Hello. You and GFFA are probably the two most reliable blogs I know of when it comes to what GL actually meant by Star Wars and also have the most finger on the pulse of fandom and such without the discourse getting to you too much. So I just have to ask. Where did the idea of ​​the Jedi being space agents come from in canon? Especially in more left wing circles. Didn’t they see that there actually are agents in SW? And who are depicted as the agents on the left?

Hello there!

First off, I always feel honored when someone mentions me and Lumi in the same sentence 😃 It’s been a while since I reminded people, but my blog came about because I read hers (and a few others) and I thought “oh shit, she has some good points!” and I did some research myself.

I attribute my rediscovery of my childhood love for the Jedi mostly to her early meta posts. As you might imagine I am Well, just wait till she starts again! So thanks for that!

On the topic itself: I’ve seen the idea pop up in all circles. And it’s not entirely wrong, it’s just not entirely accurate.

Here you will find a large collection of quotes from George Lucas regarding the place of the Jedi in the Republic.

“The Jedi Knights are like marshals in the Wild West. Their job is to make sure everyone is protected, to bring peace.”

You’ll notice he uses different terminology and I think that’s what partly confuses things.

For example, Lucas describes them at the beginning as “cops”, but years later he says that they are “not cops, but marshals of the Wild West”, but that they are “mafia bosses” or “intergalactic therapists”.

But what explains it best for me is the following:

They are not like (the kind of) agents who catch murderers. They are warrior monks who keep the peace in the universe without resorting to violence. The Trade Federation has a dispute with Naboo, so The Jedi are ambassadors who convince both sides to resolve their differences and not go to war. If they have to use force, they will, but they are diplomats at the highest level. They have the power to send the entire force of the Republic, which is 100,000 systems, so If you don’t behave, they can take you to the Senate. They cut you off politically. They are like policemen. As the situation develops in the Clone Wars, they are recruited into the military and become generals. They are not generals. They do not kill people. They do not fight. They are supposed to be ambassadors.”
The Star Wars Archives: 1999-20052020

In short: yes, they are authority figures. But they are not “beat cops” chasing robbers and criminals.

They are ambassadors/negotiators/diplomats first and foremost. They are police officers for planets and their governmentsnot the people of the Republic. Again:

They are police officers.

Now they are can They will take a more active role as police during their term, but they will not be called upon to investigate a murder (unless the murder is very strange and the local authorities cannot make head or tail of it).

That’s why, when Anakin talks about “we’re going to find the killer, Padmé,” Obi-Wan says, “uuuh… no, we’re not going to do that?”

Attack of the Clones is about the Peace Officers who become militarized police officers with too much police gear lying around and actual slave traders, because, oh yeah, the military they literally PAID for had no choice but to fight for them…

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