of the increase in gang violence under Democratic leadership. But gangs shooting each other is not what Americans think of when you think of a mass shooting. And this type of crime requires a different solution than a mentally ill person stealing a gun and using it to irrationally seek revenge or vent grievances.

After dismantling police, releasing criminals en masse from prison, ending cash bail, and even deliberately sparing violent offenders, violence skyrocketed in 2020. The violence was driven by cities run by progressives most supportive of reform. Under Biden and Harris, those statistics held steady. But even when you factor in the violence caused by left-wing policies, Trump has a better track record on mass shootings.

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Democratic arguments about gun violence are pointless

Murphy and other dishonest Democrats like to claim that under Trump the gun industry ran the show, loosening gun control laws wherever they could. If that were true, you’d think Democrats would reconsider their positions on how their gun control laws should reduce gun violence.

How is it that there were fewer mass shootings under supposedly looser gun laws, but now, under stricter gun laws, gun violence has increased? Even locally, in Seattle — a city with some of the toughest gun laws and a deeply ingrained anti-gun culture — we saw the highest murder rate in history.

Gun violence in Seattle and King County has skyrocketed since 2020. Should we really blame the Republicans? A party with zero power in Seattle or King County? Are there secret MAGA Republicans pulling the strings that we just don’t know about?

Maybe, just maybe, gun control isn’t the single most important factor in gun violence. But Democrats can’t admit that, because it would shift the spotlight to their own disastrous, soft-on-crime policies. Policies that have turned Biden and Harris’ America into a crime-ridden mess. Instead of being honest and saving lives, Democrats are doubling down, pretending to care more about life than Republicans do, while pushing policies that clearly result in more violence. And they have no shame in exploiting dead children and teachers to dupe the public into supporting their agenda.

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