Bill Maher Won’t Vote for Anyone Who Says “Yuck” – Why Evolution is True

Although Maher is always accused of being right-wing, that’s not true at all; he’s more or less a left-centrist, just like me. Here he defines “ick” with some graphic examples, saying that Trump has a bad case of it, and that’s the best thing Democrats have going for them. But… he then says that the far left is not immune to it, using the example of the far left going after Cheryl Hines, married to RFK Jr., because she didn’t divorce him.

He says this: “Do you want to know why I hate the left more than I used to? It’s something like this: There’s an ugliness to it that they never used to have. The liberals I grew up with aren’t like that. Behind the woman“Even the Mafia doesn’t do that!” He then shows a clip of Barack Obama at the last DNC ​​criticizing everyone across the political spectrum for thinking the worst of those on the other side, and thinking that “the only way to win this is to berate, shame, and shout down the other side.”

The YouTube notes:

Donald Trump is infected with “the filth,” but liberals who berate and shame those who don’t share their worldview risk being infected by it as well.

I’m not sure Bill Maher qualifies as an expert on marriage, since he’s never been married and has sworn he never will be. But he’s funny as usual, and the message about not completely demonizing your political opponents is always worth pondering. Maher ends by criticizing Republican politicians as “much worse” than Democratic ones, but adds that “the kind of people who are always yelling on social media are the ones who give people the ‘ick’ when they hear the word ‘liberal.’”

It was nice to hear Obama again. I missed his speech at the convention.

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