Chinese police chief urges ‘new chapter’ in security cooperation on Pacific islands

Chinese Public Security Minister Wang Xiaohong on Wednesday called for a “new chapter” in law enforcement cooperation with Pacific Island States amid broader efforts by Beijing to strengthen security ties in the region and assert its leadership in global security governance.

Speaking at a forum on cooperation between Pacific Island police and China in the southeastern city of Fuzhou, Wang said China is willing to set up a “more professional” law enforcement team to ensure “high-level security guarantees” and achieve “lasting security” in the region.

According to state news agency Xinhua, Wang called on China and the Pacific island states to open a “new chapter of mutually beneficial law enforcement and security cooperation“to help build a “closer community with a shared future.”

“China is willing to work with all parties to focus on establishing friendlier cooperative relations, adopting more efficient forms of cooperation and building a more professional law enforcement team,” he said in his speech at the Third Ministerial Dialogue on Police Capacity Building.

Wang’s comments come after Australia, one of China’s rivals for influence in the region, scored diplomatic points by securing the support of Pacific Island leaders to the tune of AUD 400 million (US$ 266.3 million) Pacific Police Initiative during a summit in Tonga last month.

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