Clearing Your Conscience in Today’s America… ‘Click’!

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Submitted by Thomas Budds –

If you are like me, you probably exchange far too many emails and text messages with friends and acquaintances about the fate of our nation and the accelerating pace of moral destruction of our constitutional republic and its children. Our generation’s response to this seems to be widespread, lazy indifference.

“Click”…ah, I feel better!

I have “taken action” forward forwarding problems to others…my conscience is clear, someone else will do something about it, au contraire! The e-mail “clicking” and sms “forwarding” of problems to others is not action, it is complicity in self-destruction!

We no longer “feel” but “witness” in real time our arrival at the brink of ungodly rule, most clearly visible in the daily sexualization of our children.

This attack is insidious and pervasive, penetrating all levels of government, carried out by the very people in whom we have placed our “trust.”

Many teachers, librarians, school boards and purchasing agents have been corrupted to the point of making child pornography easily accessible and advocating in school libraries in every state of our country. Those who demand corrective action are silenced and thrown out of public forum meetings, threatened with arrest.

There are countless reports of parents and advocates being silenced when they read short passages from books in our children’s libraries. They are silenced when they read aloud the vulgar and sexually explicit descriptions found in these “children’s books.”

Others are rejected because they show book pages that depict explicit sexual acts performed by children. If images are emailed, this can lead to criminal charges for child pornography. Some books suggest sex toys for children, with explicit instructions for use and where to buy them with QR codes. Some advocates have been sued by their fellow citizens for interfering with the process of purchasing, distributing and accessing books. Removing books one by one is an incomplete process.

I say to the reader: Join with your pastors, parents, businesses and other leaders and demand that your city, county and attorney general begin criminally and civilly charging individual librarians, school board members and others who have contributed to juvenile delinquency, child abuse, child pornography, etc. for their part in making these books available to children. Don’t take no for an answer.

Insist on test cases that can be won before juries that see these materials, because these people are hiring lawyers at their own expense.

Demand that these lawyers file civil lawsuits, including the civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO), against publishers, authors, the American Library Association (ALA), and others involved in the writing, production, and distribution of these child pornographic materials and their availability to minors. Call, write, go to these leaders individually or in groups and demand legal action.

Neither children nor a country can be saved, nor a conscience soothed by a “click of the mouse”, you only join the sinister nature of the rats!

About the author: Thomas Budds is a Tennessee native writing from Murfreesboro. He is a retired major crime/homicide investigator – transnational, organized crime and threat assessment

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