Colleagues complete Tough Mudder challenge for Safe and Sound

A group of colleagues from the Midlands have completed a 15km Tough Mudder challenge, raising almost £1,200 for Derbyshire’s anti-child exploitation charity, Safe and Sound.

The seven-strong team from Hydro-X Water Treatment Ltd’s central sales team gathered for the tough challenge in Birmingham, working together to complete a series of 20 obstacles.

Account Manager Mark Judson, who lives in Burton-on-Trent and nominated the charity for the fundraising event, explained: “I’m a keen runner so I enjoyed that part, but some of the obstacles were particularly tricky – especially the ones where you got electric shocks!

“Overall it was a lot of fun and really brought us all closer together. We called on everyone’s individual strengths to overcome the obstacles, which ranged from crawling through mud to diving into an ice bath.

“I have supported Safe and Sound before and am very proud of all my colleagues who raised a very decent amount for a very worthy local charity.

“I would like to thank Hydro-X for supporting this fantastic charity and organising the event for us, and also my teammates Ben, Wes, Scott, Ani, Chris and Antony for making it an unforgettable experience.”

Tracy Harrison is Director of Safe and Sound, an organisation that supports children, young people and families affected by child exploitation including online grooming, sexual exploitation, County Lines, human trafficking, modern slavery and radicalisation.

She said: “The Hydro-X team did a fantastic job raising sponsorship money and then completing this gruelling course.

“Our own challenges often focus on pushing people beyond their comfort zone and this certainly fits that mission, so congratulations to the entire team.”

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