“The organization of immigration in Spain is a historic proposal”

Jesus Lorenzo Aguilar, mediator and lawyer, director of the restorative justice program of the Spanish Mediation Association (Asemed), warned against the immigration where we are present an absolutely crucial debate for the social peace that Spain needs for the development of the interests of its citizens, both social, political, labor and economic. Thus, he assured that “it is a continuous and multifaceted conflict that affects all Spanish citizens, since the way in which it is interpreted depends on the ideology or sensitivity of each one of them, and also on what comes from his heart or the interests that he defends. him.”

But despite the different ideological positions, it is true that currently no one disputes that foreigners who come to our country are necessary, “in many cases well received and I think, in most cases, highly appreciated, when those who integrate into our society They come to perform tasks that are essential for the development of our economyhe emphasized.

“And we almost all assume that all migrants, mainly Latinos, Africans and Asians, come to our country to enjoy better living conditions than those offered by their country. And this, it must be recognized, represents a renunciation of the model of life in the country where they were born, as well as their family and friends, which is also a great personal effort that we must take into account.

The Asemed mediator also wanted to say that due to the fact that Europe opened its borders for humanitarian reasons In addition to the tens of thousands of people from the Middle East, whose societies are involved in serious armed conflicts, there has been an immense migration of citizens from these countries to ours, although they adhere to different values ​​and beliefs that in many cases. The conflict that we have maintained for centuries, “has led many European citizens to criticize these migratory flows, because they see them as an element of distortion and conflict that harms our European societies.”

I am specifically referring to the reflections of certain media outlets closely linked to nationalist political movements on the latest attack in Germany, in which a refugee of Syrian origin committed multiple murders, probably because He was a jihadist who had infiltrated among the thousands of good people and the workers who came to this country fleeing the war that ravaged the land where they were born.

However, this lawyer warns that all this poses a serious problem of conscience for many European citizens who see how Europe welcomes these immigrants to offer them refuge and support so that they can rebuild their lives and in return “one of them pays for this act of compassion.” three people brutally murdered and eight others seriously injured.

“It is clear that this attack generates a general feeling of frustration among citizens, which is often channeled by political interests, so that a desire for revenge is born against the person responsible for such an abominable act, which is also transmitted to the entire group to which the murderer belongs, making all members of the Muslim community responsible, which is clearly unjust,” Lorenzo said.

Social tensions

In our country we have unfortunately had several similar experiences, he emphasizes, such as the attacks on 11M or the attacks on the Ramblas in Barcelona“, ” which I had the displeasure of experiencing practically live, but despite the social tensions that these events have generated in our society, we have been able to overcome them thanks to the understanding and sensitivity that the vast majority of Muslim migrants have had in condemning the events and their perpetrators, many of their leaders actively collaborating with the armed forces and security agencies of the state to clarify such events and condemn the perpetrators. Among others, Aguilar recalls Moneir Mahmoud Aly El Messerywho was imam of the Islamic Cultural Center of Madrid for fourteen years, and also president of the Spanish Federation of Islamic Religious Entities (FEERI) at the time of the attack in Madrid, “with whom I had the pleasure of speaking on several occasions and who showed himself to be a clear opponent of the jihadist movement, condemning its sympathizers and even banning them from entering the mosque, and denying that these terrorists are good Muslims.

Today, the number of people entering our country in an uncontrolled manner is so high that the management of their housing is already causing serious social conflicts due to the lack of cooperation between the different state administrations, whose disagreement has even led to “one of the two main political parties that have governed clashing” various ACCA coalitionsthe breaking of their treaties and agreements, which led to the resignation or dismissal of many high-ranking officials of the autonomous administrations governed by the PP with the support of VOX.

On the other hand, it explains how difficult it is to manage the social inclusion of these millions of migrants who have arrived in Spain in recent years and who live and interact with each other, in general because of their origin, nationality, religion or interests, group into differentiated communities each other, led by their more or less formal leaders, and in many cases even clandestinely, “especially in the social groups in which the culture of gangs and other illegal organizations has been transferred to our country,” Aguilar defines.

“You only have to walk through the streets of the main Spanish cities that benefit from this migration to realize that this phenomenon will continue to increase in the coming years, to the point of blurring the sociological and demographic profile of the population. our traditional societychange radically.

police work

And this is the current reality “for which we must seek solutions to minimize the risks, threats and conflicts that arise daily.” But what can we do to ensure that the people we have welcomed into our country work, flourish and integrate and also help us prevent some of them from attacking our social system? “Honestly, I know that the State security forces and bodies “They work tirelessly to find the needle that represents this minority of immigrant criminals hiding in the enormous social, migrant haystack that Spain has become, but I also know that this police work is not enough.”

Jeús Lorenzo explains that his work in the mediation service we offer in Spanish prisons “I have met foreign prisoners serving sentences for generally very serious crimes, who, instead of showing remorse, proudly demonstrate the power of the group to which they belong to commit multiple criminal acts and feel a certain sense of impunity when they are convinced that they are invisible to the eyes of native Spaniards, because they think they are playing in another league, that of the lower echelons of society. And it is the leaders of these social minority groups who manage these illegal businesses, whose identity is unknown even to the police.”

“And I’m not just talking about poor migrants who came to our country looking for a better life,” he says, but also, he says, “those who came as tourists looking for sun and sand, and then settled there permanently.” and set up a branch.” of their international criminal organizations.

However, “the majority of citizens belonging to these groups social minority “They know very well what types of crimes are committed by the group they are part of and, more importantly, many of them know who are the ones who disrupt social peace through crime.”

But through a misunderstood group solidarity (so as not to be accused of treason or snitching), No one gives information about their criminal compatriots, partly because they fear reprisals if they inform the authorities of these criminal acts and those responsible.

Precedents on the international stage

In the European Union, there are examples at international level of the development of programmes financed in the countries of origin of migrants, such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic, who pursue a comprehensive approach to contribute to Member States’ efforts to warn, prevent and mitigate crimes related to irregular migration, taking into account the impact that such migration flows can generate on public security. “These challenges include considering irregular migrant flows and the emergence of other crimes, including but not limited to trafficking in human beings, sexual exploitation, forgery of documents and even trafficking in weapons and illicit substances, to achieve different objectives.”

The prevention of this “planned crime”, understood as that which, although affects the society in which it occursdoes not necessarily originate in its territorial extent nor does it develop all its effects or consequences there and may have an idealistic or materialistic motivation, may have a normally organised character and may consist of “the commission of so-called planned crimes rather than occasional, I have not found, with regard to Spain, any projects other than those referring to organised crime by international criminals, which is provided for in the National Strategy against Organised Crime and Serious Delinquency or in the Terrorism Prevention, Protection and Response Plan“both domestic and police in nature,” Aguilar explains.

The mediator explains that, for all of the above, “it is necessary that we organize ourselves institutionally so that the arrival of a greater number of individuals in our territory does not generate more perverse effects than each of us desires, and new attacks like the one that has been reproduced in Spain and produced in Spain are avoided. Germany, a few days ago, and to prevent them, in addition to police action, institutionalized dialogue mechanisms are also implemented through citizen councils that work together with the minorities present to improve coexistence and provide an advanced response to possible risks that their elements may generate, with the participation of social leaders from different minority groups that result in security and improvement of the welfare state,” concludes lawyer Jesús Aguilar.

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