International Day of Police Cooperation recognizes its role in global security

New Delhi: The role of police in global security is recognized on September 7, the International Day of Police Cooperation. It also recognizes the vital work of the global law enforcement community in global security. The day underscores the need for a sustained and long-term effort to establish a comprehensive framework for police oversight and accountability, thereby strengthening integrity within police systems.

History and meaning

It was designated in the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the International Day of Police Cooperation adopted on 16 December 2022. The day is significant because it emphasises the sharing of resources and expertise on a global platform. It is a reminder of the importance of sharing resources, intelligence and expertise across borders to combat crime and other illegal activities. The day also emphasises the need for a sustained effort to create a framework for police oversight and accountability. It also recalls the need to promote a culture of transparency and integrity to enhance public trust.

Coinciding with the centenary of INTERPOL, when the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC) was established on 7 September 1923, the United Nations celebrated the International Day of Police Cooperation for the first time in 2023.


The resolution stresses the need to strengthen international cooperation at global, regional and sub-regional levels in various areas related to preventing and combating transnational crime, in particular transnational organised crime, and preventing and combating terrorism.

UN initiative

In commemoration of the International Day of Police Cooperation, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Policing emphasises the importance of police integrity, accountability and oversight in strengthening the rule of law, ensuring human rights-based and effective policing, and increasing public trust in law enforcement agencies.

According to the UN, effective internal and external police oversight mechanisms to strengthen accountability and integrity go beyond simply addressing misconduct following police actions. Such mechanisms are part of a comprehensive approach that includes preventive measures, consistent and rigorous oversight, and robust and effective systems for assessing and addressing police actions.

Need for Global Cooperation and Interpol

Today’s crimes transcend physical and virtual borders. Whether it is cybercrime, terrorism, organized crime, or financial crime, they all have an international component.

Organized criminal groups are taking advantage of increased digitalization to launch attacks and facilitate their illegal business. Social networks and technology platforms are also being used to target and exploit vulnerable victims.

Criminals often travel on stolen passports and ID cards to flee from one country to another. Human trafficking and illicit trade in goods often involves multiple countries at source, transit and destination.

According to INTERPOL, criminals are exploiting weaknesses in global security. That is why it is important that all countries have the latest information, access to police information and databases, and are trained in their use.

India’s View on International Police Cooperation

India always emphasizes on the cooperation of international police agencies to combat all forms of crime and terrorism. According to Home Minister Govind Mohan, international police cooperation is much more important in tackling the fast-changing landscape of technology-driven crime that transcends borders.

Stating that the specter of transnational crime and organised crime requires real-time international police cooperation, Mohan said: “The international spread of crime and criminals has increased the need for investigations abroad. Prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crime increasingly depends on digital evidence and evidence found abroad.”

He said that modern forms of crime, such as cybercrime, online radicalisation and transnational organised crime networks, do not respect borders.

“In an increasingly interconnected world, the importance of international police cooperation cannot be overemphasized,” Mohan said during his speech at the 10th INTERPOL Liaison Officers (ILO) Conference in New Delhi.

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