9/11, Part Two: The Perpetrators

  • They wouldn’t do that, would they? A question formulated as a statement in Part One

  • Social engineering requires engineers – lackeys bought with fiat money

  • Elites play status games – call it mafia, tribalism and syndicates

  • The managers of the Nine-Eleven affair are the same ones who ran Russiagate; Covid

  • They could only be financed by a system of fiat money printed on paper

  • So we can say that we can use a certain approximation when we say that the bankers have ordered both

  • No genius needed, just follow the money

  • The Bush-Clinton alliance has transformed the Democrats into a party that wages war on business

  • And so the Bush, Cheney, Romney and McCain families have supported Kamala Harris

See also:
9/11, Part One: They Wouldn’t Do That – The World Trade Center bombing set the story in motionand (Sep 10, 2024)
From Palestine to the JFK assassination (November 26, 2023)
From the World Trade Center to Maui – One Crisis to Rule Them All (September 12, 2023)
Chronicle of Dissenting Opinion – Why the Public is the Enemy #1 (January 31, 2023)
9/11 Goals and the Covid Response (September 11, 2022)
Eurasia Note #53 – 100 Days and 8 Years of War in Ukraine (June 4, 2022)
Covid Points to 9/11 Perpetrators (September 10, 2021)
Spies, Fraudsters and Charities – Norman Dodd & Tax-Exempt Foundations (07 Aug 2021)

(2,800 words or approximately 13 minutes of your business)

September 11, 2024

Edna Cintron stood or sat on the cracked north facade of World Trade Center One for an hour and a half until it collapsed.

She worked for Marsh & McLennan on the 97th floor, approximately between the 93rd and 99th floors, which were reportedly destroyed by American Airlines Flight 11.

She is in the photographs used to study the collapse. She was still there, in the last photo, 20 seconds before the building imploded.

Yet the National Institute of Standards and Technology never referred to her. That’s because Edna is an inconvenient truth. If kerosene caused a fire so fierce that it brought down buildings, this resourceful but mild-mannered secretary, as her husband recalls, could not have been sitting there waiting…

To see Covid Points to 9/11 Perpetrators – Power Grab Exposes Their Hand (September 10, 2021)

The public, and especially the victims, were subjected to horror – what the US military would later categorize as “shock and awe.”

As the expression suggests, the idea is to make people stop thinking; to drive them into blind panic or rage.

Yet there was a calm resolve among those managing the crisis and the response behind the scenes. There are three stages to control: first the event itself and establishing the story; then the investigation; and finally, any litigation.

We will look at some of those involved, their connections, and their timely appointments to key positions. But most telling is how the personnel of September 11, 2001, play a major role in the crises we face today.

The purpose of this article is to connect the events of September 11, 2001 with what is happening today: interrelated crises in what the World Economic Forum calls a polycrisis.


Elites play status games, with power tightly controlled within families. If we go back, we will surely find mafia, tribalism and syndicates.

Winston Churchill, in his analysis of the events leading up to World War II, used the expression: “a riddle wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.”

If you are familiar with our articles on Churchill, his words will not deceive you.
To see Eurasia Note #78 – Churchill’s Wars and Financial Ties – If you stay close, you win the cigar (May 18, 2023)

Intelligence services go beyond the usual nepotism you see in the office, because they have secrets to keep, plans that unfold over generations. Of course, we only confront the VP of Operations: presidents, the éminence grise like the Dick Cheneys and their reports.

One clue is that the same people involved in the Russiagate hoax to take out President Donald Trump’s administration were also the 911 crew members: James Clapper, John Brennan and Robert Mueller.

The presenters – at one point we might also call them managing directors – were the presidents: Bush, Clinton and, today, Obama.

The Clintons and the Bushes have always worked together, and Obama is a product of the same machine. Try telling that to a reader of The Guardian or The New York Times and you’ll get a look that says, “Can’t calculate…”

As voracious readers, they are probably familiar with the fragmentary novel or magical realism, a technique used in fiction. What they do not realize is that the state uses the same magic when it wants to conceal its activities, confuse opponents, and keep rivals in the dark. And that includes misleading the public, as we discussed in Part One.

Ignoring the evidence of your eyes goes far beyond photographs.

The Clinton administration (1993-January 2001) unleashed the corporate power grab that enabled the takeover of the world by the military, banking, pharmaceuticals, and digital industries. This explains how the Democratic Party became the party of war and big business:

  • The protections that kept factories and jobs within the U.S. were stripped away in 1992 with the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);

  • The for-profit prison industry exploded with the “three strikes” legislation of the 1994 Crime Bill (sponsored by then-Senator Joe Biden, who also claimed credit for many provisions of the 2001 PATRIOT Act);

  • Allowed for the consolidation of the media, now governed by six companies, through the Telecommunications Act of 1996;

  • The ban on banks gambling with depositors’ money was lifted. The separation of commercial and investment banking was imposed in 1933 after the Wall Street crash. In 1999, President Bill Clinton publicly declared that “the Glass-Steagall Act no longer applies.”

Clinton’s commitment to those in power went far beyond the irreversible tilting of power in favor of corporations at the expense of individuals: Mena Airport in Arkansas, Iran Contra, flooding inner cities with crack cocaine, the first World Trade Center bombing in February 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995, reversing Clinton’s decision on Russia’s NATO membership, and the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Unless you understand that you won’t get first base. The Bushes are part of the Anglo-American intelligence community and Clinton was probably recruited at university. The Office of Strategic Services (try saying that with a stiff upper lip), the British Security Co-ordination based in Rockefeller Plaza, NYC, and the Central Intelligence Agency were all outgrowths of the City of London and its centuries-old spy networks.

The evidence for this connection is that the first appointments to the OSS/CIA came from British and American banks and law firms.

In a telling twist to the present, Dick Cheney, along with the Bush, Romney and McCain families, has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for the November 2024 election.

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