Looking for ThinkPad recommendations for college: Need power for coding, music production, and light gaming on an $800 budget

Looking for ThinkPad recommendations for college: Need power for coding, music production, and light gaming on an $800 budget

When I was seven, my dad introduced me to what we affectionately call the “ThinkPad Mafia.” ThinkPads have been my constant companions ever since. Now that I’m in college, I’ve exclusively used older ThinkPad models and am looking for a recommendation from this community. I need a ThinkPad that’s powerful enough for coding, music production, and some light gaming. While I understand that ThinkPads are primarily designed for work and productivity — qualities I greatly value — I also game occasionally. I’m not into anything too intense like Cyberpunk 2077, but I do enjoy games like Far Cry New Dawn and Project CARS. Given my $800 budget, I’m wondering if a model like the E16 would suit my needs. The X1 Carbon is out of my budget, and most ThinkPads don’t have dedicated GPUs, which is a concern for gaming. I’d love to hear your recommendations for a ThinkPad that balances performance with my budget constraints.

submitted by /u/tohightotakedrugs
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