What is Harris and Trump’s policy?

What is Harris and Trump's policy?


American voters will have a clear choice for the presidency on Election Day: they must choose between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump.

Below you can read what they stand for and how their policies relate to other issues.


Harris said her priority from day one would be to reduce food and housing costs for working families.

The plan promises a ban on excessive food prices, help for first-home buyers and incentives to increase housing supply.

Trump promised to end inflation and make America affordable again.

He has promised to lower interest rates, something the president has no control over, and says that deporting illegal immigrants will ease pressure on housing.


Harris has made abortion rights a central part of her campaign and continues to push for legislation that will enshrine reproductive rights across the country.

Trump has struggled to find a coherent message in recent weeks.

The three justices he appointed to the Supreme Court as president played a key role in overturning the constitutional right to abortion, a 1973 decision known as Roe v. Wade.


Harris was tasked with addressing the root causes of the crisis at the southern border, helping to raise billions of dollars in private financing for regional investments to stem the flow of migration north.

In late 2023, a record number of people crossed the border from Mexico, but the numbers have since declined. During this campaign, she has hardened her stance, highlighting her experience as a California prosecutor fighting human traffickers.

Trump has promised to close the border by building a wall and beefing up enforcement, but he urged Republicans to abandon a sweeping bill backed by Harris.

He has also promised the largest mass deportation of undocumented migrants in US history, a decision that experts say will be challenged in court by the BBC.


Harris wants to raise taxes on big corporations and Americans making $400,000 ($305,000) a year.

But she also announced a number of measures that would ease the tax burden on families, including an extension of child benefits.

Trump is proposing a multitrillion-dollar tax cut package, including an extension of his 2017 cuts that helped the wealthy. He says he will pay for the cuts through higher growth and tariffs.

Analysts say both tax plans will worsen the deficit, but Trump’s plan will do so more.

Foreign policy

Harris has pledged to support Ukraine as long as it lasts. She has promised, if elected, to ensure that the United States, not China, wins “the competition for the 21st century.”

She has long been a proponent of a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians and calls for an end to the war in Gaza.

Trump pursues an isolationist foreign policy and wants the United States to withdraw from conflicts elsewhere in the world.

He said he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours through a negotiated deal with Russia, a move Democrats said would embolden Vladimir Putin.

Trump profiles himself as a staunch supporter of Israel, but has said little about how he would end the war in Gaza.


Harris criticized Trump’s plan to impose tariffs, calling it a national tax on working families that would cost each household $4,000 a year. She said she should take a more targeted approach to taxing imports.

Trump has made tariffs a central campaign promise, proposing new tariffs of 10 to 20 percent on most foreign goods and much higher duties on those from China.


As vice president, Harris helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into renewable energy and tax credits and refunds for electric vehicles.

But she has dropped her opposition to hydraulic fracturing, a gas and oil extraction technique fiercely opposed by environmentalists.

During his time in the White House, Trump has rolled back hundreds of environmental protections, including limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and vehicles.

In this campaign, he promised to expand drilling in the Arctic and attacked electric cars.

Health care

Harris is part of a White House administration that has lowered the cost of prescription drugs and capped the price of insulin at $35.

Trump has said that once he becomes president, he will not attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which provided millions more people with insurance.

He has called for taxpayer funding for fertility treatments, but that proposal could be rejected by Republicans in Congress.


Harris attempted to compare her experiences as a prosecutor to Trump being convicted of a crime.

Trump has promised to dismantle drug cartels, end gang violence and rebuild Democratic-run cities that he says are riddled with high crime rates.

Learn more about the US elections


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2/ https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwy343z53l1o

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