Opposition MP Richard Lewis criticises PM’s decision to meet with gangs (VIDEO)

2Drilly Gang meeting with PM Browne in August 2024

Opposition MP Richard Lewis criticises government response to rising crime in Antigua and Barbuda

Opposition MP Richard Lewis has sharply criticised the current government’s approach to tackling crime in Antigua and Barbuda.

Lewis spoke about the rising crime rates and expressed frustration over the lack of action by the attorney general and the government in addressing what he described as a growing crisis gripping the country.

“I raised my voice over a year ago, and again four months ago, calling on the Attorney General to take decisive action to address the rising crime situation,” Lewis said. “But my calls, like those of so many others, have fallen on deaf ears.”

The MP lamented the government’s apparent reluctance to engage in meaningful dialogue with the opposition, saying the government prefers to tackle the issue in isolation.

“Crime and violence are gripping this society and they don’t seem to have an answer. The government seems to be saying they don’t want to listen to the opposition, they’re doing it their way. But this isn’t just their way; it’s everyone’s business.”

Lewis also took issue with the Prime Minister’s recent decision to engage directly with gang members in a bid to tackle the crime wave. He questioned the wisdom of this approach, saying: “Where else in the world do you see a leader of a country negotiating with criminals like this? It’s like they’ve taken the role of the police into their own hands.”

Lewis stressed that while he supports interventions for people who want to change their lives, such efforts can only be carried out by trained professionals and multiple stakeholders.

“If people want to change their lives, there needs to be an intervention that includes the police, social services and gang intervention specialists. But what we’re seeing now is missing all of that. It’s just the prime minister acting on his own initiative.”

The opposition MP was also concerned about the message being conveyed to the public.

He wondered if the government would offer similar support to law-abiding citizens who are struggling to find work and are facing setbacks. “What happens to the individual who has chosen the right path but is frustrated and can’t find a job? Is the prime minister willing to talk to them and offer them hope, or are we telling people that the only way to get attention is to lead a life of crime?”

Lewis urges the government to rethink its approach to combating crime and prioritise a strategy that involves all relevant parties in society and provides real support to those who need it before they are driven to criminal activity.


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