Annual Russian FM Report on the Glorification of Nazism & Spread of Neo-Nazism

Another archival document for readers.

It’s been quite some time since I published a key translated document for readers to add to their archive, which is what the above photo signals. There are several sections to this report. The first is the MFA’s press release explaining the document and the timing of its publication. The second is the more extensive essay that acts as a forward to the third potion—the 1804-page PDF report that currently is only in Russian. Again, I must remind readers that the Outlaw US Empire kept Nazism alive after WW2 in several different ways—importing Nazis directly into the US federal government and military; helping them to escape to South America and other regions; and most importantly, supplying the OUN—Ukraine’s Nazis—to keep their war against the USSR going. Evidence for all that is in the public domain, some of it in documents developed during Congressional hearings on the matter during the 1990s upon which several books were published, with many more available at the National Security Archive. Of the 1804 pages, 156 document the situation within the Outlaw US Empire, which is only surpassed by Ukraine’s 199 pages. There’ll likely be some repetition between the PR and essay, which is natural. First, the Press Release:

The Ministry’s website has published its annual report on the glorification of Nazism, the spread of neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. This year, its release is timed to coincide with September 3 – the Day of Victory over militaristic Japan and the end of World War II.

This report is traditionally based on the provisions of the thematic resolution “Combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”, which Russia, together with a wide range of co-sponsors from all regions of the world, annually submits to the UN General Assembly. It is important to note that the absolute majority of members of the international community share Russia’s approaches to this issue. So, in 2023, the Russian resolution was supported by 118 countries. Only 49 delegations opposed it, including the United States and Ukraine (which traditionally vote against this initiative), as well as EU member states.

Unfortunately, we have to state that history repeats itself, and the templates developed in Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan are now being used in a number of states, whose authorities not only glorify the ideas of Nazism, but also implement them with special zeal. This is evident from their attempts to reformat public consciousness, erase historical memory and implant neo-Nazi ideology among the younger generations. There is a general trend towards a policy of falsifying the history of World War II, hushing up the heroic feat of the Soviet people, and belittling the role of the USSR in the Victory over Nazism. It is especially regrettable to see how the governments of the countries that were part of the anti-Hitler coalition trample on the memory of the exploits of their citizens – soldiers and ordinary people whose lives were sacrificed in the fight against fascism.

With the start of a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine and protect the civilian population of Donbass, the countries of the “collective West” openly support fascist ideology, represented by the Nazi Kiev regime, which, however, was purposefully and consistently nurtured by them. The authorities of these states continue, often to the detriment of their economies and the well-being of their people, to throw all the resources at their disposal to “pump” weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which include neo-Nazi formations that use Western military supplies for terrorist attacks on civilians.

The situation in the Baltic countries, Poland and the Czech Republic has reached absolute absurdity, where a “new” national history is being created at the behest of Western curators: historical facts are being distorted, a fight is being waged against Soviet monuments, communism and fascism are cynically identified, manifestations of Russophobia are being encouraged, and it comes to the point of openly whitewashing and glorifying the Nazis and their accomplices.

In the same row are the United States, Great Britain and Canada, whose governments prefer to turn a blind eye to manifestations of racism and xenophobia. This, in turn, is not surprising, because all their efforts in this area are mainly aimed at retouching the unsightly pictures and the grave consequences of their colonial past, the basis of which was the theory of racial superiority.

The facts cited in the report confirm the thesis defended by Russia that such blatant manifestations of racial discrimination
and glorification of Nazism undermine the unshakable decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
In doing so, they pose a direct threat to the fundamental values of genuine democracy and human rights, as well as to international security as a whole.

Russia, like 85 years ago, does not intend to put up with the spread of the “brown plague”. Together with her like-minded people, she will make every effort to ensure that the feat of millions of those who gave the world a chance for freedom and prosperity is not forgotten. (My Emphasis)

In his “Mobilization Speech” on 21 September 2022, President Putin made the following vow:

“It is in our historical tradition, in the fate of our people, to stop those who are striving for world domination, who threaten to dismember and enslave our Motherland, our Fatherland. We will do it now, and so it will be.”

Those words and the West’s actions since have placed the SMO’s deNazification goal into another realm as it’s now admitted by both sides that NATO is at war with Russia. Thus, Russia’s aims are now to create conditions where its December 2021 Security Proposals can be fulfilled, although very few are openly talking about that, while Russia is famous for not repeating itself on certain matters. This means the Team Biden decision to overrule Genral Austin’s decision to not allow the Ukraine Nazis to have long range missiles and let the Nazis have them invites the possibility of direct retaliation given the above reality. Austin knows the US military cannot defend against a Russian attack, which doesn’t have to be aimed at the US mainland as US targets are plentiful everywhere. It’s not out of the question that a pair or trio of kinzals could visit the plant where those missiles are produced and erase it.

And now for the report’s Introduction:

This report continues the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to draw attention to the manifestations in foreign countries of various forms of glorification of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

As in previous reports on this topic, the document reflects the line of Western countries aimed at whipping up rabid Russophobia and has become one of the “manifestations” of their support for Ukraine against the background of a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify this country. Considerable attention is also paid to the actions of individual states, first of all the Baltic states, Poland, and Ukraine, which, using the Free Trade Zone conducted by Russia as a pretext, actively continue to destroy the entire array of Soviet and Russian, and often their own, memorial heritage on their territory and strengthen their efforts to falsify the history of the Second World War in order to justify Nazism and its current supporters in Kiev.

In addition, this topic was included in the first joint report of the Russian and Belarusian foreign Ministries on the human rights situation in individual countries published in June this year.

Currently, there is an ever-increasing trend in a number of countries to publicly justify and glorify Nazism, Nazi figures, and support neo-Nazism in order to please the biased political ambitions of external curators. The previous campaigns aimed at distorting history and falsifying the role of the USSR in ensuring victory over Nazism in the Great Patriotic War and World War II and creating a modern system of international relations received a powerful boost of acceleration.

The cynicism, historical revisionism and revanchism inherent in the leadership of a number of Western countries are aimed at completely replacing the concepts and changing the places of the authors of the ideologies of racial purity that unleashed the war with the states that opposed them.

There is still a lot of tension in the sphere of “historical wars”, where the bias and utter lack of professionalism of the “rewriters” of history in working with real events of the past days, their primitivization, as well as the “tabloid” approach to the presentation of pseudo-historical materials are obvious. As a result, the final “product” they create has nothing to do with scientific approaches to the presentation and analysis of historical facts.

The West is openly and unceremoniously changing historical concepts-from equating the Nazi regime with the “totalitarian” Soviet one to trying to place all responsibility for the war on the Soviet Union and declaring it a “criminal worse than the Third Reich”. The meaning, and most importantly, the essence of the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial and Punishment of the main war criminals of the European Axis countries (the Nuremberg Tribunal) is deliberately blurred. This verdict outlawed war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis and their henchmen, and also condemned the leaders of the Nazi regime, putting everything in its place.

It should be noted that this became possible largely due to the joint decision of the participants of the Anti-Hitler Coalition to hold an open, public trial of the main Nazis and its implementation. It was during the Nuremberg trials that the world learned in detail about the horrors of national Socialism and the brutal crimes committed by followers of this ideology. Then the world community was horrified by what they saw. And that is why the current adherents of “rule-based order”, who support modern Nazis, are very much hindered by the very fact of the existence of the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

As analysts correctly note, history repeats itself, and the templates developed in Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan are now being used in a number of states, whose authorities not only glorify the ideas of Nazism, but also implement them with special zeal. This is evident from their attempts to reformat public consciousness, erase historical memory and inculcate neo-Nazi ideology among the younger generations, support and legalize neo-Pagan and Satanic movements, counteract canonical Orthodoxy, etc.

Thus, collaborators who collaborated with the Nazis and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity are declared participants in national liberation movements that allegedly fought for the “independence” of their states. Educational programs and cultural projects celebrate the” feat ” of voluntary members of the national SS legions who fought for Hitler’s Germany and took part in numerous mass murders of civilians. With the assistance of the authorities, the activities of national radicals and right-wing extremists are unfolding, which often become the main performers of the cynical “war” with monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators.

For the struggle against the “Russian world” and the Soviet memorial heritage, nationalists are privileged to dictate the concept of “correct patriotism”to the whole society. In most cases, the national authorities do not take any measures to stop such bacchanalia; rather, on the contrary, they encourage them to do so. Almost no reaction is received to the protests of Russian diplomatic missions in connection with such incidents. Representatives of civil society are simply ignored, or even subjected to repressive measures.

In addition to Ukraine, the most threatening situation in this area is noted in the Baltic States, Poland and the Czech Republic. In these countries, over the past few years, an unimaginable hysteria with Russophobic motives has unfolded around the celebration of May 9. As part of the hastily launched campaigns to “eliminate the legacy of the totalitarian regime”, not only the main monuments in honor of Red Army soldiers were barbarously destroyed, but many other such monuments-almost all of them. The public was forbidden to pay any kind of tribute to the memory of the fighters against Nazism. For participating in such actions and even defending the right to honor the memory of the heroes of the Red Army, activists and ordinary citizens are arrested and prosecuted. Examples of such prosecutions are provided in this report.

Demonstrating the cynical use of the policy of double standards, the political elites of the vast majority of European and North American “democratic” states are doing their best to hide from the international community and, including, their citizens the Nazi essence of the policy of the Kiev and similar regimes.

It has also reached the point of openly whitewashing neo-Nazism supporters-fighters of the radical nationalist battalion “Azov” and other similar Ukrainian extremist formations that openly demonstrate their racist ideological essence. In particular, any mention of numerous violent crimes committed by members of Ukrainian extremist groups in the Donbas is carefully excluded from the information space. In the same way, they are trying to prevent the broadcast of information about the commitment of the Ukrainian military to Nazism, as evidenced by their wearing of Nazi symbols. However, such cases still reach the public. So far, pro-Western journalists are apologizing for demonstrating such a thing on the air.

In terms of content, this report is traditionally based on the provisions of the thematic resolution “Combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”, which Russia, together with a wide range of co-authors from all regions of the world, annually submits to the UN General Assembly for consideration. The text of the resolution and the table with the results of voting at the 78th session of the General Assembly are included in the document as annexes.

We believe that it is important to recall in connection with this resolution that the absolute majority of the world community shares Russian approaches to glorifying Nazism and justifying racism. Unprecedented pressure from the Washington-led “collective West” failed to reverse this trend. In 2023, the Russian resolution was supported by the majority of countries in the world – 118. 49 delegations opposed it, including the United States and Ukraine (which traditionally opposed this initiative), as well as EU member states (which previously abstained from voting, but now publicly demonstrate support for neo-Nazism under pressure from outside).

With regard to the vote, the odious position of Western countries, which, following the United States, opposed the document condemning the glorification of Nazism and the manifestations of neo-Nazism, is striking. The cohesion of the former Axis member States remains a serious concern, which casts doubt on the sincerity of the repentance of Germany, Italy and Japan for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War. By their actions, these states demonstrated a blasphemous attitude to the memory of the victims of German Nazism, Italian fascism and Japanese militarism.

We also recall the thematic focus of the resolution: It condemns the glorification of the Nazi movement and former members of the Waffen-SS organization, including by opening monuments and memorials, as well as holding public demonstrations to glorify the Nazi past, the Nazi movement and neo-Nazism. It is particularly emphasized that erecting monuments in honor of SS men, organizing their marches and other similar actions desecrate the memory of countless victims of fascism, negatively affect the younger generation, and are absolutely incompatible with the obligations of UN member States. The co-authors of the resolution cannot ignore the fact that in some countries those who fought against the Anti-Hitler Coalition or collaborated with the Nazis are persistently trying to elevate them to the rank of national heroes and heroes of national liberation movements. The Russian Federation and its like-minded people are convinced that this is not about political correctness, as its ideologues are trying to convince us, but about the most outright cynicism and blasphemy towards those who liberated the world from the horrors of national socialism.

The provisions of international human rights treaties and, above all, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination are the most important legal framework for countering these negative phenomena and the basis for developing multilateral cooperation. Its participants are the overwhelming majority of UN member States, including those countries that vote against or abstain on the document initiated by Russia.

In accordance with article 4, States parties to the Convention are, inter alia, required to:

– to condemn all propaganda and all organizations based on ideas of racial superiority or attempting to justify or promote racial hatred and discrimination in any form;

– to make any dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred a criminal offence punishable by law;

– declare illegal and prohibit organizations, as well as organized and all other propaganda activities that promote and incite racial discrimination, and recognize participation in such organizations or activities as a crime punishable by law.

Article 4 is one of the key provisions of the Convention. Its importance lies primarily in the fact that it sets a clear line between criminal offences and the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, as well as to freedom of opinion and expression. That is why the references of certain states to the fact that the marches of Waffen-SS veterans, various collaborators, the facts of erecting monuments to the Nazis and other similar manifestations are allegedly only the implementation of these freedoms are absolutely groundless. In this regard, we are convinced of the need for States to withdraw their reservations to this treaty as soon as possible, including reservations to article 4.

Based on data from international and national sources, the report summarizes factual information on new manifestations in all forms of glorification of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the focus countries. Recommendations of international universal and regional mechanisms in the field of human rights, in particular treaty bodies (committees) and regional (especially European) human rights institutions addressed to the States under consideration are also taken into account. The report also uses research by civil society organizations on this topic. In this regard, the painstaking work of identifying former members of Nazi units and collaborationist structures remains a useful tool. The world still sees some trials of such “figures”, although this is probably one of the last such trials, including due to the inexorable passage of time.

As part of the efforts aimed at establishing Victory as a common heritage of the UN Member States and preventing the destruction or desecration of monuments and memorials to the fighters against Nazism in line with the provisions of the UN General Assembly resolution on countering the glorification of Nazism, this report traditionally focuses on the attitude of Western countries towards monuments and memorials dedicated to the Red Army soldiers who liberated Europe from the brown plague, to anti-fascist soldiers, members of the Resistance Movement, and their safety. Increased attention to this topic is also caused by the sharply intensified attempts of the current leadership of a number of states, primarily Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Estonia, to settle historical scores with Russia, and in a broad sense – with their historical past, by blasphemously destroying monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators.

In addition, the document traditionally reflects the topic of discrimination against national minorities, as well as the Russian and Russian-speaking population, especially in the Baltic states and Ukraine (including the efforts of the authorities to deport Russian-speaking residents from the Baltic States, including the elderly).

Russia will always remember that all the peoples of the Soviet Union played a decisive role in the victory over Nazism. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of this epochal event for all of humanity. In our country, its meaning is not necessary to explain. For us, that war will remain the Great Patriotic War. Its horrors and hardships affected every Russian family.

These trends and facts only confirm the thesis defended by Russia and its supporters that such manifestations of racial discrimination and the glorification of Nazism pose a direct threat to the fundamental values of genuine democracy and human rights and pose a serious challenge to international and regional security and stability. However, so far, there are no prospects for a certain part of States to develop a desire to unite and implement constructive cooperation for sustainable development and equal partnership. The events of recent years are increasingly reminding us of the “values” of the superiority of one race or nation over other peoples and cultures that prevailed more than half a century ago. Naturally, Russia, together with like-minded people, does not intend to put up with such racist and neo-colonial approaches and will counteract them in every possible way. (My Emphasis)

Of course, I can’t include the full translation of the main document. However, because the Empire’s role in all this is paramount, I’ll provide the initial 8827 words that begin the 156 pages that are the Outlaw US Empire’s portion of the report. The bracketed numbers are footnote numbers:

The United States continues to actively engage in the “reformatting” of public consciousness by rewriting the events and outcomes of the Second World War. Local officialdom, as a rule, diligently highlights only the role of the United States and its Western allies in the victory over Nazism, glossing over the key contribution of the USSR to the defeat of Nazi Germany(2288). They prefer not to talk about the role of the Red Army in the liberation of prisoners of Auschwitz and other concentration camps (2289).

In order to preserve the unipolar world, suppress the anti-colonial movement in the countries of the Global South, while not neglecting the ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural and economic superiority, depriving entire peoples of prospects for independent and cultural and civilizational development, the United States, together with Great Britain, once stood together with the Soviet Union at the head of the anti-Hitler coalition, today openly cultivate modern neo-Nazism. Anti-Semitism during the reign of “classical” fascism in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s is being replaced by Russophobia, migrant Phobia and Islamophobia.

The United States employs a wide range of terrorist groups around the world, which are tightly controlled by intelligence agencies and work together with private military companies (PMCs). This happened and is still happening in the Syrian territories occupied by the US armed forces, where odious gangs such as Magavir al-Saura operate under the guise of the “moderate opposition”. Other radical Islamist groups are operating in Syria “under the roof” of the American occupation forces.

Washington’s tradition of turning to the services of war criminals dates back decades. After World War II, many German Nazis and Italian fascists were integrated with American consent (including with the direct support of the CIA) into the security and scientific structures of the United States, as well as into the government circles of Germany and Italy.

Similar processes took place in a number of other European countries. At the insistence of the Americans, a number of Hitler’s generals were promoted to high positions in the Bundeswehr and NATO bodies. Employees of the Abwehr, Gestapo and other Nazi structures provided significant assistance in reconfiguring the work of Western intelligence services in the conditions of the Cold War.

Captured Japanese General I. Shiro, known for his criminal experiments on the effects of viruses, bacteria, radiation and chemicals on living people in occupied China, the Americans took him to the United States, entrusting him with the development of biological weapons and guaranteeing in exchange immunity from prosecution as a war criminal.

In pursuit of illusory goals – to destroy the Russian world, dismember Russia, exterminate the peoples inhabiting it and eventually simply erase it from the political map of the world – the United States unceremoniously imposes neo-Nazi ideology on Europeans. (The same as the Nazi Plan Ost)

Together with its European allies, the United States is actively using militant nationalism and neo-Nazism in all their manifestations as one of the tools of the new phase of global confrontation between the West and Russia. They label any anti-liberal and conservative forces that support the course of developing constructive relations with Russia, which they see as the last “bastion of traditions,” as “Nazism/neo-Nazism”, as well as “fascism” in order to create an image of the enemy .

Through foreign non-profit non-governmental and international organizations controlled by themselves, the United States promotes scenarios of the “dismantling”/”decolonization” of the Russian Federation as a sovereign state and the creation of quasi-states on a mono-national basis on its territory from the outside, followed by genocide of the population and an artificial decrease in its number.

Americans and NGOs “tied” to them actively support far–right and neo-Nazi movements in Europe and the post-Soviet space, calling their members “freedom fighters” and their idols from among Nazi collaborators – “figures of national liberation movements.”

Ukraine has become another weak-willed victim of the intrusive and aggressive American policy. Having supported the coup d’etat in 2014, the United States and its satellites did everything to create a neo-Nazi, terrorist state in the center of Europe and threw Ukraine at Russia’s battering ram.

After the coup, the United States almost openly continued to work to “ensure the defense and security” of this country, taking full control of its security forces and constantly increasing the supply of weapons to Kiev.

At the same time, in the process of strengthening the military power directed against Russia, the bet was placed precisely on the Nazi ideology and the introduction of its adherents into the command staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and government bodies.

This task was solved with the support of nationalists from volunteer battalions, who received generous targeted financial assistance amounting to billions of dollars. In the period from 2016 to 2022 (before the start of the Special Military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022), about $78 million was transferred by the American side through legal channels, despite the direct ban of the US Congress on financing this criminal organization.

According to the Washington Post newspaper on June 10, 2024, with reference to a statement by the US State Department, the Administration of J.Biden lifted a long-term ban on the supply of weapons to the Ukrainian nationalist Azov battalion(2290). The American Foreign Ministry, in particular, pointed out that as a result of a thorough inspection by the State Department of the 12th Ukrainian special Forces brigade “Azov” for compliance with the criteria of the “Leahy Law” (prohibits the provision of American military assistance to foreign units suspected of neo-Nazism, as well as those who have committed serious human rights violations(2291)) “no evidence of “violations” was not found(2292). At the same time, the representative of the State Department refused to clarify exactly when the ban was lifted and whether the Azov militants received American weapons(2293).

It should be noted that informally the United States has been trying to ban Azov from using American weapons since 2015, but officially such a ban was introduced only in 2018, when Washington admitted that some of the founders of the battalion held racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views, and a number of UN human rights experts accused the group of humanitarian violations.

Back in 2023, the Washington Post quoted a State Department source who acknowledged that this rule had no practical effect. Congressman P.Gosar said at the same time that the ban was blurred after the Azov militants were included in the armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine, and also created separate armed formations with their participation(2295).

It is noteworthy that the neo-Nazi terror in Ukraine, which was launched immediately after the coup d’etat, also relied on the long-standing experience of the United States interacting with terrorists and extremists.

The indoctrination of Bandera groups outside Ukraine (mainly in Canada) was started by the Americans shortly after 1945. Since the late 1980s, the Americans have purposefully supported the bearers of Russophobic and chauvinist views, and strengthened these sentiments in the Ukrainian elite. Under the control of Western NGOs, the “schools of young politicians” were actively working, teaching according to the American manuals of the “color revolutions”. They not only told their listeners about the strategy and tactics of coups, but also fostered aggressive Russophobia. Training camps were set up in Ukraine and Eastern Europe with CIA money, where fighters of ultra-right and neo-Nazi organizations who became perpetrators of terror in Ukraine were trained under the guidance of NATO instructors.

In parallel, Washington launched a campaign to justify Ukrainian Nazism and whitewash collaborators of Nazi Germany. It is significant that the United States and Ukraine (and since 2022, their allies from among the EU member states and some other countries) vote against the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the annual resolution initiated by Russia “Combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

By “feeding” new Nazis and supplying weapons to those who, forgetting about the postulates of international law, want to force the whole world to live according to gangster concepts, the United States and other former allies of the USSR during World War II, in fact, act with greater cynicism and scope than Hitler and his accomplices in the 1930s and 1940s. All this is roughly interspersed with lamentations about “helping the weak”, calls for the “restoration of democracy” and threats of a full-scale conflict with Russia. (My Emphasis)

And unfortunately, there’s a whole lot more. I should note Russians are very good historians and researchers and that the above—not the entire report —could be expanded upon into a full book all on its own. Furthermore, the greater mass of the US populace knows very little to nothing of the above history and facts as very little finds its way into textbooks. The reference above to “gangster concepts” is quite correct when looking at how death squads (terrorists) were employed in Central and South America immediately after WW2 and is a method of control still practiced today. The somewhat well-known Operation Condor was only one of several. Mi Lai in Vietnam was usual practice, not an aberration. For readers living in other nations, find your nation’s name on the list and copy/paste its contents into your favorite translation program. Not all 190+ nations are listed because only a select minority promote Nazism. Here’s the list in order of its appearance:

Australia, Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Hungary, Greece, Denmark, Irish, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Northern Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Ukraine, Finland, France, Germany, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Japan, & Kosovo.

Ideally, the list and its report wouldn’t exist. Why it does is explained above. What it implies is that no democracy exists in the West—what normal person supports Nazism and what it did? No US citizen ever voted to have their national government adopt a Pro-Nazi Policy immediately after WW2. Yet, that’s precisely what the Truman administration did. Indeed, much evidence exists to suggest such a Pro-Nazi and Anti-Russian policy was already being practiced in 1943 in the liberated areas of Italy. FDR’s Vice-President Henry Wallace wrote an op/ed vetted by the White House for publication by the NY Times in April 1944, “The Danger of American Fascism,” that was very matter-of-fact on the subject which very likely got him ousted as FDR’s running mate in the 1944 election since it was clear to many that FDR wouldn’t fully serve his fourth term and Wallace was to pro-people and genuinely Progressive in the older meaning of that term and clearly had no love for Fascists or Nazis.

The reemergence of Nazism is a global problem just as the Outlaw US Empire’s attempt to gain control of the planet is a global problem. In many ways, it’s one and the same thing. Some won’t like that Truth. I don’t, but I refuse to deny it.

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