new stages, folk culture and Rosalía fireworks show

From September 20 to 24, Barcelona celebrates its iconic La Mercè Festivalthe city ‘festive big’, with a programme of 130 concerts, 54 folk culture performances and 80 street art shows.

The people of Barcelona can enjoy a fantastic program, spread over 23 stages and locations in seven different districts of the city. Casablanca is the host city of the festival, which gives it a Moroccan touch.

New locations, such as the Olympic Port and Nova Icària beach, have been added to the programme this year as part of the Regatta Cultural, which is linked to the America’s Cup sailing competition.

In addition, Parc de la Trinitat is back as a location for activities, meaning that La Mercè will once again visit every corner of Barcelona this year.

The festival’s traditional fireworks display set to music will return once again, this year with a special touch from one of the best musicians ever to come from Catalonia, Rosary.

For the full festival programme, please visit the La Mercè website here.

Major events, such as concerts and fireworks, during La Mercè are free to attend.


La Mercè always has a wide range of music on offer, with different styles that you can listen to in different locations around the city.

This year, a total of 130 different concerts will be offered free of charge as part of La Mercè, spread over five days.

Jazz swing band Kaleidoscope

At the Antiga Fàbrica de Estrella Damm you can enjoy an eclectic mix of indie, techno, jazz and DJ sets.

Other locations where music performances will take place this weekend are Plaça Catalunya, Plaça Reial, Recinto Fabra i Coats, La Rambla del Raval, Teatre Grec, Carrer Menéndez Pelayo, Bogatell Beach, Jardines del Doctor Pla i Armengol, Plaça Sant Jaume, Plaça Major de Nou Barris and Ciutadella Park.

Performing Arts (MAC)

La Mercè’s Performing Arts Programme (MAC) is always one of the most anticipated events in Barcelona. ‘festive big’, always a fantastic program with local and international talent.


Theatre, dance, circus, visual arts and much more take to the streets, squares and parks of Barcelona as part of La Mercè’s street art segment.

This year there will be 300 performances by 75 different companies, all at 7 locations.


The castle of Montjuïc becomes the epicentre of contemporary European circus for the festival.

In the Olympic Port, a new location for La Mercè this year, Cristina Cazorla will be hosting family friendly and large-scale shows. On the beach of Nova Icària, Teatres de Campanya – Interference 01, by Marc Salicrú, an experimental proposal, will take place.


More shows will be available throughout the long weekend at the Estació del Nord park, Parc de la Trinitat, Palauet Albéniz and Parc de l’Aquéducte de Ciutat Meridiana.

Folk culture

Popular culture has always played a central role in La Mercè, with Plaça de Sant Jaume as the epicentre of the most traditional activities.

Traditional Catalan giants, known as ‘gants’, will parade down La Rambla and head to Plaça de Sant Jaume to open the festivities.

The ‘correfoc’ firewalk also returns to Passeig de Gràcia on Saturday evening, with fire, light and music performed by dancing devils and fiery beasts.

The morning and early afternoon of Sunday 22 September is an event not to be missed in Plaça de Sant Jaume, when the ‘castle growers’ crews of human towers amaze the audience with another festival highlight and a jewel of Catalan culture. The Castellers de Barcelona, ​​​​Minyons de Terrassa and Colla Jove dels Xiquets de Tarragona will perform on the day full of excitement.

Rosalía fireworks

One of the biggest surprises the festival organizers have in store for the public this year will leave us waiting until the very last moment.

After last year’s success collaboration with Sónar for the musical fireworks show that closes the festival, known as the ‘pyro musical’the “pyro-musical”, this year none other than Catalan will be the curtain raiser. superstar Rosalía.

The singer herself has chosen the music that will accompany the fireworks in the city’s sky to close the festival. It is a gift from Rosalía to Barcelona and will be seen on the evening of the 24th, just a few hours before she celebrates her 32nd birthday.

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