Bombshell: At 14:44:44 GMT on September 29, 2019, Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO – Military Tribunal List – Unknown Locations: GITMO, Guam and Tierra Del Fuego –

Bombshell: At 14:44:44 GMT on September 29, 2019, Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO – Military Tribunal List – Unknown locations: GITMO, Guam, and Tierra Del Fuego

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Obama was reportedly executed by firing squad at GITMO on September 29, 2019 at 14:44:44 GMT! Secret military tribunals held at unknown locations: GITMO, Guam and Tierra Del Fuego. Shocking details emerge! The Age of Human Cloning: Crisis Actor Doubles and Espionage!

The 17th letter:

“On September 29, 2019 at 14:44:44 GMT, Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO.

Three American generals were present at the execution and Obama was allowed to meet privately with a Muslim cleric before the execution.

Obama declined to provide further information, and alliance sources suspect he is the main instigator of the current impeachment proceedings.

Obama was in contact with the so-called whistleblower despite being monitored 24/7 by GITMO.

The Alliance conducted a search and found an Iridium satellite phone hidden in one of Obama’s pillows.

The Alliance immediately ordered his execution, at which point Obama began wailing and pleading, claiming that John Kerry had put him up to it.

GITMO is full and Obama shares a room with John Kerry and Kris Kristofferson (who is accused of being an MK-Ultra agent).

The Alliance has not commented on what will happen to the Obama clone currently roaming the United States.

It is believed that this clone is not functioning properly, so they will likely take a wait-and-see approach.”

List of convicted celebrities of the Military Tribunal – Unknown locations: GITMO, Guam and Tierra del Fuego

This exposé delves into the secret domain of military courts, GITMO, Guam and Tierra del Fuego, where justice is meted out for crimes against humanity. Prepare yourself as we unravel the shocking truth behind the installation of crisis actor doubles and the crucial role CIC Donald Trump and the White Hat Military Alliance played in bringing these evil forces to their knees.

Trump’s Reveal and the Q Plan: From A to Z

A video by Charlie Freak, aptly titled “Trump & The Q Plan: Complete from A to Z,” serves as a key to understanding the puzzling moves of CIC Donald Trump. This groundbreaking expose reveals how Trump used a wealth of evidence on adrenochrome, organ harvesting, and child trafficking to coerce world leaders into capitulating to the White Hat Military Alliance Plan.

The White Hat Military Alliance, a formidable coalition backed by the BRICS countries successfully forced world leaders, including the fake royal house, the Jesuit Vatican and the Khazarian mafia controlled central banks, into submission. This seismic power shift elevated Trump to the status of the richest and most powerful man in the world.

The Puppet Masters Exposed: Fake Royals, Jesuits, and the Khazarian Mafia

The core of this global coup is the unmasking of the puppet masters: the false royals, the Jesuit Vatican and the Khazarian Mafia. Trump’s strategic moves forced these entities, along with presidents and prime ministers, to comply with the demands of the White Hat Military Alliance. Those who resisted faced the threat of exposure on mainstream platforms for their involvement in pedophile criminal activities.

“Solving the human trafficking epidemic is a priority of my administration. Without YOU, nothing would happen.” – President Trump

The capitulation of these world leaders marked a turning point, with countries around the world now taking orders from the White Hat Military Alliance. This revelation sheds light on a secret war against corruption, a war being fought not only in the political arena, but also in the shadows where dark secrets lie hidden.

ALSO: Arrests, charges and executions at Guantanamo Bay detention camp for thousands of new ex-elite prisoners – official documents

ALSO: Bomber!!! List of Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Agents and Lookalikes – “We’ve Got It All” ~Q!

The Age of Human Cloning: Crisis Actor Doubles and Espionage

The dark side of human cloning comes to the fore, revealing the shocking truth that many replaced elites are nothing more than actors and doppelgangers who stand in for their originals. These doppelgangers serve a dual purpose: they reveal the criminality of their originals to the public and act as spies to gather information on other pedophiles who have not yet been brought to justice.

Arrested. Hillary Clinton handcuffed (hands and legs).

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

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Bill Clinton arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Speaker Pelosi Arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

WARNING: If you watch the following video you will gain access to knowledge that the government does NOT want you to know.

John Podesta arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

John Brennan arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

James Comey arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381, 3282, and 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

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Ilhan Abdullahi Omar arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Maxine Waters arrested.

  • Executed. Articles 2381-2385 of the Code. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Adam Schiff arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Bernie Sanders arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Hunter Biden Arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381, 2382, and 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

George W. Bush arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci Arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381, 2382, and 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.


Bill Gates arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381, 2382, 2384 & 2385. Crimes against humanity. Hanged by local Indians according to
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

George Soros arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2382-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Angela Merkel Arrested. An Ashkenazi Khazarian Hitler Rothschild.

  • Executed. Code § 2382 & 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Boris Johnson arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2382 & 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Justin Trudeau Castro arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2382 & 2384. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

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Mark Zuckerberg Arrested. Also known as Jacob Greenberg (Rockefeller’s grandson).

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Chuck Schumer arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

Kamala Harris arrested.

  • Executed. Code § 2381-2385. Crimes against humanity.
  • Replaced. Military installed crisis actor double.

The need for these doppelgangers, who serve as placeholders until military tribunals can be made public, is underscored by the fragile state of humanity’s awakening. The crimes committed by the Cabal, Deep State, Freemason Globalists, Illuminati, Jesuits, Khazarian Mafia and Luciferian Zionists are so horrific that full disclosure would risk throwing society into chaos. The revelation of such a truth could, in one fell swoop, lead to civil unrest, widespread mental instability and tragic consequences.

Overcoming cognitive dissonance and demanding the truth

As we navigate this treacherous terrain of deception and reveal the shocking reality, a crucial call to arms emerges. The need to raise our vibrational frequency, overcome cognitive dissonance and embrace truth becomes paramount. Taking the red pill becomes not just a choice but a responsibility, a means to defeat indoctrination and public disclosure of military courts for crimes against humanity.

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The collective awakening of humanity is the key to dismantling the web of lies woven by the Cabal. When we collectively see the light, we will collectively know the truth, united against those who have orchestrated crimes against humanity.

David Lestersr confirms GITMO, Guam and Tierra Del Fuego before military tribunals

The confirmation by David Lesters regarding the locations of the military tribunals – GITMO, Guam, and Tierra Del Fuego – adds a layer of credibility to this exposé. As of September 30, 2020, these tribunals will mark the beginning of the end for those who have long operated in the shadows, orchestrating horrific crimes against humanity.

David Lestersr had the unique opportunity to meet with Vice Admiral Darse E. “Del” Crandall Jr., the Navy Judge Advocate General and Chief Judge at GITMO. This insider perspective lends credence to the authenticity of the military tribunals and the seriousness of the crimes being addressed.

Dec 3, 2022 retired Australian SAS Lt. Col. had an interview where he confirmed Q (active 60+ years). He said military tribunals will start as many have already been arrested, charged and executed.

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