International Police Cooperation Day 2024

On September 7ththe world observes the International Police Cooperation Dayrecognizing the critical role of law enforcement in global security. The day highlights the importance of cooperation between police forces worldwide and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive framework to ensure police integrity, accountability and oversight.

Historical context and significance

Setting the day

The International Day of Police Cooperation was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly by a resolution adopted on December 16, 2022The choice of September 7 as the date for this commemoration is significant, as it coincides with the centenary of INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization). The International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC), the forerunner of INTERPOL, was founded on September 7, 1923.

First commemoration

The world marked the first International Day of Police Cooperation in 2023on the occasion of the celebration of INTERPOL’s 100th anniversary.

Main objectives and areas of focus

Global cooperation

The day highlights the urgent need for the sharing of resources, intelligence and expertise across borders to effectively combat crime and other illegal activities on a global scale.

Accountability and supervision

A key focus of this celebration is to highlight the importance of establishing a robust framework for police oversight and accountabilityThis includes:

  • Implement preventive measures
  • Carrying out consistent and rigorous supervision
  • Developing effective systems for assessing and addressing police actions

Promoting integrity and transparency

The day serves as a reminder of the need to culture of transparency and integrity within law enforcement agencies worldwide. This is critical to increasing public trust and ensuring that policing effectively serves and protects communities.

United Nations Initiatives

Inter-Agency Task Force on Policing

The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Policing plays a crucial role in commemorating this day. It emphasizes three important aspects of effective policing:

  1. Police Integrity
  2. Responsibility
  3. Supervision

These elements are crucial for:

  • Strengthening the rule of law
  • Ensuring human rights-based and effective policing
  • Increasing public confidence in law enforcement agencies

Comprehensive approach to supervision

The UN advocates a holistic approach to policing that goes beyond addressing misconduct after the fact. This approach includes:

  • Preventive measures
  • Consistent and rigorous oversight mechanisms
  • Robust systems for assessing and addressing police actions

Global challenges and the need for cooperation

Transnational crime

Modern criminal activity often transcends national borders, both physically and virtually. Some key considerations include:

  • Cybercrime
  • Terrorism
  • Organized crime
  • Financial crime

Technological challenges

Criminals are increasingly abusing technological developments:

  • Benefiting from increased digitalization in attacks
  • Use of social networks and technology platforms to target vulnerable victims
  • Traveling with stolen passports and ID cards to evade law enforcement

Human trafficking

The trade in people and illegal goods often involves several countries at different stages:

  • Source countries
  • Transit countries
  • Destination countries

The role of INTERPOL

INTERPOL highlights that criminals exploit weak links in global security. To counter this, the organization emphasizes the importance of:

  • All countries provided with the latest information
  • Ensuring access to police information and databases
  • Providing training on how to use these resources effectively

India’s Perspective on International Police Cooperation

India supports the cooperation of international police agencies in the fight against all forms of crime and terrorism. Key points from India’s point of view are:

Focus on technological crime

Home Minister Govind Mohan emphasises the growing importance of international police cooperation in tackling technology-driven crimes that cross boundaries.

Real-time collaboration

The rise of transnational and organised crime requires real-time international police cooperation.

Digital evidence

The prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of crime is increasingly dependent on digital evidence and evidence located abroad.

Crimes of the New Age

Mohan emphasizes that contemporary crimes do not respect borders, such as:

  • Cyber-enabled financial crime
  • Online radicalization
  • Transnational networks of organised crime

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