Fox News’ Bill Melugin slams Colorado Democrat, claims Venezuela gang talk ‘exaggerated’

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin slammed a Democratic lawmaker who downplayed the activities of a violent Venezuelan gang that has made national headlines for taking over apartment complexes in the Denver area.

A shocking video that has gone viral illustrates the criminal foreign elements that have now taken up residence in the US thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ open borders policy. The video shows armed illegal criminals breaking into an apartment in Aurora, Colorado.

But according to House Speaker Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO), who is understandably desperate to deflect criticism of the failed “border czar” Harris, talk of Tren de Aragua, a pack of predators who have been described as “MS-13 on steroids,” is exaggerated.

“Those who are exaggerating and distorting the gang issue in Aurora need to stop. Their misrepresentations are not based in reality,” Crow said in a message to X. “I have met and spoken with federal law enforcement and local leaders: the gang issues are being grossly exaggerated and misrepresented.”

“Current gang activity is consistent with trends in Colorado, and law enforcement is addressing it. In fact, violent crime is down in the metro area,” the Democrat added. “Misrepresentations of crime only make it harder for law enforcement to do their jobs and harder for residents affected by the deplorable conditions to find adequate housing.”

“To be clear, the politicians invading our community don’t give a damn about youth violence, housing insecurity, or refugee resettlement issues,” Crow said.

But Melugin called it nonsense, responding to Crow’s minimization of the foreign thug army: “Democratic congressman from Colorado claims Tren de Aragua headlines in Aurora are exaggerated – says it’s part of normal gang activity.

“But normal gang activity does not include allowing the mass capture and release of a foreign prison gang at the southern border, which politicians falsely claimed was ‘closed’ and ‘safe,’ when these gang members were illegally crossing the border and being sent into the country with little to no ability to control them,” the journalist pointed out.

“The increasing prevalence of the gang setting up enclaves across the country is not exaggerated and numerous federal officials have told us that addressing TdA is now a top priority,” Melugin added, criticizing Crow for his lack of seriousness on an issue that is only now getting the attention it deserves.

Crow’s dishonesty was also on display at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a rabid hate campaign where he was among the Democrats who used an outsized “Project 2025” prop to claim that a conservative group’s suggestions are “proof” that GOP candidate Donald J. Trump is the new Hitler, even though the former president has repeatedly denied he had anything to do with it.

He wasn’t honest about Project 2025 and Trump, just as he wasn’t honest about the threat posed by Tren de Aragua. And Melugin didn’t want to hear about it.

Melugin was joined by other X-users who also rejected the congressman’s gaslighting in order to protect Harris from criticism over the consequences of a lack of border control.

Not only does the Venezuelan prison gang have a presence in Denver, but members are committing crimes across the country, a major problem for Kamala, who as “border czar” could have played a major role in keeping the criminals out, if she had really wanted to.


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