New right-wing attacks seek to remove Gustavo Petro from office

The maneuvers of the National Electoral Council (CNE) against the president are not new and indicate an alleged violation of the ceilings for the financing of his 2022 campaign.

For months, the ruler has condemned the attempts to remove him from the Casa de Nariño, which were masterminded by a magistrate with a dubious reputation and are still pending in the country’s judicial system, such as Hernán Prada.

Given these circumstances, Senator Iván Cepeda asked on social media how impartial an investigation can be carried out by a person on trial for alleged bribery of witnesses in collaboration with former President Álvaro Uribe (2002-2008)?

Petro has repeatedly rejected the arguments he used to pave the way for his eventual ouster.

“What they are planning is a coup d’état against the people and against the president. It’s that simple. And they are pawning the money of the powerful and the mafia, including murder plans,” he judged.

And that is, he continued, because neither the President has crossed the electoral threshold nor the NEC has the power, especially since a ruling by the Constitutional Court confirmed that such a body only has investigative powers 30 days after the elections.

He also recalled that the NEC confirmed in a board decision a month after the elections that the ceilings had not been exceeded.


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