Open Border + The Countdown to a Bloodbath

Kurt Schlichter |

It’s getting worse out there, and it’s getting scary, but America has no one in the driver’s seat. We have a crusty, dehydrated zombie acting like he’s the president on permanent vacation, staring open-mouthed at reruns of “Matlock” while his understudy and brats tremble across the country to bring another four years of disaster to this incompetent administration. The terrifying reality is that we have millions and millions of illegal aliens from the Third World running free in our country, and among them are not just your average criminals – we have a lot of them – but terrorists who want to kill us right here in our own home. And the Democrats are doubling down on their support for the enemy.

That’s literally true. The Democratic Party is the party of Hamas and the 10/7 killers—the Dem base has made it abundantly clear whose side they’re on. Hint: it’s not ours. But don’t worry, those Palestinian schmucks aren’t the only psychotic jihadist terrorists they’re enabling. In recent weeks, the FBI took a break from harassing praying grandmas to catch a terrorist who was about to go on a killing spree in New York City. He was associated with ISIS. You remember ISIS, right? That was the Middle Eastern assassination group that blew Donald Trump’s mind.

Well, like Islamic herpes, it’s back with the Democrats. ISIS is a thing again, both overseas and here at home. We just had seven Army soldiers wounded in a firefight with ISIS thugs in Iraq. You won’t hear about that in the media, because the resurrection of ISIS doesn’t support the joy story. ISIS is not a spoiled child. What would Joe Biden say about it coming back under his administration anyway? “Where’s my scarf and my porridge?”

What would Kamala Harris have to say about this? Not a damn thing – she’s been too busy promising tax increases to federal union workers in her brand new and completely authentic Baptist preacher voice. What would Walz have to say about this? “I personally defeated ISIS while carrying weapons of war during one of my many deployments to Iraq, so it’s Trump’s fault ISIS is coming back! But I’m not saying ISIS is bad – I want those Michigan votes!”

But ISIS and others are coming here—hell, they’re already here and they’re being welcomed with open arms by the Democratic administration. You have to understand that. And it’s not just the Muslim terrorists. We now have the Tren de Aragua gang to add to the other gangs, like MS 13, that the Democrats have imported as part of their cultural enrichment program. This particular criminal gang has taken over parts of Aurora, Colorado, where they’ve taken over a number of apartment buildings.

When people complained to the local government – ​​Democrats of course – the government did nothing until it started getting local news coverage. Then the government took drastic action. They filed eviction proceedings. You have gangs that have actively taken over apartment buildings, and the only thing the Democrats will do is sue them. I have another idea. Go in, grab them all, and throw their asses back over the border where they belong.

Since when do third world scumbags get priority over Americans? Well, since the Democrats took power in 2021.

Welcome to Springfield, Ohio. It’s a nice little town of about 60,000 people that the government decided needed about 20,000 Haitians – flown in directly from Haiti, mind you. Injecting this beautiful diversity from perhaps the worst place on earth into a nice little Midwestern town has had the predictable effect. Remember all those swans and ducks that used to swim in the park? They’re gone. The Haitians ate them.

They’ve also eaten cats and dogs. Yes, they eat people’s pets, slaughter them, and make lunch out of them. I guess the money they get from all of us for the privilege of being here illegally isn’t enough – they need to eat Fido. Of course, the American citizens of Springfield are disgusted by this, as well as the other crime and pathological behavior they see. What does the government say? “Shut up, racists. You’re probably transphobes too.”

All of this is coming to a head like a giant boil, and it’s going to burst. Now that it’s becoming increasingly clear that Kamala Harris is not going to win this election, any incentive our enemies had to hold back from giving Trump additional support is gone – you can bet our enemies want Kamala elected. This is the terrifying truth – we are about to have a massive and bloody terrorist attack in the near future.

I wrote about this threat earlier this year in my new novel, “The Attack.” The bottom line is that when you open your borders wide and actively subsidize the free entry of illegal aliens, some of them will be murderers. You allow our many enemies to set us up for a disastrous attack. And we have enemies, all of them clever, cunning, and eager to hurt us where we are most vulnerable, right here at home.

That’s something the Democrats can’t seem to accept. That’s not to say that the Democrats don’t believe that America has enemies. To them, normal patriotic Americans are America’s enemies, and that includes our allies. Is there one real enemy, the United States, that the Democrats treat as badly as they treat Israel? The Houthis fire rockets at our ships every day, and all Joe Biden ever says about the Middle East is that Benjamin Netanyahu hasn’t surrendered enough to Hamas, who by the way just slaughtered an American with no consequences.

No, we Americans are vulnerable here at home, as the latest trans-weird killer just proved. An untrained, delusional freak gunned down four people in just a few minutes. What if there were two killers? Well, we know what happened to two untrained idiots in Boston, armed with a few handguns and some pressure cooker bombs. (Note: they were set up. The Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag event.) They managed to paralyze a major urban area for several days while the police tried to apprehend them. So what happens when we have ten killers? Or 100 killers? Or 1,000 killers? Or 10,000 killers?

It’s not impossible. As I describe in “The Attack,” this scenario is not only possible, it’s likely. There may be 20 million illegal aliens in this country because the Democrats won’t defend our border. That’s a conservative estimate, by the way. If only 0.0005% are terrorists, that’s 10,000 terrorists, folks. And imagine our enemies smuggling in an AK and a couple of magazines for each of them.

These killers don’t have to learn much more than how to operate this very basic weapon, a weapon that was essentially designed for low-IQ tribe members to operate effectively with about an hour of training. You think they can’t smuggle 10,000 guns into the country? Who’s going to stop them? We lose tens of thousands of people every year to fentanyl, and that stuff is illegal and it’s being smuggled in. No, this threat, which I highlight in my novel, is very real and very scary.

It’s an easy thing to basically build a guerrilla infantry division in the United States. You organize them into small groups, tell them where to be at a certain time, and basically shoot everybody they see. They don’t need logistical support. They don’t need intelligence support. They don’t need command and control support. They already have that — if it moves and it’s not in a hijab or a man’s dress, put bullets in it. And they’re going to have plenty of allies among the left on and off our college campuses who are constantly telling us they want us dead.

The impact of such an attack would be devastating. We have seen how quickly our police are overwhelmed by other individual shootings and terrorist attacks. Now imagine hundreds of these happening simultaneously across the country. The police would be fighting for their lives. The military would not be able to mobilize fast enough.

That leaves us… We’re going to have to be our own first line of defense. If you’re in a free state where you can, carry a gun, because you don’t know when all hell is going to break loose. You better be prepared. There’s no cavalry coming. It’s you or nobody. Arm yourself. Train. Learn basic medical care, like how to stop a bleed. Make a plan for your family. Don’t get caught unprepared.

According to Democrats, America’s biggest problem is patriotic Americans with AR-15s. Bullshit. Patriotic Americans with AR-15s are the solution. That’s what we need, because we’re the ones who have to stop this when it happens. Whether it’s a mutant who thinks he’s a chick despite his penis or thousands of American-hating terrorists brought into the United States from the depths of the Third World by a Democratic administration that hates real Americans, we’ve never been in more danger. There is no reason why they shouldn’t launch their attack now. Kamala Harris will lose – they don’t have to worry about helping Trump because he will win anyway. So the clock is ticking and it’s only a matter of time before our enemies strike.

Be prepared. Buy weapons and ammo.


Image source: Original article (edited)

Original article:

Note: Comments posted in ( ) are added by the editor of For example; (Flu) Article explaining my comment on the Boston Marathon bombing:

The Boston Marathon Bombing

Dylan Eleven | | The Boston bombing was a false flag attack. There was footage of trained soldiers in civilian clothes with backpacks left at the scene. We reported on this at the time. It was clear that the two suspects were scapegoats. They killed one of them


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