Mafia/Werewolf OT |16| Registrations open for Hey Arnold! Mafia!

Whether you’ve played Town of Salem, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, traditional Mafia, have always been interested or just thought this thread was interesting – welcome! Our forum mafia community is always open to new players and we love seeing new faces in our games. Go ahead and introduce yourself in this thread and we’ll get you into a game as soon as possible!

What is mafia?

Mafiaor Werewolfis a mysterious team-based “whodunnit?” game of deception—elimination game played over consecutive rounds of DAY and NIGHT. Two (2) teams/Alignments, “Town” & “Mafia,” compete to be the last faction standing or in the majority.

Each player belonging to Town starts the game without knowing who else belongs to Town, and don’t know Who is Mafia…
…but all players with ties to the mafia begin the game knowing the identities of their mafia teammates.

During the DAY, all players are allowed to talk to each other in the game thread, to vote out one (1) player they suspect of being a mafia member.
A DAY normally lasts 48 hours in real time.
The city wins once all mafia members are eliminated.

But at NIGHT, talking is forbidden, except with the mafia, who can still whisper to each other in a private chat and KILL one (1) player.
A NIGHT normally lasts 24 hours in real time.
Mafia wins once they outnumber Town.

But survival doesn’t just depend on charisma. Everyone has a “role” to play, and some of them have Powers: special abilities that can reveal the truth or support lies!

Want to see an example of a game? Check it out HERE!

To register

Playing a game with us is very easy: just fill out the form below and register on our website! New players always get priority!

Name | Short name for votes (if applicable)
time zone (in UTC)

Click the image to go to our website, where we host spectator chats, secret game chats, and more!
Unless otherwise stated, all our games are hosted on Era.


A Mafia game is a significant time investment. Our games can take about a month to play, and you will be expected to post and contribute to the ongoing discussion to help your team win. And remember to follow ResetEra’s ToS and Member Etiquette. While this is a game about lies and deceit, and tempers can get heated, this is just a game at the end of the day and we’re all here to have fun.

But most importantly, welcome! Through various games, gambits, jokes, wins, losses, upsets, betrayals and triumphs, we have formed a community of individuals who have become a family of sorts. We hope you will join us in our love for this game and give it a try. You never know what might happen.

⊱≺ ⛯ ≻⊰

The MafiEra team (Lokiduck, CaptainNuevo, RetroMG, TheChuggernaut, DonnieWahlberg and MrHedin)​

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