Vance Blames Media After Trump Refutes Abortion Ban Claim

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) blamed the media after his running mate, former President Donald Trump decided to say whether he would sign a national abortion bill if such a piece of legislation landed on his desk Tuesday night.

During his ABC News debate against the Vice President Kamala HarrisTrump was asked several times whether he would sign or veto a complete ban on abortions. Trump’s position was that the issue was downgraded to individual states and would be resolved at that level.

When pressed about a statement from Vance that Trump would indeed support such a ban, Trump told the moderators David Muir And Linsey Davis He had not spoken to the senator about the matter.

Vance joined ABC News after the debate to discuss Trump’s performance as the network’s chief correspondent in Washington Jonathan Karel asked him about the mixed signals.

“Donald Trump was asked if he would veto a national abortion ban. He didn’t answer the question and suggested that I don’t think he would. And then it was pointed out that you said not too long ago that he would veto a national abortion ban. Can you explain the confusion there?” Vance responded:

Well, I think the president has been very clear that he does not want a national abortion ban. I think he finds the question a little ridiculous in some ways, because why are we asking him about legislation that is never going to pass and why would he veto it or not, when he says very explicitly that he does not support a national abortion ban and that he wants this policy to be made by the states.

The Ohio Republican criticized Harris, but Karl returned to his original question.

Karl asked, “But Senator Vance, why wouldn’t he just say he would veto the national abortion ban? By the way, had you talked to him about it before you were put in the position to answer that question?”

Vance responded by lashing out at the media and Harris. He said:

No, I haven’t talked to him about it because again, Donald Trump finds the question absurd because he doesn’t support a nationwide abortion ban and he’s been explicit about it. And Jon, I find it so ridiculous that the media is so focused on an issue that Donald Trump has been crystal clear about and not on the fact that people can’t afford groceries and housing because of Kamala Harris’ policies. This election is actually pretty simple and Kamala Harris and apparently the media want to distract Americans from issues that Donald Trump has been crystal clear about, but they don’t talk about them nearly enough. This debate didn’t talk nearly enough about the fact that Americans are struggling because they can’t afford groceries, they can’t afford housing, and many of their children are dying of fentanyl overdoses because Kamala Harris has let the Mexican drug cartels take over the southern border.

Watch above via ABC News.

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