US Elections: Where Do US Presidential Candidates Stand on Key Issues? | World News


US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (R) and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shake hands at the start of a presidential debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. (AFP)
US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (R) and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shake hands at the start of a presidential debate at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. (AFP)

Economy: Whose Plan is Better?


Promised to build an “opportunity economy” focused on supporting homeowners, new parents and small businesses. Called Trump’s tariff proposals “Trump’s sales tax” and claimed they would increase the average American household spending by $4,000 a year. Claimed his tax cuts would target the wealthy and increase the deficit. And cited Goldman Sachs, Wharton and Nobel laureates to say her economic plan was better.


Repeated that the economy was in great shape under his presidency. Criticized the administration for perpetuating high inflation. Alleged that illegal immigrants were taking jobs from African Americans and Latinos. Defended tariffs, claiming that Biden’s continued imposition of them was proof of their success, and said they would not lead to higher prices for consumers.

China: Who’s tougher?


Alleged that Trump sold American chips to China that Beijing used to bolster its military. Alleged that ensuring the US beat China in the 21st century competition required working with allies, investing in technology to win the AI ​​and quantum race, and supporting workers’ rights. And accused Trump of thanking Xi Jinping during Covid-19 despite China’s lack of transparency about the virus’s origins.


Claimed he was the only president who got China to pay the US billions of dollars. Said China bought chips from Taiwan, not the US, and blamed Democrats for US manufacturing weaknesses. Accused Harris of being a Marxist.

Abortion: Who is more caring?


Held Trump’s selection of Supreme Court justices solely responsible for overturning national abortion protections and restoring abortion bans in 20 states. Laid out stories of suffering caused by these bans, many of which do not even allow for exceptions in cases of rape or incest. Said that Trump or the government had no business telling any woman what to do with her body. Accused him of wanting to abolish fertility treatments. And promised to sign legislation restoring protections under Roe v Wade


Claimed credit for selecting justices, saying everyone wanted to overturn Roe v Wade and turn the decision over to the states. Said he strongly supported abortion exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother. Accused Democrats of encouraging late-term abortions and even executing babies after birth. Remained cagey about whether he would sign a national ban on abortion. Declared himself a leader in fertility treatments.

Immigration: Who guards the borders?


Accused Trump of letting his Senate colleagues block a bipartisan border security bill because he wanted to address a problem, not solve it. Alleged that she had prosecuted transnational criminal gangs that trafficked guns, drugs and people.


Accused Biden-Harris administration of letting millions and millions of illegal immigrants into US, saying they came from mental institutions and prisons. Accused immigrants of both crimes, taking jobs, and even “eating pets” from people in small towns. Promised to “get them out.”

Afghanistan: Who was responsible?


She said she supported Biden’s decision to withdraw troops and end the war, claiming four presidents had tried to do the same. She blamed Trump for a bad deal with the Taliban prior to the withdrawal, bypassing the Afghan government and releasing Taliban prisoners. And attacked him for inviting Taliban terrorists to Camp David.


Took credit for stopping the killing of American troops in Afghanistan. Claimed his deal with the Taliban was a good one that would have resulted in a faster, smoother troop withdrawal. Accused the administration of abandoning Americans and $85 billion worth of military equipment. Called it the most shameful day in American history and said it led to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ukraine and Gaza: What happened and what now?


Supported Ukraine. Accused Russia of violating sovereignty and territorial integrity. Praised NATO. Alleged that autocrats could easily manipulate Trump with flattery and favors, and accused him of being weak. Condemned the Hamas terror attack on Israel, supported Israel’s right to respond, but said the manner in which it did so mattered. Underscored the importance of a ceasefire and hostage agreement to end the war, and committed to a two-state solution that would take into account Palestinian self-determination, security, and dignity.


Claimed that under him, neither war would have happened. Claimed that Biden-Harris had been weak and ineffective. Stated that the US interest was to end the war in Ukraine and that he would do so between the time of his victory and before he took office. Said that he had excellent relations with both Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky. Accused Harris of being anti-Israel and anti-Arab. Claimed that Israel would not exist if she won.

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