Diversity Watch (September 12, 2024)

Diversity Watch (September 12, 2024)

DiversityWatch Image #22: Watching Diversity Destroy Another Civilization


  • Donald Trump wins another Georgia criminal case, judge drops two charges

    Apparently, lawfare has reached some limits. The great Democratic hope for election fraud will have to take a different path.

  • US imposes sanctions on Venezuelan officials over ‘election fraud’

    Are we already learning about elections, diversity and left-wing people?

  • Gen Z Politics and Media Followers Lean Into Kamala Harris, Survey Finds

    The TV zombies have become iPhone zombies. Everyone has ignored the propaganda and advertising.

  • German state bans Islamic center over alleged ties to Hamas

    There is a fifth column running among you and yet you can do nothing because of the laws that protect ‘equality’.

  • Australia’s latest censorship law threatens hefty fines for online ‘misinformation’

    The state only wants its propaganda to be seen. Remember, they killed Socrates because he had “ruined” the “morals” of the students.

  • North Dakota judge overturns state’s abortion ban, says women have ‘fundamental right’

    The fight for civil rights flares up over the defense of casual sex.

  • Why are there so many migrants in care in England?

    If you leave white people out of the equation, they all flee to office jobs where they are bored by meetings that should really be held by email.

  • Family of Sikh man speaks out against Toronto hospital after beard is shaved off

    Each diversity group has its own rules and the costs are passed on to the consumers.

  • Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire – it’s a sign the markets are broken

    The usual deception. High costs of taxes, regulation and diversity have excluded all but large corporate entities from most profit sectors.

  • Republicans favor retaking Senate as key shifts favor GOP

    The GOP establishment wants this outcome because it means they can continue to raise money without doing anything.

  • Many Canadians believe the country’s two major political parties have moved to the margins: research

    The left has gotten everything it wanted and is still not satisfied, so it is pushing for full communism, which everyone is resisting.

  • Gallup analysis shows young women increasingly identify as liberal

    People who depend on jobs and have no family structure often become good companions. Do you understand the demand for more casual sex, and therefore more broken homes?

  • EU could cut funding to German state of Thuringia if AfD forms government

    The bureaucracy defends itself against people who want alternatives.

  • Teenage boys who undergo hormone therapy to induce female puberty can participate in girls’ sports, Judge Obama rules

    The state law has again been overturned by 14A.

  • California has dramatically improved air quality, but racial disparities remain

    There are calls for new subsidies because minorities in the inner city are more exposed to car exhaust fumes.

  • Dedollarization: How the West is Boosting the Chinese Yuan

    We wonder whether the Chinese would operate differently if they were running our political system.

  • Two Black women could make history in the U.S. Senate this election. But they’re striving to make a difference

    More quota people want power in government.

  • From Chinese to Italians and beyond, denigrating a culture through its food is an age-old American habit

    Left-wing people want you to give up your own culture and eat pets.

  • Company says Kamala Harris’ debate earrings look strikingly similar to its Bluetooth device, offers to make them for Trump too

    Maybe she’s just a frontend for ChatGPT, programmed with DailyKos headlines.

  • Germany: 7 suspects arrested for gang rape of 18-year-old girl, Iraqis and Syrians among suspects

    The West has fought for centuries to get rid of people who engage in such activities, but now they are returning to normal.

  • 59 DEI jobs cut, $17 million saved after UNC System closes 17 DEI offices across the state

    It’s funny how education has become so expensive after PC and DEI took over.

  • When Germany labels Jewish artists as anti-Semitic

    In an attempt to protect diversity, Germany cracked down on “anti-Semitic” artists, only to discover that many of them were Jews who hated themselves.

  • Is this the end of Schengen?

    Germany agrees to Brexit because of immigration crisis.

  • GOP Rep. David Van Orden says his Wisconsin hometown is ‘terrified’ after Venezuelan gang member’s violent crime spree

    The US turned itself into an open-air prison by leaving its borders unguarded. The Trump Wall now looks cheap and sensible by comparison.

  • How does Ethiopia remember Haile Selassie?

    An African nationalist leader promoted his people and served with honor.

  • Trump declined to say whether he would veto a national ban, even as abortion remains a top campaign issue

    He should veto such a decision and return power to the States, as the Supreme Court has ruled.

  • Department of Homeland Security Designates January 6, 2025 as a ‘National Special Security Event’

    We’re not heading towards a dictatorship, are we?

  • GOP Sen. Mitt Romney praises Kamala Harris’ debate performance: ‘Intelligent, capable person’

    All those dwarves who are poisonous to the right are praising the new candidate of the establishment!

  • The brutal murder of UCLA student Brianna Kupfer was recorded by a madman who stabbed her 46 times after he was ‘pursuing a woman alone’: prosecutors

    Black incels are making headlines. Maybe we’ve finally reached Equality Utopia.

  • Trump’s message of American decline resonates with key voters

    People have finally realized that everything that has happened since Clinton’s overthrow of the WASPs has been a disaster.

  • The scientific establishment turns ‘science’ into a dogmatic instrument of oppression

    Science has been censored by the PC and is now an official mouthpiece for Democratic Lysenkoism.

  • Iran turns to Hells Angels and other criminal gangs to tackle critics

    Thanks to diversity, conflicts in the world are fought out among themselves.

  • By predicting what the Earth will look like in 1,000 years, we can facilitate the search for advanced civilizations.

    A truly advanced civilization has less mundane technology and fewer people.

  • Moscow removes defense-funded statue of Nelson Mandela

    Putin, who is in favor of diversity, continues to promote left-wing dogmas.

  • Toronto Police Charge Man Who Shouted Racist Insults at Black People

    Asian man charged with ‘hate crime’.

  • An Ohio town reshaped by Haitian immigrants finds itself in an unwelcome spotlight

    Aside from pathological racial guilt, there was no “need” to “reform” any part of America.

  • Court of Appeal quashes convictions for crimes of 12 suspects from January 6

    Convictions for “obstructing an official proceeding” were interpreted too broadly and would criminalize most dissenting opinions, the court ruled.

  • The gender pay gap has widened for the first time in twenty years

    Hispanic women and young women are getting lower-paying jobs.

  • Haitian families in Ohio under fire for racist comments

    Many families are starting to leave, they say, which gives us a framework for a national program to identify and complain about diversity deficiencies. This is a way to affirm a national culture in our tradition instead.



Tags: diversitywatch, news

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