Mexican judicial reform approved by Senate committees, heads to full Senate vote

Mexican judicial reform approved by Senate committees, heads to full Senate vote

The Mexican Senate’s judicial reform bill, which seeks to replace the current appointment system with an elected system, has passed through two committees and is now headed for a full vote in the Senate (1). While President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum has defended the measure as a pro-democracy initiative, critics argue that it poses significant risks to the independence of the judiciary (1).

Foreign business chambers have expressed concern that the proposed changes could harm their interests and discourage investment in Mexico (1). Outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who devised the plan, has added fuel to the fire by accusing foreign judges of defending foreign companies that “plunder, rob and affect the economy of the Mexican people” (1).

Critics of the reform argue that it could jeopardize the impartiality of the judiciary, making judges more dependent on their constituents or the ruling party than on the law (1). They also worry about the feasibility of large-scale elections to replace 7,000 judges across the country without the involvement of drug cartels and criminals (1).

The implications of these changes extend beyond Mexico’s borders. U.S. business chambers, banks, financial analysts, and the U.S. ambassador to Mexico have all expressed concern about the potential impact on commercial relations and foreign investment (1).

Sheinbaum, who takes office on October 1, has tried to reassure foreign investors that the justice reforms will not affect their investments and will instead lead to greater and better rule of law and democracy. (1) Her efforts, however, have done little to assuage the concerns of critics and international observers.


(1) Associated Press. (2022, August 5). Mexico’s proposed judicial reform draws criticism from foreign chambers, investors. Retrieved from

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