Deep State Uni/War Party Provokes War Worldwide | Chuck Baldwin

As I have said many times before, there is only one party in Washington, DC, and that is the War Party. Some people call it the Uniparty. There are two issues that most DC Democrats and Republicans will always agree on: War and Israel, but I repeat myself.

It was the United States, not Russia, that started the war in Ukraine in 2014. It is not the purpose of this column to go into detail about this issue, but notable freedom fighters such as Judge Andrew Napolitano, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Clayton Morris, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, former British diplomat Alastair Crooke, former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer (Major) and former Chief UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson, and several others have detailed Washington’s nefarious and deliberate provocations of Russia in Ukraine over the past decade.

Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky is nothing more than a puppet of the US. He doesn’t give a damn about the Ukrainian people. They are being slaughtered en masse, yet Zelensky continues to use his people as cannon fodder. Ukraine is doomed. If Putin wanted to, he could take over Ukraine before the November elections. (He won’t, because he wants a world war and is doing his part.) The death toll among the Ukrainian people is staggering. Zelensky has already sent young people and prisoners to the battlefield, and now he wants to send old men. And Zelensky isn’t even president anymore. His term has expired and he refuses to hold elections. Only an American puppet president could get away with that.

The United States is giving him billions of dollars in CASH to keep his proxy war going against Russia. We are also sending billions in CASH to Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. But DC is pushing hard to take the American people’s money. Think about that.

Biden, Harris and the War Party in Congress will wage their proxy war to the last Ukrainian.

It is the Deep State in Washington, DC, that is doing everything it can to provoke Russia into war with the West. And if they succeed, a nuclear war with Russia would be a war with the country that has the most nuclear warheads of any country in the world.

Then there is the world’s most conspicuous warmonger, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who is committing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu is a top-tier Deep State asset. In addition to Gaza, Netanyahu is attacking the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

Together with Russia, the Deep State is doing everything it can to provoke Iran into war with the West. But Iran’s leaders are not stupid; they are not impulsive. They know that time is on their side, not Israel’s.

As I wrote in this column last week, if Israel continues its belligerent policies, collapse may not be far away. Israel’s economy is in ruins. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets this past weekend to demand a ceasefire agreement. Israel’s largest labor union called for a nationwide strike, which is almost unprecedented. Tourism (one of Israel’s largest industries) is nonexistent. Airlines refuse to fly to Israel. The flow of goods into Israel is a shadow of its former self (except for the weekly delivery of American bombs and missiles). Israelis are fleeing the country in their hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions.

Netanyahu believes his only chance for his own survival is to provoke Iran into all-out war and force the United States to defend Israel. And he is the Deep State’s top man in the Middle East, so it is doing everything it can to help Netanyahu succeed.

Think about this, folks: If Netanyahu succeeds in provoking Iran into all-out war, Israel will be absolutely destroyed, and if the United States comes to Israel’s aid with all its might, it will be a global war with both Russia and China. And that would mean all-out nuclear war, which would undoubtedly destroy all the countries involved, including America. It would also mean that the distribution of oil from the Middle East would be almost completely shut down. Think about what that would mean for the West.

All this for the sake of an anti-Christian apartheid state the size of New Jersey.

But most evangelicals actually drool over the possibility of a global nuclear war over Israel, because they believe that this will be the signal for the “Rapture,” and that they will be taken to heaven. Therefore, evangelicals are NOT actually supporting Israel; they are using Israel to bring them to the “Rapture.” Of course, there is no “Rapture,” and these deceived evangelicals will suffer the consequences of this global conflagration just like everyone else.

But I digress.

So the Deep State is provoking a potential nuclear war with Russia in Europe, provoking a potential nuclear war with the major world powers, including the US, Russia and China, in the Middle East and now Washington decides to provoke Venezuela into open hostilities.

While Joe Biden was sunbathing on the beach over Labor Day weekend, Washington DC seized Venezuela’s equivalent of Air Force One.

Jared Yanis posted a short video with the report on the seizure of Venezuela’s presidential jet by the US. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was not on the plane when it was seized.

I have no empathy at all for the brutal dictator Maduro, but DC is once again trying to throw another country into turmoil.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that we’re hearing reports of violent Venezuelan gangs operating in the United States at the same time that Washington decides to seize the Venezuelan version of Air Force One?

Biden’s criminal policy of not only allowing, but also funding and facilitating tens of millions of illegal immigrants into the United States (using primarily an Israeli NGO called the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society that receives hundreds of millions of tax dollars – in CASH) includes thousands of gang members from Venezuela. Many of these gang members were released from prison by Maduro and sent to Biden’s open arms in America. These are ruthless, violent men who now roam the streets and take their violent criminal behavior to American cities.

I’m sure most people reading this column are already aware of the criminal activities of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua in Denver, Colorado and surrounding cities such as Aurora.

Here is a FOX News report from Aurora:

Mayor Mike Coffman announced Friday that the city is beginning to clear apartment buildings where the transnational armed gang Tren de Aragua has taken control.

In a statement on Facebook, Coffman said that “the Aurora City Attorney’s Office is preparing court documents to seek an emergency court order to vacate apartment buildings where Venezuelan gangs operate, declaring the properties a ‘criminal nuisance.'”

“This requires a municipal judge to issue an injunction to get these properties back under the control of the owners. In the meantime, the law enforcement task force that was created to disrupt and arrest Venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its work. I strongly believe the best course of action is to close these buildings and ensure that this never happens again,” Coffman concluded.

One has already been arrested. In an email to Fox News Digital, Aurora police confirmed that Tren de Aragua leader “Cookie Monster” is currently in custody in connection with a July 28 shooting.

According to sources at the Department of Homeland Security, Fox 31 reports that the men seen in the viral video are armed members of the Tren de Aragua gang.

It took a courageous city councilwoman named Danielle Jurinsky to blow the lid off by publicly exposing the Venezuelan gang’s criminal activities taking place in her city. Colorado’s pro-illegal invasion Governor Jared Polis said the gang violence was “largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.”

As you know, Denver is a getaway city.

And here’s a short video about the security measures churches in the Denver area need to take to protect themselves from potential violence from this Venezuelan gang.

Former Border Patrol Agent in Charge JJ Carrell has been a painstakingly documenting Venezuelan gang activity in Chicago, Illinois. We have also heard numerous reports of Venezuelan gang activity in New York City.

Now that the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has thousands of gang members living and operating in American cities, the Deep State decides to seize the Venezuelan president’s jet. Just a coincidence, right?

U.S. government officials said the seizure of Venezuela’s Air Force One sent a message that “no one is above the law.”

What nonsense! Washington, DC, is full of lawbreakers, and I don’t mean the ones walking the streets. I’m talking about the ones in Congress and the White House. That’s where the real criminal activity is.

What the Deep State did was wave a bullfighter’s red muleta in front of a bull. It provokes Venezuelan gang members in the US to violence against the American people, as if they needed any provocation.

The Deep State is once again doing what it does best: provoking wars all over the world, even in our own country.

And there’s one more thing the Deep State is good at: selecting the President and most members of Congress.

Still don’t know who they are?

Source: Chuck Baldwin Live

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