Trump threatens long prison sentences for those who ‘cheat’ in election if he wins

Trump threatens long prison sentences for those who 'cheat' in election if he wins

MOSINEE, Wis. (AP) — Days before his first and likely only debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump posted a warning on his social media platform threatening to lock up people who engaged in unconscionable behavior during this election and saying that they would be subject to strict scrutiny.

IF I WIN, those who CHEATED will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including lengthy prison sentences, so that this perversion of justice can never happen again, Trump wrote Saturday night, once again casting doubt on the integrity of the election, even though cheating is rare.

“Be vigilant,” he continued, “because this legal exposure extends to lawyers, political operatives, donors, illegal voters, and corrupt election officials. Those who engage in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, arrested, and prosecuted at a level that has unfortunately never been seen before in our country.”

Trump’s message represents his latest threat to use the presidency to exact revenge if he wins a second term. There is no evidence of the kind of fraud he claims marred the 2020 election; in fact, dozens of courts, Republican officials and his own administration have said he rightfully lost.

Just a few days ago, Trump himself admitted in a podcast interview that he had indeed lost by a hair.

Although Trump’s campaign staff and allies have urged him to stick to Harris’s course and make the election a referendum on issues like inflation and border security, Trump has recently veered off course.

On Friday, he made a stunning statement before television cameras in which he addressed a series of previous allegations of sexual misconduct, describing several in graphic detail and denying the allegations made by his accusers. Earlier, he voluntarily appeared in court for a hearing on an appeal of a decision finding him guilty of sexual assault, underscoring his legal troubles in the final stages of the campaign.

VIDEO: Trump Responds to Series of Previous Allegations After Arguing for Appeal in Sex Abuse Case

Earlier Saturday, Trump aired his familiar grievances about everything from his criminal charges to Russian interference in the 2016 election while campaigning in one of Wisconsin’s most Republican areas.

The Harris-Biden Justice Department is trying to put me in jail. They want me to go to jail for the crime of exposing their corruption, Trump said at an outdoor rally at the central Wisconsin airport, where he spoke behind a wall of bulletproof glass because of new security protocols following his assassination attempt in July.

There is no evidence that President Joe Biden or Harris influenced the Justice Department or prosecutors’ decisions to charge the former president.

Trump has eschewed traditional debate preparation, opting instead to host rallies and events, while Harris has been holed up in a historic hotel in downtown Pittsburgh since Thursday, working with his advisers.

Harris has only participated in one debate so far, which is presented by ABC.

At the rally, Trump laid out his plans to drain the swamp, a throwback to his triumphant 2016 campaign message, when he presented himself as an outsider challenging the status quo. Though Trump has spent four years in the Oval Office, he has promised to oust the corrupt political class if he wins again and meaningfully trim the fat from our government for the first time in 60 years.

As part of that effort, he reiterated his plan, announced Thursday, to create a new Commission on Government Efficiency, led by Elon Musk, that would be tasked with conducting a comprehensive financial and performance audit of the entire federal government “to root out waste.”

After again smearing the congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the nation’s capital by his supporters following his 2020 election defeat, Trump told a crowd of thousands that he would quickly review the cases of all political prisoners wrongly targeted by the Harris regime and pardon them on his first day back in office.

Trump has repeatedly defended people imprisoned for crimes including violent attacks on law enforcement officers.

And he said he would completely reform what he called Kamala’s “corrupt department of injustice.”

Instead of prosecuting Republicans, they will focus on fighting bloodthirsty cartels, transnational gangs and radical Islamic terrorists, he said.

Harris campaign spokeswoman Sarafina Chitika responded to his comments with a statement warning that if Trump is re-elected, he will use his unchecked power to prosecute his enemies and pardon the insurrectionists who violently attacked our Capitol on January 6.

Bauer reported from Madison and Colvin from New York. Associated Press writer Josh Boak in Pittsburgh contributed to this report.




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