9-9-24 Monday – Love & Hissing

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NOTE ON AMAZON: Amazon has been a bit of a pain in the ass lately, as they either won’t include a gift card with items on our wishlist (so I have no idea who bought/sent it) OR they no longer show an option to thank the sender when I scan the QR code on the gift card. Requests to Amazon for help have gotten me nowhere.

So if YOU have recently sent something from the Love & Hisses wishlist and have NOT received a thank you, please email me – mizrobyn (at) gmail.com – so I can thank you. I don’t know if Amazon is doing away with the wishlist and going with a registry/gift lifts option instead, or what exactly is going on, but it is ANNOYING ME. (And if anyone has any idea WHAT is going on and why this is happening, I am all ears!)


I love it when one of the kittens (okay, at this point it’s usually Carmy) misbehaves and Tina gives me that “I blame you” face. Trust me, she was purring and giving me the Love Eyes the entire time.

Carmy is busy with something.

Sydney says, “What’s going on over there?!”

Richie says, “I see you, ma’am.”

Look at Carmy’s tail with that little curl at the end. SO CUTE.

Jeff is on high alert (he’s looking at his mother!)

Have you heard that Tina is quite a talker? Seriously!

Carmy gives Richie the old chomperoo.

Jeff wishes his pillow would stop moving.

Carmy shows off his toes, striped belly and a little attitude.

“Ma’am!” says Richie. “I’ve got these pointy things on my toes!” (I love Sydney’s wide-eyed wonder.)

If Richie had been behind Jeff, this would have been a perfect shot of the four kittens. Oh well, better luck next time, I guess. From left: Carmy, Jeff, Richie (looking from behind Jeff), and Sydney.


Newt loves that scratching post.


Posted on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr) yesterday.

Carmy is 3 weeks old today! He’s 13.7 ounces/388.39 grams as of last night. He’s been gaining weight a little slower this past week, so I’ve been bottle-feeding him multiple times a day, which helps. (Tina gets his leftovers – that girl is a huge fan of kitten formula, although I often have to water it down because too much formula makes her digestive system unhappy.)⁠

I’m not sure why he’s been gaining weight so slowly – he’s been nursing regularly and the other three kittens are gaining weight just fine. I don’t think it’s a problem, just something to keep an eye on. (This isn’t the first time I’ve had a kitten who hasn’t gained as quickly as I’d like, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.)⁠

He hasn’t tried to get out of the crate yet – I’ve seen him! – but he spends a lot of time looking out the front, so I’m sure he won’t be out for long. If he’s not out by the end of the weekend, I might turn the crate around and open the side, which is a little lower. Not that I’m desperate for him to get out of the crate, but kittens usually start using the litter box just before 4 weeks, so I want to make that part of it a little easier!

We have a Meander update! Sharon says: Things are going well and we are enjoying having her as part of our household. She is Meander, not Willow – the look I got when I used Willow was like the ‘don’t put me back in that room with those babies’ look I think. She is Meander and Meander will always be that. It was a bit more difficult when Angus pretended to be a mafia boss and hissed. Meander gives as much as she gets, so she hissed back at both Angus and Mollie. Angus has since made up with Meander and they sleep ass to ass, but Mollie is not so forgiving and Meander seems to be good at holding a grudge. Things are getting a little better every day though, so I think they are on a good path to becoming friends at some point..

A few fun things about Meander – she loves playing with all the toys in her toy basket. She plays with it a lot at night – every morning we wake up to an empty toy basket and toys strewn all over the bedroom and hallway. She also has an alter ego – she is The Toemonster after lights out. She jumps on our toes, chews and bites and then moves to our thighs and chest. After a while she calms down and accepts a bit of petting. She doesn’t like being picked up though, which doesn’t surprise me, so we don’t do that. She is a gun!

What a beautiful update – thank you Sharon! ❤️

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Tina went into the crate to feed the kittens, but they were so busy rolling around and playing that they completely ignored her. THE NERVE.

Carmy adores Tina and I love seeing the interaction between them (I really have to laugh at the last photo on the bottom right because he’s been playing with each other a lot more lately and I’m not sure she approves of that.)

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Carmy goes for a little walk before returning to the milk bar to join his brothers and sisters.

Goodnight innernets. (Top to bottom: Jeff, Sydney, Carmy and Richie)

Jeff says, “Holy moly, chef, you weren’t kidding! There’s a whole world out there!”
Carmy says, “I told you so.”

Tina says, “You’re not going to wake the babies, are you?”
No cook!

Sydney checks out the view.

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The milk bar is busy!

Good night innernets. (Carmy, Richie, Sydney (rear) and Jeff)

A random collage of the kittens, a really nice picture of Tina (it’s hard NOT to take a nice picture of that girl), and a family picture. (I updated the sidebar and foster page on the blog, and these are some of the pictures I used.)

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Message from the box with kittens: The kittens are wandering around the box, fighting with each other and keeping an eye on me… because someone has to do it.

“Just ignore her. She’ll go away eventually.”

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Tina is at least once a day flabbergasted by the fact that she can see and hear her kittens through the mesh side of the crate, but can’t actually get into the crate that way. That girl really makes me laugh.

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It looks like the kittens are getting ready for a nap: Carmy is cleaning his paw (awww!) and Jeff is finding a comfy spot to rest his head.

Goodnight netting inside. (Sydney (front left), Richie (behind her), Jeff (with his head behind Richie) and Carmy (right))


2023: No participation.
2022: Mike is all “I ALWAYS WANTED A SISTER!” and Francesca is all “UNUSUAL.”
2021: Hannah Hollandaise has the cutest Precious Moments eyes.
2020: Aramis looks at birds.
2019: Beauregard says: “LOOK, indoor nets! I have toes AND a pimple belly!”
2018: Moop and the existential dread.
2017: No entry.
2016: Another relaxing nap with Hemlock and Privet.
2015: “All I did was smile at him like that, you see, and he was all SLAPPITY-SLAPPITY-SLAP. I was trying to be nice!”
2014: “That’s not nice, ma’am. NOT NICE AT ALL.”
2013: “Talk to the PAW, sir!”
2012: No mention.
2011: “Give me back my brother, ma’am.”
2010: Coltrane, who stops by for a pet. And a wandering chicken. Neither seems particularly impressed with the other.
2009: Maybe Bill Just Thought I Didn’t Have Enough to Worry About? and 2009, Part 2: Ike
2008: Your dog doesn’t scare me at all. NOT AT ALL.
2007: No mention.
2006: No mention.
2005: I was concerned it might upset his digestive system, but I can report that I saw it in the litter box.

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