09/10 Links Pt2: How Anti-Zionists Are Unintentionally Killing DEI; PA: “Biden should stand trial as a war criminal; ”Tucker Carlson – The anti-William F. Buckley ~ Elder Of Ziyon

From Ian:

Matti Friedman: When We Started to Lie

Exactly ten years ago, during an Israel-Hamas war that seemed major at the time but seems minor now, I published two essays describing my time reporting on Israel for the Associated Press. “Is there anything left to say about Israel and Gaza? Newspapers this summer have been full of little else,” I wrote at the time. “Television viewers see heaps of rubble and plumes of smoke in their sleep.” It wasn’t the volume of coverage that unsettled me in the summer of 2014. I was writing about something that had gone unreported, and which has done much to shape reality in the decade since—a change not in the news but in the newsroom.

The essays—the first for Tablet, and the second for The Atlantic—described my experience as a reporter watching from the inside as a major news organization lost its way in one of the world’s most heavily covered stories. To this day, nothing I’ve ever written has been quoted back at me more often. The essays go back into circulation every time there’s an explosion of violence here, and it happened again after the Hamas attack of October 7. I reread them recently, as the new tragedy in Gaza balloons into a moment that feels like a civilization shift, as rallies against “Zionism” become a staple of life in cities across the liberal West, and as a war launched by Muslim fundamentalists is recast with global success as a story of Jewish brutality, influence, and mendacity.

The most important thing I saw during my time as a correspondent in the American press, it seemed to me, was happening among my colleagues. The practice of journalism—that is, knowledgeable analysis of messy events on Planet Earth—was being replaced by a kind of aggressive activism that left little room for dissent. The new goal was not to describe reality, but to usher readers to the correct political conclusion, and if this sounds familiar now, it was both new and surprising to the younger version of myself who was lucky to get a job with the AP’s Jerusalem bureau in 2006.

The story I found myself part of proposed, in effect, that the ills of Western civilization—racism, militarism, colonialism, nationalism—were embodied by Israel, which was covered more heavily than any other foreign country. (Israel takes up one one-hundredth of one percent of the surface of the world, and one fifth of one percent of the landmass of the Arab world.)

By selectively emphasizing some facts and not others, by erasing historical and regional context, and by reversing cause and effect, the story portrayed Israel as a country whose motivations could only be malevolent, and one responsible not only for its own actions but also for provoking the actions of its enemies. The activist-journalists, I found, were backed up by an affiliated world of progressive NGOs and academics who we referred to as experts, creating a thought loop nearly impervious to external information. All of this had the effect of presenting a mass audience with a supposedly factual story that had a powerful emotional punch and a familiar villain.

“The lasting importance of this summer’s war, I believe, doesn’t lie in the war itself,” I wrote as the fighting petered out in 2014. “It lies instead in the way the war has been described and responded to abroad, and the way this has laid bare the resurgence of an old, twisted pattern of thought and its migration from the margins to the mainstream of Western discourse—namely, a hostile obsession with Jews.” It’s possible that I understated the problem.

From academic guardians to political operatives

It’s hard to deny the once-storied AAUP, esteemed for its commitment to academic integrity, has been captured by activists who are more concerned with advancing their political goal of dismantling the Jewish state than with advancing the group’s scholarly mission.

This shift from scholarship to anti-Israel politics, as expressed by the AAUP’s approval of academic boycotts, not only corrupts AAUP’s mission and degrades its reputation, it can cause real harm to higher education in America and beyond.

What few people realize is that although an academic boycott of Israel ostensibly targets Israeli universities and scholars, there is simply no way it can be implemented without directly suppressing the educational opportunities and academic freedom of students and faculty on U.S. campuses, as well as inciting antisemitic animus and harm towards Israel’s on-campus supporters.

Specifically, implementing academic BDS means boycotting the educational programs in or about Israel on one’s own campus, and seeking to cancel or shut down Israel-related events and activities; encouraging academic programming and campus events that portray Israel in a wholly negative light, as a pariah state unworthy of normalization; shunning collaborations with Hillel and other Jewish organizations and the students and faculty who affiliate with them; and denigrating, protesting and harassing members of the campus community who express positive views about Israel.

The AAUP’s reversal of its long-standing opposition to academic boycotts marks a significant blow not only to Jewish students and faculty but to the future of higher education and the society that vitally depends upon it. By condoning an academic boycott that replaces genuine scholarship with political activism aimed explicitly at dismantling the Jewish state and purging Zionism and Zionists from the academy, the AAUP has made a mockery of the professional standards it has, for more than 100 years, been relied upon to uphold. It has shown itself to be a deeply corrupt organization, antithetical to the core principles of American higher education, and wholly unworthy of the public’s trust.

Yisrael Medad: The Jewish ‘status quo’ violated? Jewish historical narratives are too often ignored

Until 1911, that is
On Monday, April 13, during Passover, the Parker Expedition Affair, the search for “Solomon’s treasures,” exploded. The guardian of the Haram al-Sharif was bribed to let the British adventurers in to the Dome of the Rock. Their digging was discovered. Riots broke out in Jerusalem. At the Wall, the Sephardi custodian was set upon and beaten. Benches were broken.

It is unclear whether there is a direct connection, but in early November that year the status quo came to an end. Jews were informed that no benches or stools would be permitted at the Western Wall. The complaint of the locals was that Jews bringing chairs would allow them in the future to assert ownership. Chairs, tables, and separation screens now were deemed “innovations.” Appeals went out to the sultan in Turkey.

A British official was to later testify that if chairs were allowed, next would come benches, then permanent seating, “and before long, the Jews would have established a legal claim to the site.”

The July 26, 1912, issue of the Chicago Sentinel, a Jewish weekly, reported, a bit garbled, that an order from Constantinople “announces that the recent interdict prohibiting the Jews from worshiping on Friday evenings at the Western Wall in Jerusalem has been removed.” What the editor couldn’t have known as he went to press was that on July 22, the night of Tisha B’Av, the Western Wall had been smeared with feces. And not for the first or last time.

It was from this period that the struggle over the rights of Jews at the Western Wall became a central political element in the relations between Jews and Muslims in the early years of the Mandate. Chaim Weizmann tried solving the matter by purchasing the neighborhood, as did others before him.

In May 1920, a month after the riots, the Wakf unilaterally attempted to fix the upper layers of the Wall. Benches were removed by the Wakf in early 1922 and Yom Kippur 1925. In 1923, the approach to the Wall was closed to Jewish worshipers on the first day of Passover, as the British feared disturbances.

Following the violent incident of the removal of a partition on Yom Kippur, September 29, 1928, Mufti Amin al-Husseini organized actions that would highlight the Muslims’ exclusive claims to the Temple Mount and its environs. He ordered new construction in proximity to the Western Wall.

Eventually, on November 19, 1928, a white paper was issued. Quoting the 1911 prohibition, Leopold Amery, secretary of state for the colonies, pronounced there had been an infraction of the status quo, which the government was unable to permit.

As a result of the ensuing 1929 riots, an international commission was appointed. On December 1, 1930, it declared a prohibition on bringing “benches, carpets, mattings, chairs, curtains, and screens” to the Wall and “to blow the ram’s horn” at the Wall, all in force until 1948.

That situation continued throughout the Jordanian occupation.

No full Jewish rights. No Jewish privileges. No more previous status quo. That is, until 1967, when full Jewish sovereignty was renewed.

The Gaza War and Europe: Can the Continent Play a Positive Role in The Middle East?

For the most part, European relations with Israel have been characterized by extensive trade, vague expressions of support, self-righteous lecturing and condemnation, and the massive funding of anti-Israeli NGOs, often with terrorist ties. Efraim Inbar argues that the continent would be better served if it set itself firmly on the side of Israel and its Arab allies, not only for moral reasons, but also for considerations of Realpolitik:

(T)rying to save an Islamist mini-state (in Gaza) that serves Iranian interests on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean is a strategic folly; oversensitivity to the human cost in eliminating it makes little strategic sense. Its location near the Suez Canal, an important choke point and sea route, as well as to the gas deposits in the sea lends importance to who rules this area. The Europeans should appreciate efforts to minimize the presence on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean of Islamic radicals whose influence has already spread to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and the Sinai Peninsula.

The timidity of the U.S. and its European allies in dealing with the Houthis, an Iranian proxy blocking the Bab al-Mandab Strait, an international waterway, is intriguing. Forcing naval traffic to go to Europe around Africa, instead of the Suez Canal, carries financial costs and inflicts significant damage to the economy of Egypt, a pivotal pro-Western state in the Middle East. Tolerating this situation only encourages Iran to become more aggressive in its actions in the region and less fearful of Western retaliation.

Indeed, nowadays Iran is the main source of trouble in the Middle East. If Europe is serious about minimizing the dangers emanating from the Middle East, it must adopt a more confrontational posture toward the mullahs in Teheran.

Europe should also overcome its obsession with the two-state solution.

Prof. Anne Bayefsky: ‘PA Gen. Assembly resolution declares open season on Israelis’

Professor Anne Bayefsky, President of Human Rights Voices and Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, spoke to Arutz Sheva – Israel National News about the United Nations General Assembly resolution drafted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) demanding a complete Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria within six months and many international actions against Israel.

Prof. Bayefsky began, “The stage has now been set for a full-fledged effort by the United Nations to destroy the Jewish state by means of the first-ever wholly Palestinian-drafted resolution. It is scheduled for adoption at an ‘Emergency Session’ of the General Assembly on September 17 and 18, 2024.”

She explained how the PA was allowed to submit such a resolution. “Post-October 7, the General Assembly upgraded the status of what the organization labels the ‘State of Palestine.’ The move was an obvious reward for terrorism and had the predictable effect on Palestinian strategy: more terror and more intransigence. The upgrade included the power ‘to submit proposals’ and to ‘introduce them.’ That was May 10, 2024 and the new powers were to take effect from the start of the 79th session of the General Assembly, which begins today, September 10, 2024. The result was immediate: a ‘State of Palestine’ resolution dedicated to Israel’s delegitimization and demolition.”

“The Palestinian resolution castrates Israel’s very legitimacy by claiming that the country is engaged in apartheid and ‘particularly severe forms of racial discrimination,'” she said.

“Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Allegedly, modern Israel – founded in the wake of the most egregious crimes against humanity in our age – perpetrates crimes against humanity. To the resolution’s authors, facts don’t matter. Apartheid ‘Palestine’ is the planned state where no Jew will be tolerated, while in Israel, Arabs have more rights and freedoms than in any Arab state. It’s a classic Nazi antisemitic inversion technique. Switch victim and perpetrator,” Prof. Bayefsky said.

According to Prof. Bayefsky, “The resolution marks the return of the General Assembly’s 1975 Zionism-is-racism libel. In fancier updated lingo, Israel is said to ‘treat Palestinians differently on grounds prohibited by international law’ that ‘amounts to prohibited discrimination and constitutes systemic discrimination based on, inter alia, race, religion or ethnic origin.’”

She stated that “the resolution seeks to terminate the viability of the Jewish state by introducing a global system of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS). ”

“BDS extends to what is referred to as ‘Israeli settlements and their associated regime.’ The resolution demands an end to ‘any engagement, directly or indirectly, with any businesses or services operating in the settlements.’ It applies BDS to a definition of ‘occupied Palestinian territory’ that purports to include Judaism’s holiest sites for over 2,000 years, Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and its Western Wall,” she said.

Prof. Bayefsky warned, “The reach of the BDS campaign embedded in the resolution is enormous. It covers ‘all states’ and ‘their nationals, and companies and entities under their jurisdiction, as well as their authorities.’ Countries, individuals and businesses are all told: ‘do not act in any way that would entail recognition or provide aid or assistance in maintaining…policies and practices that impede the exercise by the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination.’ Meaning, whatever Palestinians want, whenever they want it.”

“The resolution sets out a whole smorgasbord of BDS plans to financially wreck Israel such as ‘abstaining from entering into economic or trade dealings’ and ‘preventing trade or investment relations.’ A Mack truck can be driven through the occasional phony limiting factor – variously described as dealings ‘which may entrench its (Israel’s) unlawful presence in the Territory.'”

“’All states’ are told to ‘implement sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes.’ Against whom? ‘(A)gainst individuals and entities and officials identified as responsible for the maintenance of Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.’ In effect, an open-ended global pogrom to sanction, ban and bankrupt supporters of Israel, that is, anyone or any business that the jackals deem ‘responsible.,’” she said.

JPost Editorial: New York’s Jewish community should not be forced into hiding

As antisemitism rises across New York City, Jewish communities face a painful dilemma: Should they avoid visiting one of the world’s most iconic cities for their safety, or should they remain visible and outspoken, sending a message of resilience in the face of growing hatred?

The recent spike in antisemitic incidents in New York has led several Jewish organizations to issue warnings. Yigal Brand, CEO of the World Betar Movement, urged Jews to think carefully about visiting the city. “The situation is dire, and we call on the authorities in New York to free the hands of the police and allow them to act with decisiveness against the criminals and put them on trial,” he said, adding that the World Betar Movement will continue to protect the Jewish community in New York and the broader US.

In August, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) reported 19 antisemitic incidents – an increase from 12 recorded in the same month last year. The broader picture is even more concerning: In June, 45 antisemitic incidents were reported, with 30 incidents occurring in July. This year alone, 44% of hate crimes in New York targeted Jews, making them the most victimized religious group.

From Israel, we feel for American Jews. No one should have to choose between hiding their Jewish identity and protecting their safety. The freedom to walk the streets with pride, whether wearing a yarmulke or a Star of David, should be a right guaranteed to every Jew, wherever they may live. Yet the reality in New York suggests that this freedom is under threat.

Since Hamas’s invasion of Israel on October 7, antisemitism has surged worldwide, including in the US. “Jews were targeted in 57% of all hate crimes reported to the NYPD last month,” according to a July 2024 report. Even more troubling is the volatility in these numbers, with Jewish advocacy groups noting that the increase in anti-Israel protests may have played a role in the fluctuating figures.

While New York has long prided itself on its diversity and tolerance, the city’s Jewish community has found itself increasingly vulnerable. “The persistence and increase in anti-Jewish incidents have prompted targeted interventions by federal, state, and local governments,” a New York State Comptroller report noted.

US charges terror leaders with planning crimes, including against Jews

The U.S. Justice Department announced a 15-count indictment on Monday against two men who it said lead a “transnational terrorist group,” and who allegedly solicited hate crimes and the murder of federal officials and sought to support terrorists.

Dallas Humber, 34, of Elk Grove, Calif., and Matthew Allison, 37, of Boise, Idaho, were arrested on Friday, per the Justice Department. Each leader of the Terrorgram Collective faces up to 220 years in prison, the department added.

“Today’s indictment charges the defendants with leading a transnational terrorist group dedicated to attacking America’s critical infrastructure, targeting a hit list of our country’s public officials and carrying out deadly hate crimes—all in the name of violent white supremacist ideology,” stated Merrick Garland, the U.S. attorney general.

The duo, which is accused of soliciting the crimes on the Telegram platform, allegedly sought to enlist “others to engage in hate crimes and terrorist attacks against black, immigrant, LGBT and Jewish people,” according to Kristen Clarke, assistant U.S. attorney general for civil rights.

“Hate crimes fueled by bigotry and white supremacy, and amplified by the weaponization of digital messaging platforms, are on the rise and have no place in our society,” Clarke stated. “Make no mistake, as hate groups turn to online platforms, the federal government is adapting and responding to protect vulnerable communities.”

Humber and Allison allegedly operated with a “hit list” with “U.S. federal, state and local officials, as well as leaders of private companies and non-governmental organizations, many of whom were targeted because of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity,” per the Justice Department.

Seth Mandel: How Anti-Zionists Are Unintentionally Killing DEI

If there is any good that can come of this, it’ll be the emergence of a wider understanding that DEI cannot be fixed. Indeed, it would be ironic if SJP made its first and only positive contribution to society by accidentally condemning DEI to oblivion.

But another comment by one of the walkouts is much more illuminating about the motivations behind campus anti-Semitism. This RA said: “One of the facilitators even identified as ‘Israeli’ and made mention of this multiple times. He justified his authority on the topic by citing his 12 plus years spent in ’48 Palestine, going so far as to call ‘Israel’ (sic) a ‘beautiful land.’”

Let’s just state this as plainly as possible: the Jewish person facilitating the anti-bias training exists, and his existence bothered Rutgers RAs so much they refused to be in the same room with him.

There’s no reason to pretend that taking offense at the word “Israeli” to describe a person from Israel is anything other than Jew-hatred. This idiot at Rutgers is very young, but he has accrued a lifetime’s worth of bigotry in his rotted brain even if he is just regurgitating SJP propaganda. His use of the term “’48 Palestine” to describe Israel, combined with his offense at the word “Israel,” is an expression of nothing more profound than blood-and-soil nationalism.

It is also a reminder that the debate over Israel long ago ceased being about Israel. Over the weekend, at the Venice film festival, a filmmaker named Sarah Friedland gave an acceptance speech in which she said: “As a Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium, I must note, I’m accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation.”

Seventy-six years of occupation? Seventy-six years ago was the founding of the Jewish state, of course. When anti-Israel activists mention “the occupation,” they mean Jewish sovereignty of any kind—Tel Aviv as much as any outpost in the Jordan Valley.

DEI is unsalvageable because it cannot reconcile itself with Jewish rights of any sort. And too many universities will be unsalvageable if they cannot face up to what their anti-Zionist hordes actually believe, starting with the unwillingness to share a room with a Jew.

‘Pretty insane,’ comedian says of pro-Hamas frat ‘social experiment’

Pretending to recruit for a pro-Hamas fraternity on a college campus taught two Jewish comedians how much future leaders can be sheep.

Zach Sage Fox, the CEO and founder of a production company, and Yechiel Jacobs posed as recruiters for a fictitious pro-Hamas fraternity and sought members.

In a 90-second video titled “Rush Hamas” that they posted on social media, the two comedians don red visors, sunglasses and red tank tops that approximate the word “Hamas” in Greek Letters—eta, delta, mu, delta, sigma.

“It’s back to school season, and you know what that means,” they say. “Antisemitism.”

“We’re starting a new fraternity,” they say, gesturing to the text on their shirts. “Hamas.”

They ask one group, “Are you guys anti-Israel?” Several students say that they are. “We’re putting together a Hamas fraternity,” the two say. “This is a Hamas represent come together.”

Some students identify themselves as freshmen at New York University. The undercover comedians are told another student goes to Columbia University. “Dude, Columbia is like one of the biggest like Jew-hating schools out there,” the duo says.

Anti-Israel film event to raise money for Gaza nixed amid uproar

Following an outcry, far-left activists in Haifa on Monday postponed plans to raise money for Gaza at a benefit screening of a movie that critics call defamatory of Israeli troops.

Director Mohammad Bakri, best known for his controversial 2002 film “Jenin, Jenin” about the Battle of Jenin during the Second Intifada, was scheduled on Monday to attend the screening in Haifa of his sequel, titled “Janin, Jenin” (2024). Proceeds were earmarked for the Think Gaza donation drive.

The film is about Israel’s recent actions in Judea and Samaria but features some footage from the 2002 film, which the High Court of Justice in a rare move in 2022 banned for screening in Israel, citing its mendacious defamation of troops who fought in the Second Intifada fro the year 2000 to 2005. The film had been the subject of legal action for years.

Bakri said the postponement was due to personal reasons but activists against anti-Israeli defamation said it was the result of their mobilization to bring hundreds of protesters to Haifa if the screening goes forward. The outcry reflects diminishing tolerance in Israeli society for Bakri’s trademark packaging of anti-Israel propaganda in the documentary film format.

Shai Glick, CEO of the B’Tsalmo human-rights group that headed the pushback in Haifa, told JNS that the cancellation was the result of pressure from the office of Mayor Yona Yahav on local representatives of the far-left Hadash Party, whose activists had organized the screening. Hadash is part of Yahav’s governing coalition in the city council.

“The city realized that screening during wartime a collection of defamatory lies to raise money for Gaza would not look good, and attract protests by hundreds of opponents. So they shut it down,” Glick said.

Poll: Jews not heavily influenced by presidential candidates’ views on Israel

The Jewish Democratic Council of America released its September 2024 National Poll of Jewish Voters, which shows broad support among those polled for U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and a clear deprioritizing of Israel as a factor in their vote.

The survey, conducted from Aug. 27 through Sept. 1, asked 800 Jewish registered voters 48 questions. They first assessed demographics, Jewish background, denominations of religious practice, party preferences and ideological self-identification.

While all participants identified as Jewish, 76% named Judaism as their religion, while others chose atheism (8%), agnosticism (5%), “something else” (2%) or “nothing in particular” (9%).

On ideology, the 800 Jews were divided into 44% liberal, 38% moderate, 16% conservative and 2% unsure.

Later questions asked for opinions on ranking societal and other issues, in addition to who survey participants intended to vote for in the November presidential election. Harris led former President Donald Trump by a 72%-25% margin.

In response to “How emotionally attached are you to Israel?” some 75% answered “very” or “somewhat,” while 25% chose “not too” or “not at all attached.” Israel ranked low on influencing votes, where it tied for ninth along with “Social Security and Medicare” on a ranking of 11 issues. “The future of democracy” topped the list; abortion ranked second.

While most (40%) said the Biden administration’s policies on Israel would not influence their vote, 36% said the president’s approach made them more likely to vote for Harris and 24% felt less likely.

Those surveyed definitively showed opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with 30% holding favorable opinions compared to 63% unfavorable.

South African chief sheikh Riad Fataar proclaims: ‘I am Hamas!’

Sheikh Riad Fataar, president of South Africa’s Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), expressed staunch support for Hamas. In a speech he gave last week in Cape Town, Fataar was heard saying “I am Hamas, Cape Town is Hamas. Viva Hamas Viva! …We support Hamas because Hamas follows the Aayah (verse) in the holy Quran…: ‘Fight those who fight you.’” The Sheikh also degraded the Christian teaching of giving the other cheek, adding, “You slap me – I slap you back!”

The MJC is regarded as the most influential Muslim organization in the Western Cape area. For this reason, Fataar’s remarks were met with much disdain from the Jewish community in the country, fearing that they would incite violence against Jews.

Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Warren Goldstein, commented on these remarks, adding: “This disturbing support for a brutal terror organization is not isolated to the MJC. It is part of a concerted effort to radicalize many stakeholders in South Africa, including the mainstream media, academia, and government. This radicalization takes the form of stigmatizing Israel by the false accusations of genocide and the moral equivalence between Hamas, a murderous terror organization, and Israel, a free democracy fighting for its life within the ethics of international law.

“This campaign has been effective which is why the open support of Hamas by the MJC is only being raised as an issue by the Jewish Report. None of the other media consider it objectionable or even noteworthy. The MJC statement is also a timely reminder for law enforcement to investigate the allegations raised by global media on how funds raised by the MJC and others for Hamas, have been banked and transferred from South Africa via local banks to Hamas, an organization on global terror lists,” added the chief rabbi.

Rolene Marks, national spokesperson of the South African Zionist Federation, commented: “If Sheikh Riad Fataar, president of the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa, tells the world ‘I am Hamas’ then he is admitting publicly he is a terrorist. Hamas is recognised internationally as a terrorist organisation and was first recognised as one by the US in 1997.

Andrew Roberts Talks Takedown of Tucker Carlson’s Favorite Historian With Piers Morgan

British historian and Winston Churchill biographer Andrew Roberts joined Piers Morgan on Monday to discuss his takedown of Darryl Cooper, the little-known pseudo historian who, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, dubbed Churchill the “chief villain of World War II.”

Roberts dismantled Cooper’s claims in a Washington Free Beacon piece published Friday and told Morgan that Cooper made “eight or nine major accusations” against Churchill, “none of which were true.” Cooper, whom Carlson introduced as America’s “most important popular historian,” has a history of spreading neo-Nazi views.

In a since-deleted tweet, he said an image of Hitler marching through Nazi-occupied Paris was “infinitely preferable in virtually every way” to an image of drag queens from the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. He also showcased a mug he purchased from an avowed Nazi. Cooper called the man a “friend” in the wake of his Carlson interview.

“The shocking thing for me was that Tucker Carlson was taking him seriously at all,” Roberts said of Cooper. He particularly criticized Cooper’s claim that Churchill was “bailed out” of bankruptcy by Zionists, calling it “utter conspiracy theory nonsense, and also pretty dark.”

“The true most powerful irony of all of this is that if Adolf Hitler had won the Second World War and Winston Churchill hadn’t, we wouldn’t be having this argument. There would be no free speech,” Roberts concluded. “All of freedom of expression ultimately comes down to the fact that he was willing not to make peace with Hitler but instead to extirpate Nazism.”

Tucker Carlson – The anti-William F. Buckley

Honestly with Bari Weiss: World War II and the Rise of Anti-History

Tucker Carlson is perhaps the country’s most influential conservative commentator; his eponymous podcast is routinely among the most downloaded shows on the internet. Despite his endless fulminations against the mainstream media, Carlson has an impeccable mainstream media pedigree. He’s hit for the cycle on cable news, having hosted shows on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN. After he was fired from Fox News in 2023, under circumstances that are still hotly disputed, Carlson quickly reconstituted his career on his own—free of corporate shackles, with no institutional guardrails, and with a professed willingness to explore topics that his former mainstream media colleagues wouldn’t touch.

Last week on his show, he did just that, airing an interview with a man most people in the mainstream won’t touch: a podcaster named Darryl Cooper, who Carlson called “the most important historian in the United States.”

In reality, Cooper is an amateur historian with no publishing record—no books, no academic articles. He produces a popular history podcast called Martyr Made, in which he does deep dives into subjects like the Israel-Palestine conflict, the cult of Reverend Jim Jones, and the trials of Jeffrey Epstein. He has previously described his personal politics as those of a “non-racist fascist.”

On Carlson’s show, Cooper demonstrated some of those fascist tendencies when he identified Winston Churchill—not Adolf Hitler—as the “chief villain” of World War II. He wasn’t a hero at all, Cooper argued, but a “psychopath” who forced Nazi Germany into a war that it didn’t want. And what of the Holocaust? Cooper doesn’t speak of Jewish victims, but vaguely and airily of “prisoners of war. . . local political prisoners and so forth” who the Nazis “just threw. . . into camps, and millions of people ended up dead.”

In September 1941, a mere week after Nazi troops occupied the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, that city’s Jews were ordered to congregate for “resettlement.” Under threat of severe punishment, they obliged. . . and were loaded into trucks to be transported a short distance to Babi Yar, a ravine just north of the city. In a two-day orgy of violence, 33,000 Jews ended up dead. Innocents, not prisoners of war; children forced to lie on top of those pushed into the pit before them, then executed with a bullet in the back of the head. This is how they ended up dead.

Tucker Carlson, who has the ear of millions of conservatives, including Donald Trump, and who secured a prime time speaking spot at the Republican National Convention, said nothing in response to Cooper’s revisionism. No pushback. Not an arched eyebrow. Just unalloyed praise for an extremist autodidact, America’s “best” historian.

Cooper defended himself on Twitter by assuring his critics that Hitler was indeed desperate to make peace and was also willing to “work with the other powers to reach an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem.” Jewish problem was not in quotes. When another user pointed this out, Cooper responded: “Was there not a problem involving the Jews in Europe at the time?”

Hitler apologia and antisemitism packaged as brave historical inquiry is not new. We’ve heard versions of these arguments from cranks, extremists, and anti-Americans on the left and right, for decades. But why is there a sudden resurgence of these odious ideas on the American right?

Today, we talk to Victor Davis Hanson to help us answer this question. Hanson is a classicist and historian, the author of two dozen books, including the critically acclaimed The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won. And for years, Hanson was a weekly guest on Tucker Carlson’s television show

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