Focus on LGBTQIA people promoting child sexual abuse – Outrage Magazine

A few days ago I came across this Facebook page for sex workers who cater to transgender women and gay and bisexual men. And a message immediately appeared for me – namely from a minor who was looking for clients at the age of 16. At least 21 LGBTQIA people responded to his ad.

Yes: Facebook should NOT allow this in the first place. But Meta’s “community standards” as managed by Facebook are always questionable. So posts like this are seen far too often.

For information, the minimum age of sexual consent in the Philippines is 16. Republic Act (RA) No. 11648, signed by Rodrigo Roa Duterte in 2022, amended RA 3815 (Revised Penal Code) and RA 7610 (Special Act for the Protection of Children from Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination) by raising the minimum age for establishing rape of minors from 12 to 16.


Rape is committed by a person who has sexual intercourse with another person “when the offended party is under 16 years of age or is demented… provided that there is no criminal liability for a person who has sexual intercourse with another person under 16 years of age when the age difference between the parties is not more than three years, and the sexual act in question is proven to be consensual, non-offensive and non-exploitative: provided, further, that if the victim is under 13 years of age, this exception does not apply.”

So yes, the person selling sex is already 16, and gay and bisexual men who like young children can say that the law is on their side (i.e. the child is already “of legal age”).

Please note that exceptions are only made for teenage couples, as long as the age difference is no more than three years and the sexual activity is consensual.

RA 11648 also amended Article 337 or “qualified seduction” of the Revised Penal Code. And it now reads:

“The seduction of a minor aged 16 or over but under 18, committed by a person in a public authority, priest, housekeeper, housekeeper, guardian, teacher or a person charged in any capacity with the education or guardianship of the seduced minor, shall be punishable by prison correctional in the minimum and medium periods.”

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So yeah with himillegal what’s new (what you are doing is illegal).

And besides, it is morally reprehensible.

Too many LGBTQIA people have faced abuses such as nilublob sa drum (drowning in a drum filled with water), paintings on their guard (put in a bag), and yes, ginahasa ng mas matanda (abused by someone older) And now that we are the older people, why do you choose to abuse?

I will do it (So ​​please): Help the minor by choosing not to abuse him, and speak out against those who – even though they know better – still choose to abuse him. Mga salot sa lipunan e mantsa sa LGBTQIA community (These are plagues in society and stains on the LGBTQIA community).

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