DEBATE PREPARATION: Human Trafficking and Organ Harvesting: A $9 Billion Horror Industry in China Exposed

Kash Patel, who replaced Steve Bannon on War Room on Tuesday, invited Epoch Times Editor-in-Chief Jan Jekielek to shed light on one of the world’s most under-reported human rights abuses: the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) organ harvesting industry.

Patel said his mission Tuesday morning was to prepare the American people for Tuesday night’s debate between President Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris.

While human trafficking is often thought of in terms of sexual exploitation, this discussion revealed a broader and more insidious form of human trafficking, in which people are not simply exploited for labor or sex, but are treated as a commodity for their vital organs. The extent to which the CCP has industrialized this practice is appalling. Jekielek explained that it is not only minority groups that are targeted, but that any individual who is considered a political dissident or prisoner of conscience in China is at risk of falling victim to this cruel trade.


China has consistently denied these allegations, but the evidence continues to mount. Investigations conducted by independent organizations have confirmed that organ transplants in China are taking place at a rate that cannot possibly be explained by voluntary donations. According to Jekielek, the CCP has used these practices to profit enormously while eliminating perceived threats to its authority. “The CCP sees these groups as expendable,” Jekielek stated, underscoring the complete lack of humanity with which these people are treated.

The conversation revealed how forced organ harvesting, combined with human trafficking, has grown into a $9 billion industry targeting persecuted groups such as Falun Gong practitioners, Uighurs and other marginalized populations in China.


Jekielek, who has reported extensively on these atrocities, stated bluntly, “This organ harvesting industry is worth about $9 billion a year,” underscoring the staggering scale of the abuse. According to reports, prisoners of conscience are subjected to forced medical tests to determine organ compatibility without their consent. These prisoners are then systematically killed for their organs, which are sold both nationally and internationally at exorbitant prices.

One of the most harrowing revelations to emerge from the discussion was the case of a survivor who narrowly escaped death. This person, Jekielek said, had been operated on while still conscious. “He was lying on a table. They removed his organs, but somehow he survived,” Jekielek explained, pointing to this case as the “smoking gun” for the CCP’s participation in these abuses. Such accounts are indicative of a larger, systematic program that has drawn widespread international condemnation, although the response from the global community remains muted compared to the gravity of the situation.

The conversation also touched on how this crisis ties into broader concerns about China’s influence on the global stage, particularly its use of platforms like TikTok and Temu to collect data and further expand its influence abroad. However, Jekielek stressed that the real threat lies in China’s human rights abuses, particularly as the country attempts to deflect attention from these atrocities. “It’s deception,” Jekielek warned, insisting that the CCP’s actions, particularly organ harvesting, should be at the forefront of international discussions on human rights.


The problem of forced organ harvesting and human trafficking in China is not only a human rights crisis, but also a $9 billion industry that thrives on the suffering and exploitation of the most vulnerable.

As Jekielek urged, “It is crucial that the world wakes up to this, because ignoring it will only allow it to continue.” As evidence and survivor testimonies mount, calls for accountability and justice are growing louder, but the world has yet to take decisive action against this horrific practice.

For more from Jekielek on his reporting on the CCP and organ harvesting:

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