Illegal sale of alcohol on the rise in Sai government, says Congress leader Dhananjay Singh Thakur

Raipur (Madhya Pradesh): The Congress party has alleged that alcohol is being sold at inflated prices in the state under the patronage of a corrupt liquor mafia, leaders and bureaucrats. Recent actions by the Raipur district commissioner are proof of this.

Senior Congress spokesperson Dhananjay Singh Thakur has claimed that the Congress party’s allegations of overpricing in the sale of alcohol have been validated under the BJP government. Thakur pointed out that the Raipur Collector has taken action against 70 persons in connection with overpricing, with 57 cases registered.

The BJP government is allowing liquor to be sold at inflated prices in government-run liquor shops and the illegal liquor trade is flourishing in every neighbourhood, the Congress leader alleged. He also accused the high-ranking officials in the government of providing patronage to the black marketeers so that the illegal income they receive from the illegal liquor trade can be easily pocketed and distributed equally among the members running the gang.

The Congress leader also accused the workers of taking action against lower-level workers while the higher echelons continue to evade responsibility, allowing the illegal trade to flourish.

Thakur immediately blamed the BJP-led state government and senior government officials for the fraud, and questioned how lower-ranking government employees could charge excessive prices without the protection of higher officials.

The excise department comes directly under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister. However, there is still excessive pricing and illegal sale of alcohol in government shops, streets, hotels and dhabas (roadside eateries). This shows that the government is fully involved in these illegal activities.

Thakur also referred to a recent sting video from Rajnandgaon district in which local excise officials are seen accepting bribes of ₹200 per case to facilitate the sale of illicit liquor. He alleged that illicit sale of liquor is rampant across the state and such activities would not be possible without government protection.

Thakur referred to the BJP’s 15-year rule and alleged that two ministers clashed over a ₹1,500-crore commission that made profits from illicit liquor

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