MEDIAWATCH: Shane Jones’ social media feed is a ‘pick me’ culture war that would make incels blush

It’s like Shane Jones has suddenly become all the worst elements of the Tech Bro anti-woke Meme Lord culture war brigade, in a pick-me-up way that would make your average Incel jealous.

Look at this mess:


Catastrophic Climate Change and Radical Adaptation is our future, it’s not a Green God, it’s basic science! The daily costs are getting worse because your government has borrowed $14 billion for tax cuts we can’t afford, while the entire public service is being repurposed into a profit-making, user-pays model that knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing!

Sobbing snowflakes? You mean environmentalists who have a problem with your donor-class mining buddies getting whatever they want? The problem is that you are helping to take our resources and lend them out as cheaply as possible to guests with whom you have lavish lunches, puffed-up snowflake!

Do you think “caress” is a word you should use with Shane?

And then there’s this…

…what the fuck are you doing bro?

You’re a fucking Grandfather, not a Godfather, you puffed up clown!

You are already a joke when it comes to political corruption, and now you are posing as the Godfather of a donor industry with which you have close ties?

Are you now saying that you run a mafia-style criminal gang in the maritime sector?

Is that what you’re saying?

Shane’s Social Media Mess Meme Lording feels like a teenager who suddenly discovers online porn.

Does the ACT Party Social Media team provide advice on its Facebook and Twitter accounts?

Who else but Shane’s battered ego would be interested in this nonsense?

This is a minister within the FFS cabinet who posts messages like a sexually frustrated Incel from his mother’s basement.

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