Kamala’s Skin Color Scammers in the Media * WorldNetDaily * by Mychal Massie

Fearing that their death grip on the neck of their generationally utilitarian human capital will loosen, the neo-Leninists who form the hidden leadership of the Democratic Party are, in a desperate move, enlisting their main agents of social discord in an attempt to sway the colored portion of their base to vote for Harris.

If MSNBC’s usual excuse for intelligent discourse had styled and coiffed her hair instead of her dyed-blonde cap hairstyle (which, for someone who hates Jews as much as she does, looks oddly like a yarmulke), she could pass herself off as Al Sharpton.

Speaking of Sharpton, I know what he’s like, with his history including being an informant who betrayed the Mafia when he was a cocaine dealer and Tawana Brawley. I also know he’s a gutless coward who was afraid to debate me three-on-one at my expense at the National Press Club with national media coverage.

Both Reid and Sharpton use the lie of inequality as the sticky grease needed to lubricate their flim-flam machine. By adding the monikers “Reverend and Journalist,” they gain cover by having a credible partner, namely God, who wants no part of their ill-gotten gains. And not untypically for skin-of-color scammers, they make their choices based on what will give them the most prestige.

For Sharpton, it’s a nonstop extortion exercise, and for Reid, it’s a matter of inventing examples and situations of violations day in and day out.

They are opportunistic vultures who have nothing on their resume that would elevate them above the status of sidewalk performers.

It is an affront to decency and integrity to have misanthropic caricatures of humanity appointed as leaders of a society provided with crayons. That they are touted as leaders of a people provided with crayons speaks volumes about the contempt Marxist socioculturalists have for those they have treated worse than farm animals since they codified Jim Crow.

But when you’re Harris and have nothing to rely on other than a 28% approval rating that’s only a few weeks old, a history of presenting yourself as a sexual favor to anyone who can advance your career, and taking responsibility for locking up vast numbers of young men easily identified by their melanin levels in prison, in many cases for minor offenses, this is a desperate attempt to transform yourself into someone you’re not.

The real controllers of the Democratic Party are counting on the old skin-color card, hoping Harris will save their political fiefdom. After all, it’s worked before, in their eyes.

Remember, they invented the assignment of a “white” Peruvian to attack George Zimmerman as a supposed white person for shooting Trayvon Martin in self-defense. By the way, that attempted sleight of hand didn’t go as planned. But from their perspective, the percentages are in their favor when they play the skin color card.

Like I said, when you have little to nothing else, you try what has worked in the past. And just like that, Harris goes from Indian-Jamaican to black – as if some miracle cure or white-out solution had been used for her Indian heritage.

It speaks to Harris’ dishonesty and sociopathic disregard for truth and honesty. She sees deceiving those she considers beneath her as necessary and justified.

Interestingly, a former presidential candidate with a very impressive resume by the name of Nimarata Nikki Randhawa has used her middle name, which is also her childhood nickname, and her husband’s last name: Haley. Her husband didn’t have to steal his courage, by the way. Nikki’s daughter married her childhood sweetheart in 2023, and to her credit, Nikki didn’t try to exploit his melanin levels to garner votes from urban areas.

Former candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has a darker skin tone than Harris, yet he doesn’t feel the need to use melanin to mislead voters.

The reason for this is that both Haley and Ramaswamy have substantial records to live up to and substantial personal success. Unlike Harris, their records of achievement are not media creations.

The ghosts lurking in the mists of shadows no doubt believe that stabbing Biden in the back and deploying Harris will save their political fiefdom, but they would do well to remember: Marcus Junius Brutus was a man born into a prestigious aristocratic family that traced its lineage back to the semi-legendary founder of the Roman Republic. Brutus, as he is best known today, stabbed Julius Caesar in the back. He and his henchmen believed his act of treason would save the Republic.

But kismet had other intentions and Brutus’ murderous betrayal ended in the Roman Republic, with him sinking further and further into the abyss of chaos and ultimately committing suicide.

Harris may now see herself as a high rider, playing whatever con she needs to steal this election. She may think it’s smart to dodge all interviews and use AI to blow up the crowds around her; but rest assured, her sins will find her and she will be punished for her attempted deviousness.

I am responsible for labeling her “the cackling woman,” referring to her sickening laugh; I might even call her Brutus’s modern sister, because I see failure as her outcome.

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