Lies, lies, more lies and what else

The opinions and positions expressed in this contribution are solely those of the author.

If I were to ask a random person on the street what is the most important thing to base a decision on, I think I would get one universal answer: the truth. At the national level, as voters, there is nothing more important to the direction of democracy than knowing the truth about the challenges facing our nation based on real and alternative courses of action that can be taken in the future, because the everyone is future.

Then an incontrovertibly true fact struck me: half the population of this country does not know of any Democratic Party that does not lie constantly.

Among the golden oldies of the Party is Bill Clintons “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky!” And the flip side: “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never was, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is not, that was a perfectly true statement. …” Bill Clinton frequently employed the poison of clever lying to kill the truth when it suited him.

Hillary Clintonwho had a long history of lying about Bill’s love affairs, spouted an even more famous lie as Secretary of State when she declared that an obscure anti-Muslim video caused the death of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smit, Tyrone S. Woods And Glen Doherty in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. Or who can forget Hillary’s other convenient lies, about being allowed to use a private email server for public duties, or about coming under sniper fire at an airport in Bosnia?

The Clintons were experts at lying to save their reputations and their political bacon, while the press and loyalists stood by and sighed, “Oh well, it’s just the Clintons being Clintons.”

During the day the Obama presidencyThe lying took another form, namely, making known false claims to get legislation passed that otherwise would not pass. That was what happened with Obama’s oft-made promises about the Affordable Care Act: “If you like your plan, you can keep your health insurance plan.” That was a lie. Or his promise to stop Democrats in Congress who objected to using taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and abortion supplies. The Obama administration knowingly lied, saying the legislation would not include such funding, and then deliberately directing HHS to add back taxpayer dollars through regulation after the legislation passed.

The Obama administration lied when Press Secretary Jay Carney stated in 2013 that the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups was “conduct limited to rogue agents in a small office in Cincinnati,” when in fact targeting conservatives was an Obama administration policy. Or AG The Lie of Eric Holder before Congress on May 15, 2013: “As far as possible prosecution of the press for releasing material, this is not something that I have been involved in, that I have heard of, or that I would consider to be a wise policy.” Spying on journalists was Obama administration policy; Holder himself signed the search warrants.

When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the left’s lying spread. State officials lied about the russian hoax and that lie was spread in print, on the radio, on the TV news, and through social media – to every American household and every corner of the world. That lie influenced us the power of the duly elected president at home and abroad.

Before the 2020 elections, Anthony Blinken assembled 51 intelligence officers to lie about the source of the Hunter Biden laptop, calling it “Russian disinformation,” effectively killing the story and influencing the vote of millions of Americans, changing the dynamics of that election.

The Democratic Party used to lie about their policies and their illegal activities. Now it is their policy to lie – about everything.

Kamala Harris from July 2023 until Joe Biden’s renunciation, had 25 meetings, attended 46 events, and had 8 personal lunches with him. Yet, when Biden’s ability to govern was being questioned by Robert Hur and the Democrats’ own media, Harris lied: they “couldn’t be more wrong about the facts.” The fact is, Kamala Harris lied about Joe Biden for 3 years.

So what is the truth today? Will Kamala Harris live up to her values ​​and ban fracking or will Kamala not… The answer will affect the American economy at home and the economies of our enemies abroad, like Russia and Iran.

The answer matters to every voter in America.

Let’s look at another Democratic umbrella policy with many components. Will Kamala Harris maintain an open border or will she fund the completion of the wall to stop the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants? Will Harris maintain a policy that allows sanctuary cities? Will Kamala acquiesce in defunding and defunding the police? Will Harris continue to allow no cash bail for violent criminals?

If President Harris allows the above policies to continue, hundreds of thousands more young Americans will die from Fetynal poisoning. Hundreds of thousands more unknown youth will be subjected to sexual slavery. Hundreds more police officers will die in the line of duty. Criminal gangs will rule America’s cities.

These are just a few of the policies for which it is absolutely essential to know the truth about this candidate. us future.

Do you know the truth? How can you? Lying is their policy.

Richard C. Lyons, author of The DNA of Democracy: Part I And Shadows of the Acropolis: Part II is a third-generation printer whose early career focused on religious and special education publications. Lyons has since pursued literary pursuits as a poet, essayist, screenwriter, and indie publisher.


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