Vicki Ann Cremona confirmed as president of the Republic

Vicki Ann Cremona was confirmed as president of Repubblika during a meeting for members on Friday.

Cremona said in her speech that Repubblika, like every year, began preparing in June for the 7th anniversary of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, but this year it invited prominent French TV journalist Francoise Laborde to speak, as well as a victim of the mafia who had the courage to say “no” even though they set his shop on fire and threatened his life. She said that Repubblika’s activities around Daphne’s anniversary are a primary part of its struggle for truth and justice and therefore encouraged participation and support, even financially, so that it can “show the mafia that Repubblika is still there, will remain there and is not afraid of it.”

Cremona said that it is not easy to assume the role of President of the Republic when so many scandals emerge daily. She highlighted the injustice suffered by people who only ask for their rights, but do not have “big names” in government and are not rich.

Cremona said that one cannot help but conclude that the biggest victims of corruption are the sick and defenseless, since these scandals clearly show that they have suffered the worst. She mentioned, for example, the hospital deal and the handicapped racket.

She stressed that people’s identities were also stolen and given to someone else.

Cremona said that the theme she wants to develop this year within Repubblika and its members is ‘education and citizenship’, as it is not always easy to understand the importance of the need to implement major reforms in parliament or legislation, such as those regarding whistleblowers.

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