Downing Street rejects French minister’s claim that illegal immigrants are ‘almost never deported’ from Britain | Politics news

Downing Street rejects French minister's claim that illegal immigrants are 'almost never deported' from Britain | Politics news

Downing Street has rejected criticism from a French minister that migrants are crossing the Channel because they are “rarely” deported from Britain.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin accused the British government on Tuesday of making Britain an attractive destination for illegal immigrants after 12 people died trying to cross the border into France.

“You can often work without paperwork…(and) “Because there is no common immigration policy with the EU, people are more willing to go to Britain because they know they will not be deported from British soil,” Mr Darmanin said, according to French media.

He added that people wanted to come to Britain to be reunited with their families or to “work in conditions that would be unacceptable in France”.

However, Sir Keir Starmer’s official spokesman denies that the British labour market is a factor in boosting demand for workers.

“No, let me be clear: those responsible for this shady trade are trafficking organizations that exploit vulnerable people and vulnerable situations for their own gain,” he said.

“That is why this administration is focused on dismantling their criminal activities and preventing these dangerous journeys from ever happening again.”

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1:47 ‘I was completely lost in the panic’

Mr Darmanin also said the EU and Britain should negotiate a new migration pact, adding that Britain pays France “only a third of what we spend” to stop illegal migration.

Former Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak struck a deal with French President Emmanuel Macron last year to pay France £480 million over three years to tackle the problem of small ship traffic.

The funding includes the construction of new detention centres in France, the deployment of hundreds of additional French soldiers to patrol the country’s beaches, the addition of drones, aircraft and surveillance technology, and the strengthening of cooperation between the French criminal investigation agency and French institutions.

A total of 257 migrants arrived in Britain on five ships on Wednesday, just a day after 12 people, including a pregnant woman and six children, died.

At least 30 migrants have died or gone missing this year trying to cross the Channel, according to the International Organization for Migration.

The total number of people arriving by small boat so far this year stands at 21,977, up 3% from the same period last year but down 20% from the same period in 2022.

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Image: Migrants are taken to Dover by border guards in August. Photo: PA

Sir Keir met President Macron in the summer and pledged to strengthen cooperation to tackle the growing influx of migrants.

The Labour government has made tackling the Channel crossings one of its key objectives, but is taking a different approach to the previous Conservative government.

Labour scrapped the controversial Rwandan deportation plan, announced the closure of the Bibi Stockholm boat and made changes to some laws on illegal immigration.

They also replaced the Conservative Party slogan, “Stop the Boats”, with “Smash the Gangs”.

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