Sisi: Cairo and Riyadh essential pillars for regional stability amid mounting challenges

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Sunday stressed the crucial role that Egypt and Saudi Arabia play as a cornerstone for stability in the region, especially in light of the enormous and growing challenges that necessitate continued and intensified cooperation between the two countries.

The president made the statement during his meeting with the visiting Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, and with the Minister of State and Cabinet Member for Shura Council Affairs, Essam bin Saad bin Saeed.

Egyptian Interior Minister Major General Mahmoud Tawfik and Saudi Ambassador to Cairo Saleh bin Eid Al-Hussaini attended the meeting.

President Sisi also expressed his appreciation for his two brothers, King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and stressed the deep brotherly and historical ties between the two countries and their people, said Ahmed Fahmy, spokesman for the presidency.

During the meeting, the Saudi Interior Minister conveyed greetings from King Salman and Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman to the Egyptian leader.

Both sides reiterated the importance of cooperation and intensive coordination between Egypt and Saudi Arabia in addressing common security challenges and risks arising from the conditions in the region, the presidency spokesman said.

According to spokesperson Fahmy, this includes efforts to combat terrorist and extremist organizations, transnational organized crime and the growing threat of cybercrime.

These challenges require integrated efforts to mitigate risks. These challenges are evolving in new and diverse ways and require continuous improvement and joint training to keep pace with these changes and to enhance efforts to maintain safety and stability.

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