David Livingstone – MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islamism

The West and Islam have enjoyed a long period of compatibility, but this history has been denied to fuel the myth of a “Clash of Civilizations.” To stoke Western sentiment against Islam, our attention has been focused on the specter of fanatical Wahhabism, and more specifically, its most notorious exponent, Ossama bin Laden.

However, as pointed out in an excellent article by Peter Goodgame, “The Globalists and the Islamists,” the Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing every terrorist organization of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, Hamas of Palestine, and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity goes back even further, to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons founded the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia itself, to further their imperialist goals.

That a British spy named Hempher was responsible for shaping the extreme doctrines of Wahhabism was mentioned in a Turkish work, Mir’at al-Haramain by Ayyub Sabri Pasha between 1933 and 1938. British policy in its colonies often involved the creation of dissenting sects, the principle of Divide and Rule, as was the case with the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam in India in the nineteenth century.

The details of this conspiracy are set out in a little-known document called The memoirs of Mr. Hempher published in series (episodes) in the German newspaper Mirror, and later in a prominent French newspaper. A Lebanese doctor translated the document into Arabic and from there it was translated into English and other languages.

The document is Hempher’s first-hand account of his mission for his government, which sent him to the Middle East to discover ways to undermine the Ottoman Empire. Among the vices the British were to promote were racism and nationalism, alcohol, gambling, fornication, and the seduction of Muslim women to reveal themselves.

But most importantly, the strategy was to “introduce heresies into the beliefs of Muslims and then criticize Islam for being ‘a religion of terror.'” To achieve this goal, Hempher tracked down a particularly corrupt individual named Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab.

To understand the kind of fanaticism that Wahhabism inspired, it is first necessary to recognize that Islam called on all Muslims, regardless of race or nationality, to see themselves as brothers in faith. Killing another Muslim was strictly forbidden. However, as part of their strategy of divide and rule, the British hoped to turn the Arab Muslims against their Turkish brothers. The only way to do this was to find a loophole in Islamic law that would allow the Arabs to declare the Turks apostates.

Abdul Wahhab was the instrument by which the British were able to insinuate this vile idea into the minds of the Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula. Wahhab conceived the idea that, simply by the trivial act of offering prayers to saints, their Turkish brethren had forfeited their faith, and that it was therefore permissible to kill anyone who refused to abide by his reforms and to enslave their women and children. But that included the entire Muslim world, except for his small misguided band of followers.

But the Wahhabi movement was insignificant without the loyalty of the Saudi family, which, despite claims to the contrary, was descended from a Jewish merchant from Iraq. Orthodox jurists of the time branded the Wahhabis as heretics and condemned their fanaticism and intolerance.

Nevertheless, the Wahhabis then showed their contempt for their professed faith by slaughtering Muslims and non-Muslims indiscriminately. The Wahhabis then set about destroying all the holy tombs and cemeteries. They stole the treasure of the Prophet, including holy books, works of art, and countless priceless gifts that had been sent to the city over the past thousand years. The leather and gilded bindings of the Islamic holy books that they had destroyed were used to make sandals for the Wahhabi criminals.

The Ottoman sultan put an end to the first Wahhabi uprising in 1818, but the sect revived under the leadership of the Saudi Faysal I. The movement was then somewhat revived until it was again destroyed at the end of the nineteenth century.

After World War I, the former regions of the Ottoman Empire were divided into various puppet regimes. For his help in undermining Ottoman authority in the region, Ibn Saud was rewarded with the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. A year later, in 1933, the Saudis granted oil concessions to the California Arabian Standard Oil Company (Casoc), a subsidiary of Standard Oil of California (Socal, now Chevron), headed by Rothschild agent and leader of the Illuminati families, Rockefeller.

Since then, Saudi Arabia has been the West’s most important ally in the Middle East, not only by providing easy access to its abundant oil reserves, but also by tempering Arab aggression against Israel. Due to the regime’s obvious hypocrisy, it was necessary to suppress subsequent dissent with brutality. Another important aspect is to prevent scholars from talking about “politics”, that is, criticizing the regime.

In The Two Faces of IslamWrites Schwartz, “Their tastes led them to bars, casinos, brothels… They bought fleets of cars, private jets, and yachts as big as battleships. They invested in valuable Western art they didn’t understand or like, often offending the sensibilities of Wahhabi clerics. They spent as they pleased, and became patrons of international sexual slavery and child exploitation.” The result is that the Saudi regime and its puppet scholars, in order to appear to embrace Islam, have developed a version of Islam that emphasizes the ceremonial details of the religion at the expense of helping them understand broader political realities. Their actions have encouraged a literalist interpretation of Islamic law, allowing people like bin Laden to misuse the Koran to justify killing innocents.

Ultimately, the abundance of Rothschild-financed petrodollars in the Saudi family’s coffers has allowed them to spread their bastardized version of Islam to other parts of the world, most notably America, where they reportedly subsidize up to 80 percent of the country’s mosques. It is a version of Islam that trades political consciousness for a dogmatic insistence on ritual fanaticism.

In 1999, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia attended the Bilderberg meeting, presumably to discuss his role in advancing the interests of the world government, along with other prominent figures such as Yasser Arafat and the Pope. The Saudi family is part of the deceptive schemes of the Illuminati network. Their complicity in the accumulation of petrodollars has continued to finance global terrorism, from Afghanistan to Bosnia, only to fuel the necessary hostility of the world against Islam.

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