Tenet Media, The Romneys, The Huntsmans, the Armenian Mafia and The Mormon Battle For The Post-Soviet Order

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Jon Huntsman in Armenia in 1991

I hope you know you’re in for a whirlwind with this one, friends. So let’s begin.

I have now become totally convinced that Lauren Chen, the Canadian woman at the center of the Tenet Media, scandal was, in fact, stinging nearly all of the Russian-Armenian and Russia-Jewish mobsters in the United States.

We’ve gone into some of this stuff already here and I won’t repeat myself. Search the Archives! SEARCH THE ARCHIVES!

“State-Sanctioned Anti-Semitism” and Its Practitioners: Chabad, The Armenians and The Russian Deep State

If you find yourself learning from this substack, please consider sharing its contents as widely as possible, or become a paid subscriber. I try to make each post as original as possible so that you’ll never get bored and continue learning. Thanks…

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a day ago · 14 likes · Charles Johnson

If you accept that as true, you have to then think that maybe billionaire Toby Neugebauer’s lawsuit over the failed anti-woke bank Glorifi is a similar counter mob operation. Or maybe it could well become one. Consider that Neugebauer is suing Vivek Ramaswamy, the only politician to appear in Tenet’s broadcasts. Just what Ramaswamy’s real deal is will be the subject of another post.

The question is why is all this stuff happening right now.

I think the answer is that both the American and Russian governments have concluded that the Russian-Jewish and and Russian-Armenian mafia are dangerous to each states continued existence.

The Russians further think that the LDS community is a threat to their social stability.

Beginning in July 2016, anti-terror laws passed in Russia prohibit most religious proselytizing. The Mormon Church announced that it would adhere to the new restrictions outlined in this Yarovaya law, including referring to missionaries as ‘volunteers.’

When you consider that Tenet’s Tayler Hansen was raised Mormon, Turning Point USA COO Tyler Bowyer is Mormon and Tenet cofounder Lauren Chen attended BYU a picture emerges.

So, too, does the Mormonism of The Blaze. Benny Johnson worked at the Blaze in 2011. David Rubin — who lived in Israel in 1997 right as Netanyahu got back into power — was syndicated through The Blaze starting in 2019. Lauren Chen worked for The Blaze before Beck supposedly fired her. What’s going on with Glenn Beck anyway? We shall explore in a moment.

Add to that the recent news that Steve Wynn, who owes his start thanks to the Mormons, has to forego $130.1 million for its Las Vegas casino-resort using unlicensed money transmitting businesses in a scheme to recruit high-rollers.

When we consider Tenet, let’s dispense with a number of things quickly. This investigation isn’t so much an inquiry into foreign money; there’s a lot of that in the United States and the efforts to track it down are legion.

What this is really about is taking down the right-wing influencer community and their threat to national security — not just in the United States but around the world.


“How do you become a billionaire?”

Billionaire Peter Thiel once told me that there’s all this global capital flow and that you need to put yourself in between those countries — and take a toll.

There’s another way. That’s running Ponzi schemes or slave empires.

The Mormon billionaires — the Huntsman and Romney families — do a little bit of both. They’re in plastics and private equity — not exactly the good things. You’re not supposed to ask how Russian Jon Huntsman Sr’s money is or to talk too loudly about Mitt Romney’s relationship with Salvadoran oligarchs.

In fact you might argue that their religion is itself something of a Ponzi scheme — the alternate state of Deseret — if you will. There are quite a number of Mormons who would like to see America break up. How many preppers are also causers?

Now Fellow Patriots: What Shall We Do With A $100B Mormon Sovereign Wealth Fund?

One of the things you often wonder about preppers is the extent to which they are causers. After all, one man’s anarchy is another’s fresh start. The deeply indebted man hopes and prays for the jubilee. He might even work to hasten its arrival…

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2 years ago · 9 likes · Charles Johnson

Now I’m not a hater of the Mormon Church. In point of fact I was even married by a dear Mormon friend in a secular ceremony over a decade ago. The marriage didn’t last but the good wishes did. The Mormon friends I have I cherish even if I do find their religion more than a little batty and quite evidently a cult. There’s a lot of very nice people who believe a lot of crazy things. This is America, after all.

Still with the retirement of Mitt Romney from the U.S. Senate, the departure of Jeff Flake as ambassador to Türkiye, the death of mobster and U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the collapse of Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, the exposure of Angel Studios amid allegations of child trafficking, the problems at Bloom Technology, and the overall decay of Elon Musk, we might well have reached peak Mormonism, folks.

You’ll know we are really there when Jared Birchall, Musk’s Mormon fixer, announces his retirement. Did you know that the Mormon Church owns a very large percentage of Tesla?

What changed?

I suspect a lot of it has to do with the Russians withdrawing support for the LDS.

“Beginning in July 2016, anti-terror laws passed in Russia prohibit most religious proselytizing. The LDS Church announced that it would adhere to the new restrictions outlined in this Yarovaya law, including referring to missionaries as ‘volunteers.'”

With their Russian support cut and Chinese support not forthcoming, the LDS church is rapidly changing. The LDS church is selling off its land while helping to urbanize still elsewhere.

How should we think of James Huntsman’s lawsuit against the Church alleging that that $100B was fraudulently obtained through tithing?

The Washington Post has the story: “He was Mormon royalty. Now his lawsuit against the church is a rallying cry.”

Interestingly James Huntsman was kidnapped back in 1987. The two FBI agents who helped rescue him ended up working for his father.

I suspect a lot of Mormons feel that they were kidnapped too. Maybe a lot of Americans do too.


Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson recently met up in Salt Lake City. What did they discuss I wonder?

Beck had just fired Lauren Chen, ostensibly for taking money from the very Russian-Armenian RT.

Below is Beck’s mentor and “father figure” Jon Huntsman Sr.’s FBI File where its revealed he worked closely with Russian-Armenian mob. So why was the Idaho-born Jon Huntsman Sr. granted Armenian citizenship?

If you have a spare moment you should really watch Glenn Beck’s weepy eulogy for Jon Huntsman Sr., who had helped Beck build his media empire.

I think he worked for the Huntsmans as their emissary.

Ah yes, Jon Huntsman Sr. was a great man who invented copyright scams to make toxic materials.

You’re not supposed to ask any questions about the Huntsmans. You’re supposed to worship them.

You’re supposed to think that they’re working to cure cancer even though the family business producing polystyrene and and polypropylene causes plenty of cancer.

Might the Huntsman Cancer Institute be just a giant money laundering play? At the very least it’s a reputation laundering bid.

And while we’re impugning the motives of the Huntsman family how many of the conversions within the Armenian church were genuine? How many Armenians “converted” to Mormonism just to have an easier path to a green card into America?

After Huntsman’s death the Armenian church began to collapse.

Recently, the Church posted on its meetinghouse locator website that both of the districts in Armenia have been discontinued. Also, all of the branches in Armenia except for four branches (the Arabkir, Artashat, Vanadzor, and Yerevan Central Branches) have been discontinued which resulted in the number of branches decreasing from 11 to four. This is an unprecedented development for the Church in Armenia where a stake briefly operated between 2013 and 2016. Some of the branches discontinued were the only branches of the Church in the city where they operated. Moreover, some of these branches, such as Gyumri, had as many as 65 active members 7-9 years ago. The Church in Armenia had nearly 3,600 members as of year-end 2019 which means that, with year-end 2019 membership totals, the Church in Armenia has the highest ratio of members-to-congregations of approximately 900. There has not been any other country in the world to have experienced such a dramatic decline in congregations, national outreach, and active membership as Armenia during the past several decades of the worldwide Church.

One of the comments says it all:

“Not my own experience, but a returned missionary shared with our congregation that the Armenian version of the mafia was using the church as a front for all of their organization.”

People drawn to cults or mafias don’t just stop once the jig is up.

How sincere is Glenn Beck’s own conversion to Mormonism?

After all, Beck gave an impassioned rendition of a letter he wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where he begged for Israeli citizenship.

He really, really likes Israel. Glenn Beck went to Israel in 2011 to rally the worst parts of Israeli society — the settlers.

“In Israel you can find people who will stand against incredible odds, against the entire tide of global opinion, just because it’s right, just because it’s good and just because it’s true,” Beck told an adoring audience of some 1,700 that included leaders of Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank as well as right-wing Israeli politicians.

Before long it becomes obvious that these elite Mormons are the glue that holds together Russian Jewry and Israelis.

Why did Jon Huntsman Jr. want to be ambassador to Russia under Donald Trump anyway? Isn’t it interesting that Jon Huntsman Sr. dies in 2018 and shortly thereafter his son comes home from being ambassador?

Today Jon Huntsman Jr. is banned from visiting Russia. His family is stopping donations to UPenn, his alma mater.

We’re supposed to believe that’s because of the rising anti-Semitism or something something on America’s college campuses. Maybe.

Or maybe the Russian and Chinese money channel got cut off. Maybe these aren’t donations so much as they are tributes.


Gov. George Romney and his son, Mitt, look out over the New York World’s Fair grounds May 18, 1964.

Mitt Romney did his Mormon mission in France. One of the few times I met Romney we spoke to one another in French. He was among the very few Republicans I had ever met who did. I was impressed.

He was Governor of my home state which was riddled with Democrat corruption. Romney wasn’t corrupt. I didn’t know that Republicans didn’t all behave this way. But then I moved to California and well, I met some Orange County Republicans. That’s for another time.

But unlike the Russians, the French aren’t terribly worried about Mormonism. The book Mormons in Paris: Polygamy on the French Stage, 1874-1892 gives the sense of how they were more bewildered than threatened.

In the late nineteenth century, numerous French plays, novels, cartoons, and works of art focused on Mormons. Unlike American authors who portrayed Mormons as malevolent “others,” however, French dramatists used Mormonism to point out hypocrisy in their own culture. Aren’t Mormon women, because of their numbers in a household, more liberated than French women who can’t divorce? What is polygamy but another name for multiple mistresses? This new critical edition presents translations of four musical comedies staged or published in France in the late 1800s: Mormons in Paris (1874), Berthelier Meets the Mormons (1875), Japheth’s Twelve Wives (1890), and Stephana’s Jewel (1892). Each is accompanied by a short contextualizing introduction with details about the music, playwrights, and staging. Humorous and largely unknown, these plays use Mormonism to explore and mock changing French mentalities during the Third Republic, lampooning shifting attitudes and evolving laws about marriage, divorce, and gender roles.

But the French with their love of laïcité could never really embrace a religion that as Mitt Romney once said would force them to give up their wine. There’s limits to French tolerance.

Over the years it’s emerged that Robert Maxwell, who we have covered a lot on this publication, was an investor in Bain Capital.

Was Maxwell ripping off the U.K. pension fund on behalf of France — or for his own greed? Or perhaps both? Do we even know if Maxwell really stole that money?

Was Romney, son of George Romney, essential for the post-Cold War order? Was Maxwell paying the Mormons a vig to help establish that peaceful world order? It’s hard to say. Maxwell died before any of it could happen.

What’s clear is that the French connection persists and that France, along with his wife Ann, is his first love.

From Romney’s Facebook: “The Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony showcased the world’s most beautiful city. Imaginative, inventive and memorable. The performance by Celine Dion touched hearts. She epitomized the Olympic spirit with her determination, courage and incomparable talent.”

What will Romney do now that he’s slated to leave government in 2025?

Governor George Romney’s approach presents a different future. He was governor of Michigan for three terms and later campaigned for president in 1968 with the slogan “For A Better America.”

I suspect that the Rockefellers were ultimately behind the efforts to destroy the elder Romney’s candidacy. When Mitt Romney declared in 2012 that “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe,” could he have been talking about the Russian-compromised Henry Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller plot to take down his dad?

The Rockefellers, aligned with the Soviet Union, would have hated George Romney’s vision of the American car industry which was focused on fuel economy. Romney openly mocked the full-size offerings of the Big Three, referring to them as “gas-guzzling dinosaurs.”

Ford still wants to build those gas guzzlers cars. Jon Huntsman Jr. is still on Ford’s board. Isn’t it interesting that Huntsman can’t seem to find reliable sources of rare earths outside of China? Maybe he doesn’t want to find them.

Here’s a frame: Romney as a steward — and Huntsman as a cult leader and an enemy collaborator.

George Romney, 1959.

America may not have been ready for a Mormon president and I’m not totally sure it’s a wise idea to mainstream their faith anyway but I do believe that the Mormon virtues — family, care of the environment, communitarianism, charity — can live on long after the faith is diminished politically.

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