The spirit of the MAGA movement will prevail

Critical thinking about the future of our nation and analysis of our current society compels me to vote for Trump. The MAGA Movement is not a cult. The MAGA Movement is grassroots activism.

Trump is the only politician who had the sixth sense to pick up on our mood. Trump won the Republican primary against Ted Cruz in 2016 and gave birth to the MAGA movement. We are the descendants of the citizens who stood behind General Washington, who stood behind Abraham Lincoln, who rallied as the Greatest Generation and defeated Hitler and Japan, who responded to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and we are the force that allowed Reagan to end the Cold War and Bush to respond to 9/11.

In 2024, we are tired of the political elite trying to suppress our free will by destroying the Bill of Rights and denying the U.S. Constitution. We are tired of biological warfare, we are tired of drug cartels, we are tired of open borders, we are tired of corrupt spending that causes inflation, we are tired of 12 million illegal aliens tearing the fabric of society. We are tired of our public school system grooming our children for woke, CRT, DEI, transgender ideology. We are tired of our own government censoring and persecuting us. Ukraine is a corrupt country and thank God we are not fighting a bloodbath. I pray Trump will stop a nuclear Armageddon.

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On November 5th, the spirit of the MAGA movement will triumph over the tyranny of an unjust government.

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