Durham Police Welcome New Police Dog Pixel to ICE Unit

Durham Police now have one of four dogs used by police departments across the country that is trained in electronic storage detection (ESD).

Police Dog Pixel (PSD) is now working with Detective Samantha Mayhew in the police department’s Internet and Child Exploitation Unit (ICE).

Pixel is a nine-month-old chocolate Labrador Retriever born in the USA. She was donated by OUR Rescue, a global non-profit organization fighting child sexual exploitation and human trafficking.

Pixel is trained to search and detect electronic storage devices that criminals use to store child abuse material. It can detect a chemical on electronics that can store data.

She was originally training to be a service dog, but trainers decided she would be better suited for another career due to her energy level, and she was selected by Jordon Detection K8 to be trained as an ESD K9. She went through intensive training in Indiana, and then she and Detective Constable Mayhew became certified in the ESD.

Pixel is just one of four ESD K9s used by police services in Canada.

To date, she has been deployed on three arrest warrants and has discovered a well-hidden device that police would not have otherwise seized. With her training as a service dog, she has also supported victims and family members during investigations.

“Pixel is still a puppy and gets the zoomies that are always followed by a much-needed nap,” Mayhew said. “But when duty calls, she is focused and intense. On her days off, Pixel enjoys cuddling, walks, and spending time with her family. I want to thank OUR Rescue and Jordan Detection K9 for their role in her training and development. We at ICE are so excited about our newest addition and can’t wait to see the difference she makes. By finding these devices, Pixel will help us apprehend those responsible, but more importantly, help victims who may otherwise never have been found.”

Photo courtesy of Durham Police Department

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