Even CNN is calling Kamala out for lying about her radicalism

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Despite Kamala’s radical track record during her political career, the media demands that you take their word for it when they claim she is as good a woman as Kamala. moderate as Joe Manchin. However, almost everything this woman said before she was selected proves otherwise, as even objective analysis shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders.

Most moderate politicians have no intention of fighting for taxpayer-funded gender reassignments, but Kamala is so radical that she believes illegal aliens should receive such funding.

Even CNN had to address this madness.

CNN’s Erin Burnett highlighted how Kamala proudly announced to the public in 2019 that she believes ICE should be dismantled by 50 percent. A few years later, she became border czar and oversaw the worst immigration crisis in American history.

Do you think this is a “moderate” coincidence?

“You wouldn’t think that taxpayers’ money could pay for gender reassignment surgery for migrants in detention.”

That’s putting it mildly.

Moreover, the current alien invasion has a huge fentanyl crisis in which far too many Americans have lost their lives to overdoses. You would think that cheering on the most evil drug dealers while Americans suffer would be the last thing a “moderate” person would do, but she would rather double down.

Another insane initiative she previously supported was decriminalizing all drugs.

It’s unclear who will benefit from this, other than drug dealers, but by comparison, Trump believes drug dealers should be given the death penalty. That’s how radical she is compared to Trump, who is reportedly the definition of “moderate.”

How will America benefit from more drug overdoses and fentanyl deaths? cartels are already making billions more under the Kamala-Biden regime. Can you imagine how much more money they will make if she is elected?

It is ironic that no matter how much these people pretend to care about the little guy, the most evil people benefit from these policies, while Americans suffer the most.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com

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