King of Mayortown

1725714836502870s.jpg I just watched season 1 and 2. Should I even watch season 3?
I’m not a fan of the glorified criminal underground prison genre.
And not only that, it doesn’t seem to make sense at all. Is Michigan so clustered that it made sense to choose it as a location for gang violence?
How is it possible that Irish Mike (Jeremy Renner) has so much power? How is it possible that he and his police gang can just decide who lives and who dies, aka vigilantes?
It started to get nonsense when they decided to kill the tweaker who accidentally blew up his house with his girlfriend and her child inside. For some reason he was considered so important that all the gangs had to work together to take him out. If they were going to crack down on all criminals, wouldn’t Kingstown be the safest place on earth?

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